Is water a symbol of the white supremacy?

Is water a symbol of the white supremacy?

Yes bump

This is a military thing, I still drink water out of a gallon jug

It's a /fit/ thing, too. Makes it easier to guarantee you're getting enough fluids.

this picture is really old

Army jacket, acu back pack.... this is the type if vet I can't stand.

its not a military thing nigger, it's the exact amount you're "supposed" to drink daily which is why people carry them around

yeah plastic isn't good glass bottle would be better no fake hormones

you are just drinking your own spit, gymcucks

oh no what will i do if my own saliva gets into my mouth

Whats the official black supremacy drink Sup Forums


lean drank

its racist not to add koolaid to your gallon

clean water = white privilege

>drink water
Muhh thats racist fuck white supremacy

>1 post by this id
You fucks are getting paid to shit post huh

I never saw anyone do this until I joined the Muhreens, I think the only other people who really do this are gymbros

newfags run this board


the /fit/ thing is SS + GOMAD

you put it in mine :3

I drink out of a gallon jug at home, but I'd never carry one around in public.

Then again this guy's in college apparently. People go to class in fucking pajamas, so who cares?

post your jugs bois

As a vet myself, i can easily say that this kid is a faggot. If the military is so important to your identity you shoukd just fucking stay in.

Also, excesive hydration is bad and flushes your system of minerals.

Inb4 typos


>just drinking out of a jug
the Chad thirst quench

made in the usa

Do Americans really have to write these shitty little corporate quips to fulfill the most basic of human functions? Toppest fucking kek.

Look at those skinny bird legs. He looks like a ROTC cadet at most.


What is wrong with drinking water?
How come blacks don't know how important it is? Aren't they the ones experiencing cotton mouth 24/7 from all the drugs they take?
>you better not tell me that nigs don't ever drink water even if they desperately need to

Purple drank

Grape slurpee

>poster is memeflag UN
It looks like something a woman would do, they're autistic about motivational shit

Pathetic. If you can't finish a jug in under an hour something is wrong with you.

homie i drink a gallon of water between 3 and 10 pm every day. 4x full deli quarts. kitchen's hot, bro.

ps i got electrolyte tabs, too. GOML

Truly the Chad way to drink water collegiate wrestlers have to drink a shit ton of water like that to help weight cutting in season too. Drinking out of a gallon jug of water is the last stand of implicit white identity.

Started doing it myself. Saves more money than buying a case of bottled water or 1L bottles at the store.

I dunno, grapejuice?

You arent supposed to fill it with soy.

By the gods, everybody sure is judgmental about everything nowadays.


Piss in a water bottle

I guess he should have put kool aid in it