this guy (LL !!ulpUjXBdACL) has been posting video responses in various threads. now he's calling out Sup Forums to do the same.
This guy (LL !!ulpUjXBdACL) has been posting video responses in various threads...
Who is this jew and why does he want us to expose ourselves?
good try mossad
>this goes for white in america
What is it?
My peenus weenus of course
My peenus
My weeeenus
Am I a Jew or a Poo in loo?
let's play guess the mongrel
great idea if anyone on this board had any balls
Those eyes and that hair don’t lie, Mizrahi.
didn't watch
If anyone does this you deserve to have your life ruined by buzzfeed.
Ya want a response. Heres mine
I thought I was a jew for a while too.
Listen, ok, coins is way better than this mongrel fag.
this is a liberal psyop to force Sup Forums users out in the open where they can be discredited and blacklisted from ever being able to get a job.
Dude the room your in, Sounds and smells like an "OP" Why are you trying to get people to reveal themselves. This is an anonymous board for a reason.
This. He's a normal Sup Forumslock like us that just happens to have a green screen for his videos that he makes only here nothing weird about that goyim.
exactly, look at the way the guy looks.
newsflash, if you dress that like and don't live in nyc you're a faggot and don't belong here
This is some new level of tripfaggotry and attention whoring combined
>fixing pseudoanonimous imageboard with volunteer self-doxxing.
>expect others to do just the same and ruin the very foundation of that board
Go be fat somewhere else.
If its so great I expect you to do it. But I will not.
He is basically a Wayne Lambright-tier faggot.
> We can't bash the fash if we can't find them!!!! Dox yourself, plz! Also, subscribe and hit the like button to give me shekels!
>1 subscriber
This guy clearly works for someone
If you really aren't afraid give us your real full name and a way to verify identity like a facebook or twitter or anything.
Go be attention whore somewhere else, you faggot. Don't bother yourself to record a video for me.
Also this
Nah, self-employeed
CIA employed you say?
now fuck off and neckyouself for trying to be eceleb.
Fuck you, i too busy eating my onions, you fart
Fuck this guy. He's a fucking retard.
Fuck this retard.
This is Sup Forums. If you want to make videos stick to Jewtube you fucking shill kike retard.
Fuck off, faggot, go to /soc/ if you want to show your mongrel face.
How does posting our face on this board fix shit? You know thousands of people visit Sup Forums daily?
tripfagging AND making videos? the absloute state of this board.
He's a self promoting retard faggot. Anons do not try and self promote. We enjoy the anonymity to say what we feel without having it disrupt or destroy our lives.
Anyone who suggest he has any kind of a good idea is not acting in the spirit of the board, or in good faith with fellow anons. If you do not understand why it is important to maintain anonymity, you have nothing important or "dangerous" to say.
bro, your hair and the designer glasses and just like primpy look
you literally talk like a liberal presentator where you're leading a conversation
this isnt a social place
its a discussion board
we are not here for you in even the smallest amount you could ever conceive
Hey, I recognized you!
You're that guy who posted here advocating forr killing the Jews and Niggers. This is such a brave move to come out with being a full nazi.
clearly a set up you dumb cunt. You're a nobody who randomly has a room made for cam videos. You're a shill or someone trying to get fame like that fag sam hyde, at least he has some talent due to his autism. Also, you're not white.
the thing is you're only complaining about the board without providing any substantial solutions. The point of Sup Forums is anonimity so idk why you think that posting our faces for the sake of it is going to do anything. AFAIK you haven't voiced your political views yet. If you're not a pro-white nationalism mutt kys
I have no balls though
don't h8 me cuz uu aint me
Holy shit another fag who doesn't understand how Sup Forums works or even why it exists.
These videos are the solution.
Like a shittier version of Coins.
heheheheheh fuckin nerd
Been here since 07 faggot
Not saying EVERYONE has to drop their anonymity. But SOME of us need to.
Read about the Dutroux affair and Franklin scandal. Open your eyes to the corruption.
Oh, and some important data for you op from some wise user. Peepee is stored in the balls.
Stop being a fucking whore. Do you really not understand the point of anonymity in a discussion or are you actually trying to make people dumber?
Who is this "us" to whom you are referring?
How about go fuck yourself nigger.
Nice try FBI
the one thing thats going to make us trust you is if you make a video advocating for some anti kike or anti nigger idea.
if you want identities go to a forum or reddit. this is Sup Forums.
We have autism you dumbass, we can't talk on a video. kys normie
>brown eyes
Fuck off Jew
>Been here since 07
>Thinks establishing a hierarchy among posters is condusive to free speech.
No I can safely assume you've never been here before now or you would know this already.
Almost said the Russians. Fucking love you man. Actually there are Russian shills here. There are also lone wolf shills and shills hired by neolib NGOs. We live in a propaganda war friend.
Read Dutroux affair and Franklin scandal. Open your eyes to how bad the corruption is, LL.
>Wanting to turn an anonymous message board into Youtube response videos
Holy fuck this is the worst idea possible. I can't stomach those types of videos even from the few Youtubers I watch regularly because they're always shit, even if you're right in the argument this kind of video is shit. If you want to have a debate, fucking have it face to face.
great idea OP
pic realated is me i dont have camra its 2 expensiv
You have to prove that you're a nazi to be able to win the hearts of anons! Say "Gas the kikes, race war now" in your video. Thats how you can prove that you're /ourguy/
but seriously the vast majority of us are socially awkward to some degree.
right. might as well turn the site into reddit with reputation points & forced usernames/trips. This option would be way better than making shit videos nobody will watch.
kek keep em coming this is a good meme
there was another guy making video responses in threads too but he didn't show his face just a voice over
Friendly reminder to Mossad, that I have nothing bad to say about Israel. Except that the Star of David is Moloch worship. And you guys should weed out the Moloch worshipers in your mix.
Better yet, he should name the specific jews to be gassed, and call on all patriots to act. This way he can witness what will happen to anyone that takes "his" idea and runs with it.
Cause Sup Forums the way it is sure is great my man
You ain't right friend.
Watch Conspiracy of Silence on YouTube. Soon YouTube will probably ban it. It is a doc about the franklin scandal. Elite pedophile rings exist.
Lol no one is going to talk by video, you are genuinely stupid if you think this will happen.
You're just wasting your time and you will get ignored over time. You talk like a retard also brah
He ain't your friend pal.
Just had to do it.
>Admits anonymity is the whole purpose of the board
>Puts a Q at the end of the video title
Oh look guys I found the shill. I have thought about it but it's clear you haven't.
>stand up and say it with their face on it
>cos that's you know-*weasels away from reasoning*
What a fucking faggot sort yourself out if you want to make a video
>tfw a literal mossad agent wants borderline autistic Sup Forumsniggers to reveal their faces on camera to "improve discussion"
I'm not your goytoy, Rabbi
Coins is better than this fag. Any Coins (aka maximilianmus) fans in this thred
nobody will trust you until you call for mass murder of jews or specific jews, niggers, or whatever the fuck. you havent said anything political yet.
>Post your face because that's the only way we can take your opinion seriously
>I like anonymity
Arab or very diluted poo.
He's great at getting (you's)
>good meme
Why do you need to show your face? just use
You're a good man user, while I'm not sure that it will fix the board I respect you for taking a step in the right direction and putting your face out there to a bunch of cynical autists.
If I was as attractive as you and didn't live in student accommodation where I don't want to reveal my powerlevel to 5 flatmates I'd certainly join you.
Very good points made user. But dont forget how vital dissent is for this boards as well as anonymity. Both are crucial and key for the success of this board.
This form of public anonyme dissent has become really rare this days and should be valued imho.
Hey, I am not your pal buddy
>He's great at getting (you's)
that's the only reason he's doing it there was a guy attempting this the other day and is still going
whatever you are, you are not white and you are a sub human fuck, please turn on your kitchen oven and crawl into it faggot kike
Anonymity is the whole reason this board exists. With identities people are pushed to agree with the masses and go with the accepted opinion instead of searching for the truth without giving a shit what others think.
I agree with other anons. This is clearly a failed attempt at getting people to self-doxx on an anonymous image board. Or its bait for lulz.
small souled bugman
>mfw /soc/ thread in Sup Forums
checked, and lulz
>How to (((fix))) Sup Forums
You can't abuse anonymity, idiot. Your ideas have to stand on their own, not on who the poster is. That's the great thing about this board. If a genius posts something shitty, it's ignored or insulted. If a retard post something brilliant, it's praised and reposted, and the idea spreads.
What you're trying to do is circumvent this. You don't want your ideas to stand on their own. Probably because you know your ideas are shit.