Neanderthal thread ... keep it going, guys!
The drunk geneticist will answer questions...
Neanderthal thread ... keep it going, guys!
The drunk geneticist will answer questions...
old thread (hope link works)
I use to think homohildenbergensis (sp) was a proton Neanderthal but with the 3 skulls found in Madrid in a early human cave as they dug deeper and deeper turns out homo Holden genesis was occupying the cave which makes me wonder,,....
what info do we have on archaic/Proto Neanderthals
I think not that much unfortunately. Seems there is a huge gap in fossil finds between Heidelbergensis and the "true" Neanderthal. Dunno why ... small population? Some factor preventing the conservation of fossils? Archeologists having just plain bad luck?
oh, you're drunk now
saw you earlier kek
I usually am that late at night! Cheers! Helps me sleep and not think about the next day and my shitty job in the lab...
Btw Neanderthal genes make you more prone for depression and addictive behaviour ... well shit ...
Is it true that Neanderthals had a 1600cm^3 cranium on average ?
Yep, brains were quite huge. They also had different architecture ... more shifted to the occipital lobe in the back of the skull. Meaning most likely more visual processing capabilities. MAY have made them smarter in certain ways since it may have helped with visualizing things through their mind's eye ... an important skill for complex thinking. This has not been conclusively proven howerver... but I like the idea.
You believe out of Africa then? Seems to me Neanderthal separated from archaic humans a looooong time ago.
Explains my pronounced brow and alcoholism.
fuck them, what's your take on the jewish question, osterbro?
I generally consider Afroasiatic (Semitic) genes inferior. Arabs, jews, mostly the same. Western jews have quite a bit of European genes though, explains their success (cannot deny that they have produced some really good scientists like Fritz Haber or Oppenheimer). Also, the Jewish tendency to marry within their own group coupled with selection pressure (they were usually forbidden to do "normal" jobs in Europe) may have propagated increased mental capcity (together with a tendency for herdeditary diseases, inbreeding is not that great after all). I would not consider Western jews that much smarter than Europeans but quite superior to other Arab people.
H. erectus most likely radiated from Africa. Those that crossed over from Africa diversified into many different subspecies. Neanderthals were the most advanced one. Those H. erectus who stayed in Africa developed into the original H. sapiens. Some of them again crossed over to the Near East, intermixed with Neanderthals ... and these hybrids are our ancestors while the Africans are still ... well, how to put that ... more "ancestral". See, I can be nice and still be racist.
How far is the research into killer viruses that select for certain ethnic properties like black skin, unibrow or low IQ?
Does this mean that white people are actually a other race?
See, there are some jews that I would respect. If they are genetically far enough away from their Afroasiatic-Arab roots I generally expect them to have a certain mental capacity. What really puts me off, however, is when a person who is mentally capable still sticks to a culture and religion which is deep in its core a backwards Semitic load of crap living under the impression of being some kind of chosen people. Regarding this aspect I am strongly on the side of Nietzsche (do not like all of his teachings but the man had some accurate ideas).
Else, Judaism is like Islam ... backward philosophy coupled with the arrogance of being convinced to be the chosen creatures of some arbitrary bloodthirsty God) ... the only difference being that Islam's strategy is violence while the jew's strategy is subterfuge.
Do you believe Genetics has an Impact on culture or Habit?
What about denisovan DNA?
Could they have literally been the -1% face?
Did someone already mention that having a bulge at the back of your head indicates Neanderthal ancestry?
>a bunch of people are now touching their heads
You must be really pissed off when you meet intelligent people defending creationist fairy tales then?
It would be easier to target Duffy -ve populations: that seems to be what HIV & hemorrhagic fevers do.
Closer than we both may think. Read this:
Targeted deletion of an entire chromosome using CRISPR. You know about Y-DNA haplogroups? Y-chromosomes have characteristic mutations which you may approximately use to define populations (race if you prefer the word). Package the machinery for CRISPR into a viral vector, choose a certain Y-chromosome variant as a target and release it. Best if it targets the cells producing sperm. Theoretically you may sterilize whole populations without them noticing before it is too late. Yes, this is quite unrealistic today, there would be too many problems to overcome. But in ten or twenty years? Who may know ... bioterrorism will be the greatest threat to humanity in the future, not the bomb, not climate change ... viruses of our own making.
Compared to Africans we may be considered a sub-race. We are still able to procreate with Africans and produce viable and fertile offspring (moral implications nonwithstanding) so we are not a separate race per se.
Ok, real question.
This mixing of Neanderthal and Homo S., how did that happen? Male Neanderthal raping Homo S. lady? Male Homo S. raping Neanderthal lady? Race mixing group sex near the campfire while feasting on Mammuth?
What is known?
>>a bunch of people are now touching their heads
Fuck you
I know Israeli's are quite far in this matter at the moment. And they will not publish...
Well, Earth is near total overpopulation so maybe some culling might help.
Whys he carrying a turd in his hand?
Yes in fact I am quite convinced that genetics have a great impact on behaviour. We are currently researching the tip of the iceberg but there have already been genes identified which have a strong effect on behaviour ... mostly its slight variations in a gene which have quite a big effect. A variant of the dopamine receptor (DRD4-7R) makes people more curious, more adventurous but also prone to depression and addictive behaviour. It also correlates with ADHD. It MAY be inherited from Neanderthals btw. There are other genes which come to mind, mutations in Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) may make you antisocial (the so-called "warrior gene"). But again ... tip of the iceberg.
Not really as long as they do not try to force it on me. I have figured that some people need their fairy tales ... as long as they keep them to themselves I am ok with that. Really arguing with them is a waste of time anyway, both theirs and mine. I know religous people and many of them I respect even if I do not share their belief that there is a God. I'd rather deal with a smart believer than with a dumb atheist.
What this means is that technically anybody on the planet without neanderthal admixture is a separate sub-species humanoid in comparison to those who do have it.
Why do they always make them look like white men? We know how much race can influence appearance and yet they were a entirely different species! Once again this is more anti-white horseshit from agenda driven (((scientists))).
Unfortunately ... nothing. Really, I do not think we may EVER find out. People were kind of the same as they are today ... sometimes nice and compassionate, most of the times mean and violent. There have been archeological finds strongly indicating violence between H. sapiens and Neanderthals. Afaik in hunter-gatherer societies it was common practice for women to leave their family and mix with men from another hunter-gatherer group ... most likely was the same with Neanderthals. This helped prevent incest. A preference for incestous marriage mostly developed with the first agriculture to increase land ownership through marriage (or to keep land in the family).
Maybe H. sapiens considered the Neanderthals just another group of maybe a little strange looking but still fuckable people.
>Compared to Africans we may be considered a sub-race
Wut? Homo Sapiens attacked, raped, murdered and cannibalized neanderthals when they came across them. Neanderthals were the ones who buried their dead, took care of the elderly and children. Neanderthal admixture is what gives all other races their mental sharpness and you actually have the wherewithal to consider non-Africans of today as a sub-race? Logically, they would be the sub-race, Austriaanon.
because they lived in Europe during the ice age
Which ethnic group has the highest neanderthal admixture
people from Tuscany. fucking google it.
Genetically it seems that they were the same as H. sapiens when it came to skin color ... huge variation! Some were darker, others lighter, skin color evolves rather quickly according to the amount of sun a population is subjected to. It is a rather bad proxy for race realism. Okay, there are some studies which implicate that melanin has an influence on aggressive behaviour but I think there are more important genes than that and aggression is not always negative. Smart and aggressive may be dangerous but at the core I think it is exactly what defines us as Europeans (at least in the past, we have started to degenerate too...).
>mostly its slight variations in a gene which have quite a big effect. A variant of the dopamine receptor (DRD4-7R) makes people more curious, more adventurous
Very interesting. I wonder if it would be possible to use snips of different races to see which of genes are more prominent in certain races. Now that I think about it, I don't really see depressed black people.
>of the
I'm not bullshitting though.
Nordicist called it the Aryan knot, so maybe this isn't all that new.
do you think we'll ever get to edit our germline genes? It would be cool if you could make sure your kid gets certain desirable traits
This guy digging in Gorman's Cave in Gibraltar, he says somewhere in his blog that the the different layers in this cave consist of sand that is blown in by the wind.
His blog:
The seventh photo on this page shows the sieves with gravel that couldn't pass the sieve on top. Can this be blown in by the wind?
Or is it more likely that Neanderthal families covered the floor of the cave with new material to start the new season, or like cleaning up?
Would make them quite good homemakers methinks. And more "civilised" perhaps?
What you think on this?
Sub-race was of course not meant concerning their evolutionary standing compared to the more primitive baseline H. sapiens. But we still have more H. sapiens DNA than Neanderthal DNA due to many reasons so yeah ... their heritage lives on in us and sure has a huge impact but phylogenetically we are the sub-race since H. sapiens forms the baseline ... mind you, sub-race, not sub-humans! ;)
Checking these all including my own.
Reading that post made me touch the back of my head.
Yes, depression IS less prevalent in people of African ancestry. There are publications on this topic. Too tired to google them right now though but you are sure able to find them yourselves...
Nature usually has a price attached to every innovation ... life is one glorious stop-gap measure.
They are among us.
holy fug, checkled
Found a good paper:
Ancient human genomes suggest three ancestral populations for present-day Europeans
We sequenced the genomes of a ~7,000-year-old farmer from Germany and eight ~8,000-year-old hunter-gatherers from Luxembourg and Sweden. We analysed these and other ancient genomes (1–4) with 2,345 contemporary humans to show that most present-day Europeans derive from at least three highly differentiated populations: west Euro-pean hunter-gatherers, who contributed ancestry to all Europeans but not to Near Easterners; ancient north Eurasians related to Upper Palaeolithic Siberians (3), who contributed to both Europeans and Near Easterners; and early European farmers, who were mainly of Near Eastern origin but also harboured west European hunter-gatherer related ancestry.We model these populations’ deep relationships and show that early European farmers had 44% ancestry from a ‘basal Eurasian’ population that split before the diversification of other non-African lineages.
any interesting tidbits on cromagnons? I have location bias towards them
Well explained, user. I stand corrected. Thanks for clearing that up.
i did have this thought, and my wife thought it was a stretch, but.......
>black people were the first to commit genocide, and wiped out an entire species of people
wut u think
>jewgle it
Surely you mean duckduckgo it or are you a fag? FUCK YOU
And? Do you have it?
google is a verb
Can't really judge on that since I am no archeologist ... my opinion: archeologists are still somewhat biased on the cultural achievements of the Neanderthals. Wrong concepts are not easily replaced and the image of the "barely evolved savage" is still in many people's head. When somebody from the archeologist community states that Neanderthals had "advanced" culture the discussion usually soon turns ugly me thinks.
>targeting Duffy -ve
I LIKE your idea!! Do the United States still secretly maintain an active bioweapons program?
>germline gene editing
Yes, sure, but not with CRISPR ... that stuff is bullshit we try to get it running for a simple gene insertion in an established cell line (in a petri dish) ... and it DOES NOT FUCKING WORK! We only get the gene randomly inserted but never where it should be ... CRISPR just shits it all over the genome. Fucking shit now my urge to drink intensifies again! Frustrating as hell...
>black people were the first to commit genocide, and wiped out an entire species of people
I guess that makes us the rapebabies
It's got some technical holes in it, but it's hard to argue with. It'd be the Africans/Sub Saharan Africans though. Not so much blacks in general. Which is kind of interesting now that I think about it because of what's going on in South Africa.
Yes, yes I am.
>believing in Neanderthals
>believing in evolution
What are you doing with your life user, look for the Lord Jesus Christ for He wants none to perish in the lake of fire
That is a good one! Can only recommend...
I think the African "chimp out" is not just a derogatory meme. I mean, we are generally a very violent species especially when it comes to people outside our genetic peer group. Xenophobia runs in our blood and it evolutionarily makes sense on many levels.
My opinion: Africans are much more impulsive and impulsiveness may breed some really nasty group dynamics. Europeans are also capable of that but I would say we are simply slightly more controlled ... which may lead all other kinds of nasty anyhow. Impulsive aggression is bashing someone's head in with a blunt object ... rationalized aggression is constructing freaking a-bombs so you do not have to bash in a whole city's worth of heads. But hey, it also made us go to the moon! (inb4 fake moon landing, you guys stfu this is a semi-serious thread)
>Fucking shit now my urge to drink intensifies again!
Why were Neanderthals so much smarter than blacks? Does caucasoid mixing with Neanderthals explain the IQ discrepancy between modern whites/asians and blacks?
I am a mistake
Cheers mate! I am hitting the limit where I will sure have a terrible headache tomorrow during the lab meeting. That is gonna be fun!
And since we disinfect everything with copious amounts of 70% ethanol I will be breathing alcohol fumes for the rest of the day...
less abstract thinking, less idea of the perspectives of others, more lack of awareness and self-conciousness
Holy fug. You're not a mistake, user. You're far from that.
Yes in fact I think it may be a good explanation. Still ... we first need to identify what genes exactly Neanderthals have left in us (mostly done) and what these genes do exactly (that is gonna be the tricky part....).
Basque are the descendants of the original Neanderthal hybrids and speak the descendant of their language.
They have a very high percentage of Rh- blood too. Probably from the admixture
bit oldie by the standards of the field, which is exploding, especially in the last two years
as a general rule of thumb, any paper from more than two years ago is probably outdated or at least has been improved
looks like a jew.
Why that does look alright to me ... and think about it ... we still do not know which Neanderthal genes exactly are important and which are not. People may have much less and still have the "essentials". No worries there!
didn't people also fuck Denisovians who were apparently giant?
What did they imprint in us?
This may be a good theory. Never did 23andme on myself but my immune markers have been checked as I am in the bonemarrow donor database ... the result ... half Celt, half Basque! Still cannot explain where that Basque came from though but cannot trace my family back more than a handful of generations...
Fun fact: We tend to process words through the root-language we first learned. So, what would happen if a bunch of people who don't have a root-language word for abstract concepts like the past, future, imagining yourself in someone else's situation, honor, integrity, promises -- and the list goes on, came to live among those who didn't?
no, Basques are copper age Iberians(anatolian farmer + lots of western forager ancestry) who got enriched by some steppe related people(probably Bell Beaker related) who seem to have massacred their male population, given their very high amount of standard Iberian/west Euro R1b
Modern day Detroit.
There is no representational art found in Africa. Designs, yes. Crosshatching, circles, etc.
Stickmen on cave walls.
Something happened to art in France and Spain. Lascaux? Explosion of 3 dimensional thinking and representation. Minds at work, not just brains.
thats some weak shit
Ooga booga where dem sapiens wimminz at?
Often those disfigured in some way externally are more beautiful internally if they apply themselves in life.
FUG. I'm curious to see the skull shape of both of you anons.
what do you think of this? particularly his claim about the interpretation of it
I'm not gonna post my face, but I do not look like a stereotypical neanderthal at all.
>the only difference being that Islam's strategy is violence while the jew's strategy is subterfuge.
Bullshit. It's both. There's no difference to extremism. Both are subversive AND violent.
The common theme of twins in mythology leads back to modern homo sapiens and neandethal.
Esau, the twin of Jacob was named, name meant red haired and hairy. He was neanderthal. Esau was a farmer and his brother Jacob was a liar and a thief and shepherd, a wolf in sheeps clothing to be exact, he stole the land which belonged to Esau by lying to Abraham.
Esau went on to be the patron of the Edomites (Europeans) which explains why this is where the highest concentration of Neanderthal DNA is found.
kek looks normal
interesting. thanks for the repsonse.
post a profile shot and censor the face
Behold your true Neanderthal master.
damn ive been ousted