>White people get called crackers
They don't even bat an eye
>black people get called niggers
And they completely lose their shit
Why can't black people stomach being called niggers?
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They don't care either. They just play the victim card for muh gibs and to keep the white guilt fresh.
That's not true. Their feelings legitimately get hurt but you are correct they do also do it for gibs but their feelings still get butt hurt
Cracker isn't even an insult.
If anything, it's a compliment, because it's a reference to us cracking the whip across their backs.
Nigger hurts their feelings because they're forced the acknowledge their blatant inferiority.
if anything calling them niggers is to much of a compliment, we should just being calling them what they are. underdeveloped chimps.
They wear their pants hanging down which in prison is a sign you are gay and take it up the ass.
They don't know what they're doing. They never have.
>Why can't black people stomach being called niggers?
Because they're an infantile race that gets offended by words. Next question.
Yeah but it's only a word and they literally can't even stand it. The fact that they get so hurt over a word is just more proof of inferiority.
because they're indoctrinated to react to that word in a certain way depending on who says it
they weak minded. like mules. only good for physical labor.
why do they call niggers to each other all the time then?
Nigger is a funny word. They should embrace it.
It's not only black though, call a Mexican a spic and he also loses his shit and starts crying racism. Seems to be a mongrel thing
Most niggers are hypocrital.
They lose their shit if you put a chimp emoji in their comments.
Cultural psychological conditioning can be a bitch.
What pejorative do whites even get offended by?
Only things I can think of are racist, bigot, sexist, etc
and the only works on the numales trained from birth to be pathetic doormats
Insults are always poorly received when the underlying premise behind them is true.
The difference in intelligence.
The problem is not that they don't like it. The problem is that they immediately attack and this is somehow justifies their attack. Whoever attacks because they didn't like something said about them should be held accountable. That's the basis of free speech. This watering down already lead to us having no free speech.
The same reason fat people don't like being called fatty fat fat fat big fat fatty fat.
being called a nigger reminds them that they're black. Remembering their negroid history upsets them because they failed their women and children, allowing them to be raped and enslaved.
being called a cracker reminds me of being white. It makes me think of iced tea, revolvers, ranching, and bringing the hurt to negroes.
>Be Black
>Act like the toughest race around
>Cry like a bitch over words
The Nigger is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a thief, parasite, swindler, dindu, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Nigger and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Niggers are sweet. A gooey core of pure bitch masked by a thin veneer incivility. I've never met one who was resilient, courageous or very curious.
Because what degrades them is the fact that they are black. You don't have to call them any slur word, simply call them sub Saharan Africans and they will get even more angry at you.
I don't use the N word, nor the C word.
But that black crying dude is a bitch.
Because they are a lot like lefties. They have become a living meme. A "golem." Living memes don't know how to respond unless someone who is an "expert" tells them. The "experts" have been telling them to react violently and angrily. So, they react that way.
I propose a nigger test. If they can't handle being called nigger without reacting like an animal, they get sent back to Africa.
It's the Liberal mindset they have been installed with.They see the word nigger as a justification for violence and think everyone's going to crowd round them and applaud.Thus deflecting away from the real issues among there retarded race.
Because using the N-word gives all blacks legal permission to kill you, and no jury will convict them. Naturally, they will immediately try to kill you if you give them this permission, due to the black community's "FUCK YOU BITCH, BECAUSE I CAN" moral code.
Of course
>no jury will convict them
Citation needed. I am calling bullshit on this.
Truth hurts.
Their FUCK! im a phonefag today.
I’m white and you could call me a nigger lover all day long without getting me upset.
I don’t know why niggers get so upset about it but what’s the point in being a nigger if you can’t act like one?
Note: the controversy is about whether the victim actually did use the n-word or not; it's assumed that, if he did, then it was perfectly okay to kill him.
Holy shit. I bet the white guy couldn't have defended himself without it being a hate crime.
This is truly the darkest timeline
The same reason Tommy got annoyed when Billy Bats told him to go home and get his shinebox
>It reminds them of lame stuff that happened to their people in the past
>also victim points
>Why can't black people.....??
simple, user
follow this easy-to-read guide to understanding black people
because they can. It's a benefit that they have over whites that they can use words that whites aren't allowed to use.
Why do most of you run from the actual word? White people get called racist and they get so defensive they turn aggressive like a bunch of angry sub humans.
in a black person's mind THIS could be justified
"I've been found out" .jpg
You can be killed by a ghetto "youth" for looking at him. Their self esteem is off the charts high.
just gives them an excuse to chimp out and jump straight to violence and aggression, as usual.
>Be conditioned your entire life by other blacks to chimp out when someone who isn't black says nigger
>Never question the self fulfilling prophecy you willingly engage in
such is life for the black man
Being called a "nigger" by a white person is a stark reminder that their race is a complete failure. It also a calls attention to the fact that they are not quite human.
Welcome to Sup Forums.
Now get out.
>not teasing girls by calling them cunts playfully
lol, they fucking love it. its all about using taboo to your advantage.
It only hurts because they are niggers.
My wife can't climax until I call her "Daddy's litte cunt"....weird I know, but it works everytime.
>This watering down already lead to us having no free speech
VERY teue. I know at least one nigger that killed someone over the word and walked. Happened in Hawaii about 10 yrs agi.
Stop insulting chimps by comparing them to North American Pavement-apes.
lmao. it's a niggertrap.
damn, once you're on the floor you're done for!
> Everybody walk the Dinosaur
I there is a nigger in my workplace and he constantly plays his shitty nigger rap in his phone (where they say nigger in every sentence). Now I couldnt care less but ofcourse I keep my power level hidden so everytime I hear him listening to it I tell him its racist and he shouldnt listen to it.
>It's not only black though, call a Mexican a spic and he also loses his shit and starts crying racism. Seems to be a mongrel thing
It's called manipulation, dipshit. The nigger's philosophy is "the squeaky wheel gets the grease."
> A yo! Where's Joy Lane. Say Joy Lane.....
>your words do not affect people
>picture of himself crying
Shouldn't he post a picture of his stern face instead?
once they called me a monkey but I'm white
agreed. it reminds them they're at the bottom of the pecking order. they love to lie to themselves and think they're at the top. the word nigger reminds them of the truth.
Any chance to go haywire on whitey. If this word really effected them they wouldn't even call themselves niggers
hhhhmmmmm its almost like white people have some kind of intellectual superiority to not turn into a bitch over name calling.... weird....
It's culture combined with history.
Calling a white person a cracker is a backhanded compliment, albeit one that points out a past where they were doing the whipping.
Nigger on the other hand implies inferiority.
There's a new word for wypipo: cuckold.
Mexicans I've met (admittedly I'm from east KY don't know many nigs or spics) aren't nearly as thin skinned as niggers
The Nigger is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Nigger and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Kek. Copa pasta on point my negro
to degrade others therefore elevating their own position
I wonder who could be behind this post...
Lol dangerously underrated
Just like dogs are trained to sit on a vocal command the dindus have been trained to react in a hostile manner to the word nigger. They don't need to know what said word means, as long as they react properly to it
Imagine for a moment that you're black.
You've spent your entire life seeing evidence that your people are subjugated, inferior, the vestigial remnants of once useful tool for whites.
That alone would be enough to seriously fuck someone up and to protect yourself from the crushing horror of this fact you deny your evident inferiority. The media supports your delusion. Your ego relays on the bravado and denial of the reality of the black community.
Then along comes whitey. He calls you a nigger. What he's saying is "you're inferior to me, and I have nothing but contempt for you". And you know he's right. You know your people are fucking animals and that whites all look down on you, even the ones who claim to be on your side. Your forced to dig deeper into your delusion, what else can you do?
The nigger is immunized against no dangers: call him lazy, ungrateful, uppity, subhuman, thug, criminal, angry, dumb, poor, crackhead and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I must chimp out!”
>mfw my mom was a juror on a case where a nog killed a white guy for calling him a nigger
>mfw she's antiracist to this day
I remember that evil face.
>along comes whitey
Here I come, NIGGER!
I feel like there's a certain threshold of intelligence that grants you self-reflection and niggers just aren't making the cut
Yeah he was an evil stupid nigger whom I wished I could of watched die. Fucking sucks, he went out like a bitch nigger
Naturally not be a little bitch but simultaneously not be a faggot. You become better than them on both a material and moral level and whether or not they care for you should not be none of your concern.
>But they ALL do it
Of course they all don't but some will. If it's someone with economic or political power over you call it out and the media will easily make it well known, for their own sake.
Because they like to think they're people. They're not. They know in their hearts that they're not. They want desperately to be people though. They're like the younger brother that idolizes his older brother. When you call them nigger you're saying they're not people, and they'll never be people. THAT'S why it hurts them so much.
I wish you guys didn't always scare off black anons here by berating them with nigger so that we could get a straight answer for this from the SOURCE
I've never seen a black nig get called a nigger and not freak out and I always wonder why. Maybe you are correct. But I do know it hurts them deep inside and they may even cry about it behind closed doors, it's thst devastating to them
>black user gets the courage to come on Sup Forums
>immediately sees the word nigger
>exits Sup Forums
> Why can't black people stomach being called niggers?
They have been taught to see themselves as victims, even though they are the most privileged people to have ever lived throughout human history.
> Affirmative Action
> Equal Opportunity
> Etc.
To be hired, attain a scholarships, be admitted into prestigious universities, etc., simply because of what they are (Negroids), is nothing short of the privilege they accuse white people of having. The irony is that they cannot and will not allow themselves to even acknowledge its existence. Because of this, they'll continue being the lefts lackey as they've always been. Never progressing. Never attaining anything for themselves and instead, having to rely on others to continually hand it to them.
It's sad really. People like MLK or even Malcolm X would scoff at blacks today and would probably be ashamed to be identified within the same group as them.
Meanwhile, the white mans burden is a heavy burden indeed. Until the day comes where we, as a people, will no longer accept to be treated and discriminated against within our own societies. When that happens, it'll happen at once and will not be a pleasant sight for most to gaze upon.
Nice try nigger.
If they're not domesticated enough to not immediately start shitting their pants in anger while throttling the closest living over the world "nigger," they're not going to be able to communicate why it upsets them or why it's fine if they shout it at each other 24/7.
They're not that smart. They're feral animals and they only play up the victim bullshit because they're like dogs. Certain animals, like Dogs, have learned that they can use sympathy for gains in life.