Tune in for a train wreck of a podcast

Tune in for a train wreck of a podcast

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who are the guests and why is orange hat goth so into potty talk.
schisse fetishist?

They are popular podcasters.
They are thots that have not been patrolled.

>joe if you dont have a threesome with us its cultural oppression
>fuck your wife fuck us

no idea who they are . . .



thanks for making me use google, faggot

Is this real, is sexual assault really so prevalent as they say? How could Sup Forums have been so wrong all this time

Who the fuck knows.

>San Francisco, a pinnacle of liberal paradise, is so degenerate an actually Poop-Avoidance Map Phone App is needed.


>the 'ol slide n' release

>sexually assaulted like a million times
Their words. I've had enough

I wish these bitches would get gassed.

who the fuck and What the fuck

Lel I thought it was gonna be Matt Hughes

Is this because of all the Indians working in IT there?

corrine is insufferable but the other one is okay

>I will now hug you with your consent

Stop shilling this semi-retarded Rogan faggot

all they do is talk about poop and vags - i luv it

Corinne tweeted this during Charlottesville.


joe rogan is a crypto kike at best. fuck off faggot

wow i cant listen longer than half i minute. it doesnt even matter what these dumb cunts say, their voice is annoying enough already ...

He's not a kike himself but his wife is a half kike and his kids are a quarter kike.

"meat diaper" in regards to kim kardashian was funny

>tfw Joe Rogaine will never ever have Jared Taylor, Sam Hyde, or Andrew Anglin on.

wtf i love her now

this is a pretty bold statement if it was really in regards to c'ville

I thought his wife was 100% so his kids would be too.

Is he never not high

> Period outside the quotation mark
Opinion discarded.

Could be the homosexuals with there scat fetish too bruh

look up crypto kike you dumb nigger

you made my case


Feels bad man, I wish Jared Taylor would be on since he's such a smooth operator he'd be able to change many more peoples mind than Hyde or Anglin

Her wikipedia says her dad is a Jew.

Has there been a single good show since the Alex Jones one? Especially since episode 1000 its been just shit guest after shit guest.

Rogan is such a pussy

Even though he's a stoner beaner, he's woke af and /ourguy/. He's totally hip to the JQ.

It’s the fucking junkies. They shit and jack off all over SoMa and the Tenderloin constantly.

>jon ronson is my crush
yeah right you stupid whore

it was. I follow her boyfriend who's a trump supporter and he mentioned how she was the only other comedian who spoke up about it rather than make a "Nazi" joke.

No, it's because San Francisco is super degenerate and friendly to homeless people.




all the stuff with Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson

>be joe rogan
>have podcast with milquetoast conservative
>"lol yeah these SJWs and feminists are so ridiculous, right!"
>next day
>have podcast with far-leftist
>"absolutely the systemic oppression of PoCs and transsexual persons is a huge problem and I as a white person needs to step aside and let these oppressed minorities have a voice"

Come on, dude.

Mister long dong Rogan is going to hatefuck their tight annoying asses right after the show

yeah because people caring about the impoverished and downtrodden are degenerates?

Wow go fuck yourself

kek, every time.

I find Hancock's stuff fascinating, but Rogan completely ruins it every time. It's always 10 minutes talking about the Sphinx and Angkor Wat, and 3 fucking HOURS of DUDE WEED LMAO.

I didn't tune in to you talking to Hancock just to hear your fucking pseudo-intellectual ramblings on weed, DMT, and ayahuasca.

Are you saying a theoretical JRE podcast with Andrew Waglinw wouldn't be absolute kino? It'd be 100x more entertaining then when he had the waterfilter merchant on.

america has more niggers than canada has people

>wife is a kike

yea, you can smell the fucking self righteous kike all over him

Eric Weinstein was p good. He essentially admitted to race and Iq being linked - of course he did tho. He's a Jew.

He isn't that interesting himself but he's pretty good at writing funny articles.
He's been on many podcasts before.

>women are smart and funny

you have justin trudeau. I'll take the fucking niggers and jews instead.

Nope, and they've almost all been kikes. Every fucking time, it's some goddamn jew on the show.

Seriously what the fuck

>why are all men misogynistic.jpg

>the last time I dated a female comedian

which male comedian did he bone

From that post alone, I can tell you obviously never had to deal with the homeless (especially one you just wanna really help) and you have a black & white wishy-washy idealistic view of the world.

I work in EMS, I can fucking tell you objectively that most homeless are inconsiderate assholes. Sure a few legitimate mentally-ill and temporary-fucked dudes trying to get out. But the majority are fucking cunts with a valid reason why their own families abandoned them.

Majority of the homeless are POS bums in America.

This they talk about race but the guy isn't as red pilled as he could be and doesn't have all the answers.

I can't listen to Hollywood hags talk, I automatically turn off language process mode and zone out.

Like Bill Burr said, it's like the sound of seagulls fighting over a french fry. Just irritating noise.

>allowing the homeless to shit all over your city = caring about them

I have no doubt it'd be hysterical. It would also likely be very damaging to the broader movement.

I do respect what Anglin does. Every movement needs its radicals, but they need to be firewalled from the broader movement for the sake of deniability, like the relationship Dems have with Antifa. Leave the evangelism to people like Taylor and Spencer.

thats why the ones with both Hancock and Carlson are the best, because then they just shove Rogan into the back and talk about geology and ancient history.

Watch this shit for 2 minutes for your daily dose of disgust. Just look at the way these two speak.

Literally who? Why should I care...

When is Rogan finally gonna give up on the whores.
Probably never

The one has big tits I'm pretty sure.
Someone fetch me pics


Sup Forums you are magnificent

you're welcome

She's literally giving permission to us to jerk off to her right now



Look at her eyes...
You could say she's.... asking for it.

It's not fun when you have permission
Also 170+ days no fap

Keep strong, brother.

my longest streak while also not fucking is 60
what happens to you at 170+, irishbro?

This is some shit tier degeneracy. Gas. Gas all around.

I'm like 7 days and having trouble.


Wow, love the twos humour; so original, especially among women, i love the jokes about tits and sex and ass and dick it never gets old.
It is a shame the Jewish girl is more tame than the White one; Jewish girls like Sarah Silverstein always make me lol with their lewd humour.

i fucking wake up with wet boxers after 25 days

that's still nofap innit

in that case ive gone 745 days and changed my boxers 30+ times

i don't get no fap desu, i just do it when the urge arises just like taking a piss or a shit.

don't watch porn though, that's creating artificial urges, a bit like junkfood

im trying to develop ED or something i dont want to do this anymore

That's the correct usage, though.