They never have any idea what they are talking about yet they are so smug and arrogant.
Why are Swedish posters so obnoxious?
Other urls found in this thread:
I haven't noticed that at all.
I'm fact the ones I see posting fully acknowledge their countries problems and seem to simoly wish there was something they could do about It.
Do not hate on them. Take pity on them.
I hope they will have an awakening someday.
Stay strong swedebros
For people who have been proven to have an average high IQ, they act really fucking stupid. Why is this? Aren't IQ tests mostly common sense questions?
Its hard being the caretaker of the north
They're living in a denial pipe-dream to cope with the fact their country will be in ruins before 2050.
Takes one to know one hehe
hey looks it's same faggot who made thread
sick meme flag
That was not me, I don't have any problem with Russians, you are good people.
oh it's this thread again
I haven't noticed this but sweposters gets bombarded with ad hominems on this board, ofc some of us will get salty.
Stay strong ameribro
They get shit on constantly for living in a country that is slowly caring less about it's citizens and more about foreigners. They're living in a failing state, and all people do is shit all over them for it. It's the same reaction a lot of Americans are having with the 56% meme.
I prefer an annoying Swede over any memeflag.
the fact they dont talk to people and stand like 10 feet apart at a bus stop kinda tells you about there autism its somthing in the snow most likly black seaman
That's finland
i seen it and swed aswell but i will say finland takes it to a whole new lvl
Most of them are larping somalis.
To fight back the tears
Ironic picture.
You think you're going to be able to notice iq differences between countries with such a call sample size?
>Sweden is soon beyond 56%
>You just don't know because every year they remove statistics make them show less data gradually
I wouldn't think all Swedes posting here are as white as they wish they were
They have a very comfortable and well organised country, this clearly emboldens them
The Swiss are the worst by far. My God.
Swedes are some of the dumbest europeans
They're just kids, older swedes don't visit Sup Forums except me
>be swede posting on Sup Forums
>"Sweden yes" "cuck" "back to cuckshed Sven"
>someone post a overused article from 6 years ago
>someone post a fake photoshopped Sweden yes pic
It's always 56% who post the most cuck shut to so geez I wonder why we swedes hate you all so much?
Because they have poodiepie
Swedebros are alright
It's 2017, all Swedes have been replaced with shitskins and niggers.
I hope this answers your question, OP.
because they're fucking T R A S H
does iceland have room for a forex trader who is that wants to start his family there with his gf?
>who wants
no idea why i also said ((is that))
>complaining about other countries while posting behind a meme flag
Keeping it classy, I see.
yes, there's more houses than the younger generations can't afford
thats kinda sad senpai tho in a way i wont have a hard time getting a house
tho learning Icelandic makes me want to hang myself
>caretaker of the north
You fuckers are the ones actively ruining everything. Stop saying dumb shit.
t. Finn (not a muh heritage one)
don't worry, most people speak english.
and the grammar is shit and over complicated
>EU flag
Opinion imeddiately discarded
noice anyways hope the world does not go to shit tho get we have a 08 market crash again atleast ill go there buy a few homes when it cheep and in 5 years move over there after shes out of school
it's easy to be arrogant when you live in the best country in the world.
>live in countryside
>beautiful nature
>peaceful and cozy as fuck
>surrounded by loving family and friendly neighbors
>state subsidized fiber internet, 100mbit up/down, which is guaranteed to be unfiltered going forward thanks to net neutrality being so strong here
Literally utopia, 12/10, would be born here again.
Haters be mad and jelly as fuck.
Half are beyond blue pilled, coming here to try to get the average Sup Forumsack to change their view.
That's how I came here 7 years ago.
Then there's a quarter that think that they got the one true redpill to conquer them all. The rest are just alright.
where is the swedish video guy when you need him
They're not. Atleast not from my observation.
the way their language is translated into english makes them sound like women. they might as well be anyways.
not sure if this is the right image but its the only one im posting
fin dubz mannen
The Bosnian immigrant Swede "Angry Foreigner" or the golden one?
you know things are bad when this autist is moving out of swed
Märkte det inte ens
Normie Swedes are smug but the ones posting here is a deviation from the norm
Sort of a white knight in the dragons den mindset, thinking he could outwit you all
Jagar du?
This made me laugh. :) Now get out of your mom's basement, you creep!
Our government has shills to keep up appearances.
don't worry, with all the males having hapa mongrels and females having american babies, it will all be over soon and you will never hear from this flag again