Would Sup Forums have snex with a Snek?
Would Sup Forums have snex with a Snek?
I would have sex with anything as long as it's female and consents
no thanks she's not in my target bracket now, if you asked that question fifteen yeas ago I would have to have said a 'possibility'.
What the fuck was her problem?
i would snex the snek
Some people are just far too fussy
I don't know man, she's crazy af, might kill you afterwards.
I would a snail tho.
you just need to fuck the crazy out of her
the author took the old "besotted for years with someone they've only had a brief encounter in the past with" trope and thought about it sensibly
I want to be the last in line of a 100 filthy and greasy anons to fuck Nadeko. I wanna kiss her semen covered lips and her mouth soaked with semen. When it's my turn I want to lift her unresponsive body as I put my dick in her I want to feel the cum overflow from her. I don't care that her pussy is destroyed and I couldn't even feel anything. I would cum so hard like I never had before and be the one to impregnate her.
I want to be the last in line.
Most definitely
Nadeko a shit.
[ ] SEX
Of course I would tenderly love mai waifu
That's not how it works
All Sneks must die.
Allah Bradford.
Crazy sex a best sex
i'm a licensed psycocklogist, believe me when i say it works
Sure, why not.
Can snek deepthroat my snake?