Why were the Irish so hated and seen as white niggers?
Why were the Irish so hated and seen as white niggers?
they're jelly desu
The politics of fear capitalised by politicians at that time.
>and her ghost wheels her barrow
I just see it as bantz.
I'm pretty sure thats from a humor magazine
No need to look any further
>Harper's Weekly, A Journal of Civilization was an American political magazine based in New York City. Published by Harper & Brothers from 1857 until 1916, it featured foreign and domestic news, fiction, essays on many subjects, and humor, alongside illustrations.
>have ongoing wars for hundreds of years over bantz
Ye toughen up cunt.
Cos we're Celts & fear no Cunt + you look at us the wrong way you're fucked!
You do realise that image is from a satire magazine entitled 'Harper's Magazine', in an edition specifically dedicated to mocking the Irish?
It's such a common meme and passed off as science on Sup Forums when it's literally a satire artist's joking impression of an Irishman
Cos we acted like it. We were poor, stupid and drunk. Then we built all the burgers cities for them and policed them too. Then they had to stop calling us that. The end.
Why are snowniggers praised and seen as "le master race"?
This is an obvious 'DIVIDE AND CONQUER' thread.
Anyone responding to it seriously should know better by now. These threads are being constantly spammed by our enemies.
Shut up you fucking eejit. Like you know anything about anything.
Ideally it typically would be but there is an obvious concerted effort to create infighting with "is X really white" threads by the usual shill faggots posting for shekels at shareblue etc.
Most of the people were going to burgerland to seek their fortune. We have the long standing animosity with the english still going on so it's completely understandable why there would be some friction there.
They died of a potato feminine on a Island surrounded by fish.
famine not feminine lel.
Everyone was fine with them in Middlesbrough
Because they were Catholics.
Average IQ of 92
i dunno maybe since ireland was a british colony and the irish were property of the crown?
Sure begorrah, we wus kings and such.
fishing was illegal moron
>fishing was illegal moron
How does that make me a moron? If fishing was Illegal in the middle of a famine, that just makes them seem even more retarded.
They were wild and drunk all the time. Still are really.
You obviously know nothing about Ireland or the Famine yet your prattle on with le meme balls. Ergo, moron.
yeah ofcourse it does, because big land owners seeing the peasantry fishing illegally wouldnt call for the army to pick them up and send em down under. leaving their family to fend for themselves.
anyways good luck in life
>"white" niggers
Because they are descended from north africans who came to the Isles of Britain via Iberia in the first century. 90% of ""gaels"" have jet black hair and dark, soulless eyes. All the blondes and redheads in ""eire"" are ethnically Britannic, or at least have a high proportion of Britannic admixture. The ""irish"" are a bastard race of extra-European origin.
>fishing was illegal
No it fucking wasn't
lol no you are so full of shit xD
the ones that came from iberia were the blonde ones lol
celts originate from middle east and settled austria and spread all over europe.
including ireland
ireland is an island where many cultures landed
even muslims arrived in ireland atleast once and took slaves back to the caliphate
The point was that the image was meant as a joke, by insulting the Irish by calling them black, not because people actually thought the Irish weren't white. The idea that the Irish weren't white is a bullshit myth.
yes it fucking was
peasants were not allowed to hunt or fish, everything in ireland and ireland itself was property of the crown
you do realize it was extremely common all over the world that it was illegal for the peasantry to hunt and fish?
faith and begorrah tis a gran soft day yer honour
Cuz TOo pale for Africaniggers...
@ op i'd drink you under the fukkin table
The rest of Europe interacted with one another, fought each other, enslaved each other, on and on and on, and civilizations rose and fell all around.
Then they looked at Ireland and saw people lounging around drunk and starving in spite of sitting on perfectly arable land.
They were immigrants with a different culture and Catholic.
No it fucking wasn't you bender. Besides, would you rather risk getting caught fishing without a licence, or let your 17 kids starve to death because your entire bastard race of mongrelised, half berber, alcoholic priest botherers were too retarded to grow oats and a few cabbages as well as several tonnes of potatoes?
Also, this thread is gonna turn into Bongs vs The World pretty soon.
the most elaborate prank of all time, up there with god flooding the entire earth cuz he was butthurt at a couple people he didnt like
imagine being so much of an autist that you make these in your free time
that isn't true... sure you can't go trespassing on someone's land to fish some river etc.. if they've got fishing rights but the original point by the other poster was that it is an Island - plenty of fish in the sea:
>A reader, Bill Daly, suggests another reason why, when the sea was abundant with fish during the Great Famine years 1845 - 1849, fish was not regarded as real food. There appears to have been no substitute for the food of the common family in Ireland of the time, which was meal or grain for bread and gruel, milk and potatoes. Nevertheless it adds to the tragedy that when food was so close it was ignored or treated as inferior, or was inaccessible for a number of reasons. Fishing was totally under developed at the time. The remoteness of small fishing communities from any sizeable market, made its commercialisation difficult. The historian Cecil Woodham-Smith* tells us that our inland shores were teeming with herring and mackerel; while in deeper water there were shoals of cod, sole, turbot and haddock.
>too retarded to grow oats and a few cabbages as well as several tonnes of potatoes?
Man, these "irish are subhuman" threads are getting ridiculous
It's doesn't even work at dividing white people, because paddy's don't measure of to niggers or kikes, they just don't. For one, they assimilate. I think there are a few small towns in West Virginia somewhere that are super rich, and then some poor white trash style gyppo caravans around, but other then that they all became Americans and proud of it.
It is just sad seeing you guys constantly run out of ammo every few months, then find something that kind of works for a little bit... only to overfocus and spam it to the point of getting everyone immune.
It's just sad man. Fuck.
Anyway, just giving you your 0.02 shekles I guess
The inbred angos were just promoting propaganda. They were still mad that the Romans civilized them.
Because, the Irish being morally and genetically superior to all the mainlanders, invoke deep seated hatred. Why are we revered the world over and despite centuries of persecution still wind up on top of most loved whites.
Because they were fucking retarded and acted like animals. Imagine a greasy cock-sucking piece of shit Italian but without the organizational skills or ambition for useful organized crime. At least the goombahs contributed black market booze. Name one useful thing a fresh-off-the-boat Mick ever contributed to the US.