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and nothing of value was lost
who's this
Good. He's a fucking fed.
Did the trial end?
>2 charges thrown out
>now facing like... 5 maximum if the trial is a disaster for him
>more likely he walks or gets community service
He's not a fed you humongous faggot.
I think he learned his lesson. His boomer friend was like Were beginning to show a little bit, of our power level LMAO. He had no idea where that came from. It just go to show the kind of ppl who are really on pol.
I watched the ((( vice ))) documentary and he came across as a faggot larp.
can someone explain to me what this is
why is every rightwing person online a massive faggot in real life???
If you think Cantwell is a fed you've clearly never met a New Yorker, they are basically white niggers.
He's a LARPer that's for sure, but he's not a fed so stop shilling for lefty pol :)
The most successful right wingers are the one who don't reveal their ((( power level )))
Jim Norton's going to jail?
Him being a fed is more of an alt-light cernobitch thing.
Probably not a fed but plays so hard to fit their narrative. It's embarrassing desu
The sooner you realize that the alt-right is nothing but a bunch of paranoid retards, the better
nah, right wing ideas attract closeted homos desu
He did nothing wrong.
Spiderman? He stinks and i DONT LIKE HIM
So what was the crime again?
>Is actually a CIA shill who has passed his use and no longer needs to be relevant.
Look at Cantwells history and you'll quickly question him, and why he suddenly became so ultra "much white race", he didn't accidently become radicalized.
He's a CIA operative who has a shady past and was put in place to try to incite race riots and tarnish the name of groups like the Proud boys who don't want to make this about race, but about beliefs and culture.
Cuntwell isn't going to jail, he's going into "witness protection".
Christopher cantwell
Jew government informant, will be out as soon as they need him again, but the media thinks that he is our leader.
Kike trash kill yourself
please post your evidence of him being a CIA operative user. Getting emotional and lashing out at me isnt evidence btw
>suddenly became so ultra "much white race", he didn't accidently become radicalized.
If that is the case why would the CIA (or however) use some with such a 'suspect' past easy to dig up?
what did he get 60 years for?
He says mean things about 'based' jews who dindu nuffin so of course he is a fed. Israel is our greatest ally goyim!!!!!
>The University of Virginia Police Department said Christopher Cantwell, 36, is charged with one count of malicious bodily injury by means of a caustic substance and two felony counts of illegal use of tear gas.
he larped too hard and forgot he wasn't on the internet
So in other words, no proof at all that he was a CIA operative? To anyone with half a brain in this thread, enjoy wasting your time with retarded paranoid faggots like this!
if you score dubbz you get a chill / grill with alefantis! das rite!
He got sixty years for pepper spraying someone clearly advancing toward him?
he didn't get 60 years
fake news obv, brainlet
I hope you faggots at least stick to your principles in real life
The Alex Jones defense.
Its true and you know it
merely pretending
He defended himself and is not sorry about being born white. The anti whites are trying to find a way to crucify him right now. They will still claim that "whites" in general have privilege but never mention that you can be dragged through the court system and abused just for standing up for your people. Their world view is so completely inverted that they can't distinguish between the Slave Master Class, Jews, and regular white people.
haha lend lease and you still couldnt get past 89
I'm a far right, right winger, but I'm not a fucking faggot. I'm kinda funny, relaxed, CIVIL with just about everybody unless they just have a fucking shitty nigger attitude regardless of race.
Antifa faggot Eric clanton is still a free man.
anyway have another rightwing fag
What is Chip Chipperson's fat little brother doing here?
every user whos been here 2 years or more knows the routine
> actor \ larper
> planted in the astro turf controlled opposition along with 150 other actors and a couple dozen retards who believe its for year
> media hysteria, fake news, fake trial, fake prosecution
> uploads one and only one video to youtube, sobbing ' muh rights ', as per his contract requirements
attempt to contain and scare the 'men's alt right' movement.
>60 years
its all horseshit. We know, actors know it, and the shill op knows it. Only noobs and redditors believe its all real
trips of truth says im a pretty cool right winger
You don't check your own trips nigger, embarrassed 4 u
That was heavily edited you retard. Watch the full thing, or if your attention span isn’t long enough, watch Live From Seg.
>I just want to kill people without going to jail
fucking nazis. act so tough until they have to face the consequences of their actions. then they cry like babies.
That guy isn’t charging him. It’s some other faggot who stalked him online and LARPed irl. You aren’t even trying.
>I'm a far right, right winger
>but I'm not a fucking faggot.
LIVE FROM SSEEEEEG is recorded live from the Albermarle Charlottesville regional jail, this is an uncensored and mostly unscripted entertainment programme you are a special kind of idiot if you something something
>crops out author and publisher
What do you wanna bet his source is refusefascism.org?
i lold at the episode where he asked Jared Howe to play some cheesy love song down the phone in its entirety and then said "yeah I used to listen to that with my ex girlfriend, and when i hear it now i turn into the Crying Nazi"
He gonna have a hard time in prison.
Niggers be raping white boys in there.
He deserves whatever he gets for going to that unite the right larpfest
how about a video of the faggot crying his eyes out? youtu.be
He will probably end up walking with time served even if he gets convicted, the last charge against him that hasn't been dropped has like a max sentence of a year I think.
>It just go to show the kind of ppl who are really on pol.
How do sentencing work in the US?
If you get 10 years, you can get out of a sentence at year 5 or something?
It's a long con, he was a registered democratic for years and openly supported Obama when he first ran.
He's a shill who doesn't have integrity or values, he is literally a Sup Forums incarnation when he talks about Jews, listen to his interviews on the topic and he all he does is say "da Jews" to every single topic addressed, he's a fucking shill who doesn't add real substance to the culture war of the West taking place, people need to wake up and realize this is about Christian values and culture vs Commie ideaology , race is being used as a bait tactic to FURTHER divide people.
Cantwell and Spencer and fucking kike Shills who want to see continued destabilizing of Western Christian countries.
Look at Spencer's roots with the bush family,
mirin his forearms. I would definitely choose being maced over being punched in that face by that.
>It's a long con, he was a registered democratic for years
every fucking time. shut up you retard
Civil rights? Freedom? Justice?
No, he's just a jackass.
You present no evidence of this. You are a fucking faggot. Jesus Christ. This is state of civic nationalist dipshits. Just throwing shit at the wall and hoping something sticks.
>muh beliefs and culture
Kys nigger
In most places violent crimes carry a minimum sentence that can not be subtracted from. 10 years = 10 years.
>i'm going to kill you all!!
>i'm not violent
>assaults people with caustic substance and tear gas
that\s called doublespeak.
*blocks your path*
Many are, but it's also the enemy spreading division and distrust, like you just did.
>post your evidence of cia confirmed
With good reason. Federal law enforcement has a huge bullseye painted on those types of people and organizations.
I'm reminded of that old anecdote where a group was going to get busted by the FBI, and they found out everyone involved was FBI or ATF or DEA.
he's playing a character of a violent white supremacist madman radio shockjock as part of his career
christopher has never initiated violence against anyone and would only ever engage in genocide as an act of self defence
Obvious enemy.
None of this shit is evidence. Pathetic.
Frankly I think a lot more people are going to die (in self defence related incidents after we defend ourselves against the initiators of violence against us) after we're done here folks.
slide thread, one post by this faggot, fuck off jahans
This made me laugh. Bravo, user.
>yfw you get arrested for manslaughter
This has become an "Every White Nationalist Who Has Ever Acquired a Significant Following is a Fed" thread. Fucking retarded.
Yeah, Feds usually don't wind up spending a year behind bars on trumped up charges.
>believing the ‘caustic substance’ story that was literally laughed out of court
I wonder who could be behind this post
You want proof Cantwell is not a fed?
*The times he has cried.
*His drug abuse.
*His fucking le 56% women.
*Hell, just this fucking jailing of him and looking down the barrel of prison FOR DEFENDING HIMSELF.
If he was a Fed he wouldn't have been in a cell for a single night.
tsss fawwk yeah
Why does pol hate on that guy? he's pretty chill
they were probably laughing at his lawyer:
"Cantwell's attorney is Elmer Woodard, who appeared in court wearing an early-1800s-style red waistcoat with gold buttons, bowtie, white muttonchop whiskers, black velcro shoes, and a a 1910s-style straw boater hat. [...] (Woodard previously attempted to defend a client accused of sexual assault by a 15-year-old girl by claiming that the man’s sleepwalking caused him to rape her.)"
>race is being used as a bait tactic to FURTHER divide people.
real cuck post hours
Sauce on him calling for killing Jews or gtfo