Why do Americans hate public transportation?

Why do Americans hate public transportation?

Because the beneficiaries aren't the taxpayers in large part, and Americans rightly recognize that socialism is evil


US city design philosophy isn't conducive to public transport.

That's Los Angeles. No one walks in LA.

>implying I want to share the bus with a bunch of filthy niggers instead of sitting in my comfy car listening to music/podcasts
>implying public transport is even accessible in rural areas/suburbs

Checks flag of OP, why would I not sage

It does not consume enough gas

>poland is traffic in country form
History makes more sense now

Because unlike the Europoors who live in countries the size of one of our states, of which there are 50, we live in a country that spans an entire continent and your precious public transport doesn't scale that well.

Because unfortunately America is full of rural and suburban retards who think a dime spent fixing a pot hole puts them on a slippery slope towards Mao and Stalin.

High IQ city people understand that public transportation is a good thing.

It promotes sharing, meeting new people, and a collective effort for the greater good, pretty much the opposite of everything the rural and suburban Drumpf supporters believe in.

That won’t be a problem much longer though.

Tick tock blumpfkins.

Have you ever taken the subway in a major American city?

Becomes pretty clear pretty quick why White people don't want to use public transit.

>Doesn't work for most of the country.
>Where it is implemented is full of niggers.

How do you take public transportation when you are 80 kilometers from anything OP? Also, how do you feel about getting gang raped by ten niggers and beaten to death?

Spotted the vpn euro

Because their public transportation is third-world tier.

>It promotes sharing, meeting new people, and a collective effort for the greater good

Pretty gud bait

It not that we hate public transportation, it's just that we love Poland more.

because it's heavily unionized, poorly desined and only niggers use it.

Because I like being able to drive where ever the fuck I want, when ever I want. Freedom baby! Also you are a retard if you find yourself in a traffic jam like this, just listen to the local radio and they will tell you where the problem areas are.

Both of these. Although it varies from city to city.

We're explicitly trying to avoid running into faggots exactly like you. Also your precious niggers would stab you in a nanosecond if he saw an easy opportunity to get away with it.

Because niggers


>Read 3 pages of a Marx book.
>Sincerely believes ruralites are dumber than people in metropolitan areas.

I'll give you one thing, your spelling is a tier above most of your brethren.

holy shit that's depressing

how are city people high IQ if cities are full of niggers?

This man is a true American

Stop replying to copy-pasted slide threads you retarded newfaggots

literally niggers.

>listen to the local radio and they will tell you where the problem areas are.
You know we have this thing called the internet, right? Who still relies on the god damn radio for traffic reports? It's even integrated into Google Maps

You spotted the Canadian-American, faggot.
>sees kilometers
>instantly assumes VPN
>muh 5281feet, though


You've clearly never lived in Chicago, where you get almost anywhere by metro, bus, Metra, Pace, etc.

Who wants to sit next to smelly poor people that might stab you?

>using a smart phone while driving

Nobody wants to sit in a metal tube full of niggers.

>dat webm
As above so below. As within and without. The micro reflects the macro and vice versa.

Unironically niggers. Russian metroes are comfy rides, american ones are deathtraps.

because americans use public transportation as public toilets.
pic related. it's the american public transport system.


More like it promotes spreading disease.

It wasn't always this way, at the beginning of the 20th century public transportation was booming but then a number of car manufacturers bought the road trolleys and buses and had them promptly scapped and with a number of ad campaigns going at the time which resulted in what we have today.

>not setting your destination before you pull out of the driveway
Wow never would have thought of this

>Why do Americans hate public transportation?

Are you against the 2nd amendment too? It lets niggers own guns!

Everyone hates it. Americans just can afford the alternative.

I live in San Diego and here they are tearing up our already congested 4 lane freeway to put in a trolley in the middle. Then they are converting a lane to be car pool when there is already no need because 1 car pool vehical passes by every 2 min while everyone else is stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. It's all environmentalists bullshit. Doesn't help that 2 lanes are effectively used up by "emergency lanes".

you are the retard that always use the us flag dont you ?

> ______ hate thread
> 0.2 shekels deposited in your account

> use false premise to subvert gullible teenagers into believing they frequently hate

another virtuous op trying to ferment hatred.

note thats there's no

> like threads
> interest threads
> learning threads
> help threads
> goals in life thread

improving people and communities is not on shill op's job list today or anytime.

It's not as convenient and it's dirty, uncomfortable, and just more stressful. Plus I love driving, especially in my zippy manual car. Not sure if it would be as enjoyable in an auto shitbox. It's just great banging through the gears or just cruising late at night. When the day is treating you like shit and everything goes wrong, at least you'll know you'll get to just drive, it's an excellent stress reliever.


the europe flag i mean

I work for a payday advance company and see enough niggers at work.
I prefer not to see them on my commute.

>payday advance company

Isn't that sorta depressing?

Its commie horseshit

>driving and dealing with traffic is less stressful than sitting comfortably just zoning out while someone else drives for you

>zoning out while someone else drives for you
Do you mean constantly being nervous and on edge because a nigger or spic could stab you at any point?

>I work for a payday advance company
450% interest
Never get out of that viscious cycle of borrowing/Paying back.
Payday loans wouldn't be so bad if they lowered their fees.
State of Ohio almost put them all out of business because of.

Anyone with a brain hates public transport.

Evidence that poland is in dire need for our help to keep the niggers out

the nigger doesn't like seeing rivers of light...

This. Good ol corporations.

I take public transportation one hour a day and I can assure you I pretty make you hate the world even more.

Lmao at retards whining about public transportation when it helps their muh free market.

Go to college drumpfkins.

I mean wow, just wow.

I can’t even.

Black people. Nice one-line writing prompt spam ya got here.
By the way
Angela Merkel, one the most beloved, respected, and powerful political leader in the EU, may now be on her way out.

yeah, lets make the suburbs more accessible to niggers


Yes, but I don't have to sit next to them


>Why do Americans hate public transportation?


>starts fight
>everyone loses their clothing

America has the unique advantage that it's only feasible to use public transportation in metropolitan areas, because it's BIG and not as densely populated as shit tier countries.

god is that fucking DC? nogville USA needs to be destroyed

niggers should never use the public transport ( exept for deportation to Auschwitz

you do realize in California people travel literally hundreds of miles during the holidays

this is like taking public transit from your apartment in Paris to your parents house in Berlin

i liek busses

That's the 405 at the Santa Monica Blvd exit

Wonder what the traffic flow rating for that city is? I feel bad if my city is below 70 percent.

>Hi honey, two miles out, home in 45 minutes

well, why are you sitting on your computer crying about it to the internet? be a man. you should go on public transport and tell them in person. or are you scared like a little bitch?


You gently escalated that shitpost very well.

bc niggers

An annual pass in Vienna sets you back less than 400 Eurodongs, and it gets you pretty much everywhere in the city. It's clearly superior to any car-based solution within a densely populated area.

Well unless you live in the City. Where I live the traffic is manageable. Trust me, if you get a fast car it'll be worth it despite traffic.

In which third world area do you have that kind of issue?

full of minorities

We are the same. Even though our tiny island has its tiny population in a tiny area we all drive fucking cars for some reason and public transport consists of one shitty bus company entirely run by poles. It could have been easy to plan out infrastructure for competent public transportation (like tram cars), but alas we are retarded and have to suffer in traffic jams that have no business being there.

>being tough on the internet
very impressive, m8.

Public transportation isn't feasible in a country as fucking big as this.

Beyond that, a lot of our cities are old and not designed around them, and worse yet is the problem of crime and vandalism. Nobody wants to risk being on a train or bus with dozens of other people when it could easily mean being murdered or robbed or raped.

>Nobody wants to risk being on a train or bus with dozens of other people when it could easily mean being murdered or robbed or raped.

So how the fuck does it work in other civilized places then? Doesn't scale my ass. The US could pump more money into public transport then all of the EU states put together. They just choose not to.

there's your key word. Europe is fine.
America's cities are murder-ridden shitholes.

Dated city planning, but if my country was >56% I wouldn't want to use public transport either, it's bad enough here


Because unless you live in the Northeast Corridor it is utter shit.


It's not the same though, when you have such a small population like in Iceland it works fine, there isn't a lack of space. However cramming 20 million people into a tiny area and having them all drive cars and there's an issue

Idk trains are pretty comfy
I can shitpost and drink coffee during my commute instead of fighting traffic and paying sandnigs for gas

A lot of people would rather be stuck in traffic, in their own car, listening to their own music or whatever else they are doing than sit on a Train/bus with disease and filth at every corner.
Cleaners don't get paid much lads, can guarantee the bus or train seat you are sitting on has been shit on, diarrhea'd on, vomited on, fucked on, bled on.
Give me a traffic jam over that gnarly shit