>Lucky Larry
>Celebrating Israelis
>Steel fuel can't melt jet beams
Drop 'em
>Lucky Larry
>Celebrating Israelis
>Steel fuel can't melt jet beams
Drop 'em
Other urls found in this thread:
please tell me how
Over a period of thousands of years, sediments from rivers and oceans agglomerate into different layers and the force of each new layer squeezes the sediments into rock with the help of chemical reactions. When cut through as is typical during construction the sediment layers are easily visible and create interesting patterns when viewed through lens distortion.
At this point the only question that needs to be asked is, how did three buildings all fall while disregarding the law of conservation of momentum.
can anyone answer this?
On BBC today
Clip of the Gerogia Dome brought down in a controlled demolition
Looks an awful lot like the way the towers fell to be quite honest with you family...
two planes take down 3 buildings?
Oh the 5 Israelis 22-27 I guess retired from intelligence agency. Decided to vacation to NY. What better way to relax other than get a job moving furniture. Drive around in truck with WTC plane scene. Get caught cheering and taking selfies with smoldering trade center ruins in background.
Yeah this. Temp construction permits for art students. On the floor right below where the plane hit. If you're going to make sure the building topples you probably only need to make sure it starts. One floor with demo seems like enough.
This is melted bedrock from the "pool of molten steel" that stayed burning for over a months after the event.
Your time is coming Jew.
would someone really cause the world to go into complete turmoil for an insurance scam? that is just beyond diabolical
it was the catalyst for the patriot act you fool.
>Burger thinking insurance scam was the main motive.
>This is melted bedrock from the "pool of molten steel" that stayed burning for over a months after the event.
I got news for you user, jet fuel didn't produce that heat.
My bet is that small nuclear demolitions devices were used in the lowest basement of both of the twin towers. Standard demolitions were placed in all three buildings that went down, but the twin towers needed a hole to fall into because of the sheer amount of material in the tower.
please explain the bigger picture then
mindplebs. all of you.
Military Keynesianism.
columbia will never rest until she is crystal clear about this event
>haaretz com/israel-news/white-man-s-burden-1.14110
And major escalation of our involvement in the ME.
>what happened at the pentagon
Twin towers are a hologram
ITT: Planecucks
Where is the CGI German
The most important red pills on 911 are the drills. Not only was the air force running drills that left our entire east coast underfunded but fema was running a drill in NYC and had a while command center set up down the street the night before.
Now that's a pretty amazing fucking coincidence if it wasn't an inside job.
i love a good meme 11 thread
You - have - to - watch -
but..Sup Forums said the building fell into their footprint...
people in thread: please recommend 9/11 truth documentaries
The one that had a section from one of the worlds tallest and largest buildings fall into it?
You let us down last time you fucking faggot.
Not the user you're thinking of.
Promis software
Urban Moving Systems
Tim Osman
Hutchison effect
Operation Bojinka
reminds me of this classic
was that one real tho?
The GOLD heist gets overlooked a lot, too.
Tim Osman, plus Saudi elite/ bin Laden's brother in the sky just hours after all flights grounded.
Urban Moving Systems/The B-Thing
Marsh & McLennan
Silverlight 911 trades
I've got some of his webms.
Sadly not. Was from the onion
it really was the trillion dollar scam of the century, all the destruction and gore was the distraction
No, it was a fake coupon, but apparently some subway employees thought it was real
1. Attack was real.
2. Building legitly collapsed from fire.
3. Fire was probably augmented with some strategically placed flammable materials.
4. It was false flag, made by CIA agents.
5. ISIS is created by CIA.
6. There are legit mudslime terrorists in ISIS on middle and low levels of organization.
7. ISIS is controlled by agents, prepared by CIA in Guantanamo terrorist training facility.
8. USA is not a peace keeper, nor a democratic power. It is a ruthless empire, working closely with Israel and less closely with UK against normal people people.
9. They do not think, that there are creative powers outside of their lodges and clubs. We are nothing more than cattle to them. A cattle, that they can replace with colored cattle just for fun.
Extra explosions were burning computers, air pressure and gas pipes...
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams. But burning aluminium does. It also melts passports though.
Tower 7 is what gets me though. And the missing trillion dollars
Jet Fuel burns hot enough to weaken steel just fine. That's all that was needed.
But there was molten steel everywhere pouring out of the buildings while they were still standing, not just slightly bendy steel.
molten aluminium I expect.
All of the planes, at the times of their crash, were exceeding their cursing speeds at sea level
keep digging
it's actually worse than you guys think
planned since at least 1967, every aspect of that days events were orchestrated, nothing was left to chance, triple redundant back-up plans etc.
still it didn't go off without fuck-ups
i think bldg7 was meant to come down when the dust cloud from tower 1 collapse would have hidden it, but some trigger failed and they prob had to send in a team to re-wire and it took until that evening to complete
the 4th plane was supposed to hit the capitol i speculate, decapitating the gov't and leaving Cheney et al with the COG as essentially dictators, but there was a delay in the take-off and it was getting obvious that the military was foot-dragging a response. A pair of fighters was sent to intercept flt 93 and they likely shot it down, this was silenced of course and replaced with the 'let's roll' narrative
a worthwhile watch hereyoutube.com
>Be me
>Be Mark Walsh
>Be freelancer for Fox
>Live on the 43rd floor of a building, which is 5 blocks from the WTC
>Witness the entire thing from beginning to end
>Fox reporter asks me what I saw
>I tell reporter literally this
>"I was watching with my roommate."
>"Approx. 7 minutes after the first plane hit, I saw this plane come out of nowhere and just breeeeeng right into the side of the side of the twin tower."
>"Exploding through the other side."
>"And then I witnessed both towers collapse."
>"One first and then the second mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense."
>Be me
>Be man in black near Mark Walsh
>Getting asked "What's your role out here right now?
>Reply Ummm... just standing by right now."
>"Can't say what role I'm playing right now"
TLDR: Kikes are horrible script writers.
That's exactly what I just fucken said lad
That image is irrelevant. Vice didn't exist in 2001.
Molten aluminium is silver not red.
Good for you
>nothing was left to chance
Uhm, actually the chopper for the "live footage" was not in place at the right time
That's why we have a very wide shot with no plane in sight.
Then a zoom and bam, "plane" comes into the shot from the right.
The chopper now probably tilts a bit to the right
So the "plane"'s nose comes out of the building's other side for a few frames after it "totally went into the building".
Looks like a roadrunner cartoon.
Their plan to fix this
>Just black those frames out
>Nothing suspicious going on
It was really shitty work. I mean anyone with a brain would have told them to not do a regular controlled demolition, because it would be way too obvious. They could have made it so the building collapses to a side to make it semi-plausible, but nope. The kikes were probably too afraid to destroy non-asbestos-ridden non-insured-against-terrorism buildings.
How can molten aluminum do this fucking shit? How does Hutchison effect do this?
Please, I beg someone prove these videos wrong.
you do realize that the towers were also attacked in 93 right? its not a fucking surprise that theyre on a 99 pamphlet
It's red. depending on how hot it is.
The red could also potentially be explained by contaminants or the quality of the camera color resolution.
But the average truther will think it's more likely it's molten steel and the government was behind it all, even though everything can be explained with pretty boring explanations.
Why did it only hit the outside and the inside? Was it a magic plane?
Less than one tenth of one percent of all the architects and engineers in the United States let alone the entire world support Gage. You have to ask yourself why. If he had legit evidence why so few supporters? Don't give me that in fear for your life and livelihood bullshit. You'd be instantly rich from book deals and television appearances if you could actually prove the government did 9/11.
Thermite is bullshit red herring.
Steel beams are more bullshit.
Focus on the Dancing Israelis arrested on 911.
Do what? Set cars on fire?
I don't know for sure, but you know what when millions of pounds of concrete get pulverised with the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy during the collapse? All that energy (that isn't turned into sound) gets turned into heat. Not to mention the building parts that fell around these cars may have been literally burning still.
just looks like the explosion to me
No East Penthouse. Therefore innacurate and not proof of anything.
Nobody else could reproduce Hutchinson's effect and therefore it is not scientifically provable and therefore a hoax.
this, its more than likely red because it isnt just aluminum melting. an alloy or other things burning in the vicinity could make it glow red
Goyim, I...
they were clearly fucking with the live footage, but my theory is that those planes were real, simply turned into guided missiles by the qrs11, and possibly other modifications
>founded in 1994
>attacked in 93 right?
ya, extensive damage in basement parking with several basement levels involved as I recall.
The twin towers were a target of muslim extremists for a long time for some reason.
The seismic signature of the event is interesting as well, and may indicate nuclear demolition devices being used
really? ask a freaking engineer about why they fell because 99% of the world's engineers completely accept the fact they fell due to the impact and subsequent fires from the 2 planes. They are laughing at you guys.