"Legitimate" news sources in 2017

>"Legitimate" news sources in 2017

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Saying an entire race is never discriminated against is discrimination.

Stop using logic you racist

When did the libtard agenda become so obnoxious and aggressive? I'm not even white and I find this to be ridiculous.


My God I don't know why I feel bad for succumbing to misanthropy because people that think like this news station make me want everyone dead.

the black is holding up 2 fingers like a gun

Sometime after obama left. They got scared shitless cause the dems werent in control anymore and they went to hell in a hand basket

Thanks for standing up for us.

No one claimed it was legitimate

When we gave moralfags a universal soapbox to stand on via social media. Providing internet access to the masses was a mistake.


I think that's too easy. All you have to do is be different. Try picking a year in which it would be at least a little more difficult.

War is comming lads, the fall of germany marks the beginning. Hope you know how to fight or you are gonna take a flight.


Why do these people think that anyone will change their opionions with a sassy looking ugly-as-fuck black woman on the front page.

>legitimate news source
>handed out for free, and then promptly left on buses

>You're never discriminated against so shut up
>Literal discrimination

>I'm not even white
This is the first american admitting it, more to come sweethearts.


The free newspaper given away on buses targeted towards lefties and nigs who can only afford public transport.

They want us to hate you. Instead I've always aimed for racial peace. This is America. We're Americans.

When failing industries and businesses decided to cling to it in a desperate, futile attempt to court millennials.

Fuck that aint gonna happen. The leftist fuckfards control most media. Also, here's another.

New here? That is far from the first Ameriburger admitting to not being white. I am white btw.

I can't find that article.

This. They want us to hate each other. Its fucking stupid. I don't hate african americans I hate leftists.

When White demographics started declining. This is a power play by minorities to take over while the White population is weak.


>Dear white people, you're never discriminated against
>dear white people
lefties are fucking retards

you're almost there, but there's a distinction to be made. What do you do with those who don't want to be "Americans"?

>the black is holding up 2 fingers like a gun
no he's not you wingnut

We make them leave, of course.

If only.

no its like this for 20 ish years...

its just getting pushed more/ the veil has come off since trump got elected/obama left.

This sort of comic depicts where we were twenty fucking years ago!

I think he's supposed to be a colored proctologist. Not sure what the West African trannie is supposed to be - possibly a privilege checker?

They have chosen to denounce their birthright and abandon the commons. Let them sleep in the beds they have made for themselves.

"you're white you don't get discriminated on so shut up"
> literally everyone thinks you're a racist if you're white
> that's discrimination
> literally telling people to shut up based on the color of their skin is discrimination
Do liberals just throw away logic?

Is it me or the blacks trying start segregation? It like watching all this blacks take on kkk roles from the old days.

no one on /pol is white

Blacks are dogs biting at the hand of the owner. They wouldn't survive a month on their own.

>Do liberals just throw away logic?
Yes. Their arguments and positions are enforced by dogma to the point where leftism is indistinguishable from religion.

>over 323,000,000 people
>almost half of which are totally non-white
No shit, Sherlock.

>white people are never discriminated
>what is Zimbabwe

>what is zimbabwe

A piece of shit

Nor does Sup Forums ever agree on who is white (aside from Talcum X).