Is my death really going to cost my children $175,000 U.S. dollars?
Is my death really going to cost my children $175,000 U.S. dollars?
Uh... no. I just had to make arrangements for my mom a month or two ago and it's expensive if you want to go into the ground, but nowhere near that expensive.
Who the fuck does this person think he is? Just go die under a tree somewhere. Dig a hole, fall asleep in it. No one will ever find you.
lol just throw the bodies in your backyard like nature intended
nah. although it is expensive to have a burial plot, ceremony, gravestone, etc. but not that expensive.
sorry about your mom, user
I'm guessing they are including hospital bills.
lol, 10k at the most. These people are capitalizing off their son's death, at least +150k in the bank.
>I just had to make arrangements for my mom a month or two ago
are you me?
also, sorry for your loss, pol bro.
Thanks guys, but she was just placed in hospice so it was more to get it out of the way before anything happens.
Me too. I feel like a piece of shit for having to go the cremation route but my mom wouldn't have wanted me to go in debt for her funeral, either. Bare minimum funeral service + plot, opening, vault, etc was going to be almost $8k and I didn't have anyone to help.
maybe they thought it was cheaper to buy the 2018 Cadillac hearse outright
Here it can be like 1k if you decide to be cremated. Just gotta go for a local smaller place instead of the big jewish places that rob you blind.
These parents are just making bank off their child's death.
>tfw this will probably be me in a few years
What are your regrets, anons? I want to avoid them while there's still time.
I often thought about going out in a dinghy at the right time of year, chumming the waters, and jumping into a school of sharks with a go pro on. Pretty environmentally friendly if you ask me.
I find funerals disgusting and pretentious and unnecessary. We should be turning our dead into manure.
Take some painkillers beforehand and that would be a pretty fun suicide.
Livestream it, you'll be a legend. That's a lot more people attending your funeral than most others get.
Cremation is the only option if you ask me
>Jacob Rothsteinberg's funeral
>He's still alive, we just want some funds for 80 years from now
Answer this man!!
Under $5000
>Smart Cremations
2x customer
When my dad died I got his ashes and they put them in a plastic bag in a container barely bigger than the bag. I pulled the bag out a little and opened to see what human ashes look like. They looked like gravel. When I pushed the bag back down I got a cloud of dead dad blown up into my face. I gasped and inhaled a bunch. I couldn’t help but laugh. Life is funny.
maybe he wanted his ashes scattered from the balcony of a five star hotel's presidential suite
Wasting time inside by myself
Not trying more new things
Not traveling more
Being too scared to go for the things I want on life
Caring too much about what other people think
Good job you just destroyed her soul.
Your time on Earth is finite. The love you can give is not. Sentimental gifts mean more to mothers than materialistic gifts. I made my mom a scrap book that highlighted her childrens childhoods (did it online with a Bing rewards coupon was like $12). Being a mom is probably her greatest accomplishment, let her know how well she did raising you. She was brought to tears looking it over and showed all her friends. Other than that, take time to see her weekly if you are close by, or call her weekly if not. I hope that helps.
I regret I didn't understand estate law or that we didn't have good planning for things like Power of Attorney or Medical Guardianship. I wish we would have dealt with as much legal stuff as possible while she was still able to make decisions, but she always said we'd deal with it as it came. The problem is that when she got really sick, she went downhill fast, and I had to make lots of overwhelming decisions fast. I also wish we would have been able to sort through all of the photos and stuff together and I wish that we could have talked more about things. Holidays are pretty lonely now.
Buy a piece of land and build a family plot.
Wow I'm sorry about your reply to this or she dies in hospice tonight. It must be difficult having to make those arrangements
Nah, she had a good soul. It's mine that got destroyed. At least I'm immune to this tho
Ashes you get from cremation are the bones that have been ground down. The tissue all burns up but the bones only char.
You cant inherit debt though
If it's a minor child, you're responsible for the bills, though.
that would have to be on hell of a funeral.
Death us usually free
about 20 thousand for plot n burial. around here anyway.
You prob breathed in his balls and choad
>TFW you can't even fucking die without the state trying to fleece you.
It costs someone 20k + to ceremonialiously put me in the ground. When I die my family will simply do pic related
depends on if ur islamic and how many explosives u strapped to urself
hey cremation is only 1100. my families in luck.
Thank you anons, that's pretty good advice.