Ok so we all know that women have become less and less feminine and the havoc that is wreaking upon our societies. However fixing the issue is going to take some creativity on our part because meming them back into the role of homemaker is our best bet. Preliminary idea: campaign promoting imagery of motherhood with sappy uplifting quotes, pair with imagery of women tending hearth and home with an emphasis on the importance of her hand in shaping the home she and her family reside in, playing up the empowerment angle so as to bypass ideological guards.
Additional takeaways from previous threads: Cooking meals as a means of bringing the family together is something women find deeply satisfying, so we should celebrate this.
Men being more masculine promotes women being more feminine and vice versa, it's something of a symbiotic relationship. That said, we still need to get the meme engines rolling.
/MWFG/ Make Women Feminine General
Other urls found in this thread:
Stupid nigger. You don't need to manipulate us. Many of us like it. Though you must accept that some of us can wage war better than our husbands.
I'm a conservative so I don't believe in "making" anybody do anything. If you want to promote positive values by educating people on the importance of good living, that's one thing. But we're not fucking leftists who force people into our moral code with the barrel of a government gun.
>making women do anything
you cant make them do anything because they are rocks. literally set in stone.
imagine trying to make a rock do something. you cant
women don't rock tho, they are just rocks
Don't marry a woman who
>has had more than two sexual partners before you
>demands she must drink caffeine, alcohol, or other drugs while pregnant
>has or has had an std
>says she won't give birth without pain pills
>colours her hair, natural colours or otherwise
>used anti aging creams
>uses excessive amounts of makeup
>uses sex as a bargaining chip
Shut up MGTOW faggot. There are women far more capable than any thing you do. Even being a loser piece of shit.
Poor thing
Women don't want to do things you want them to do, boo hoo
Why did women do things men wanted them to do before and not now, when I'm alive, boo hoo
Give reasons. I think you're a fucking moron who cares about "Natural" but uses the internet, rides a bus or drives a car, and would take meds for pain.
relax cowboy, I've spent years looking for intelligent life, so far i not convinced.
Does the 50s vibe work for us or against us?
Remember that "just girl things" campaign, or whatever it was called? It showed pictures of white mothers and families with sappy quotes. Maybe we should revive that.
kek. works everytime
The best solution is to make women responsible for their bad behavior.
If she is a slut don't buy shit or date her. Let her know I don't date sluts.
If she is fat don't date her.
Etc etc you get the point .
hard to say, women actually like men who know what they want out of life.
I'd say its working.
So you think it's ok to consume toxic chemicals while pregnant and to conceal what you really look like in an attempt to trick people?
This is the kind of woman you men on here need to stay away from. See how she twists my words and argues against a person made of straw?
I think it works for us but it needs a fresh coat of paint. Promoting values and virtues from a time when women were objectively much happier than they are today can definitely work in our favor, but you need to brand it as something other than a return to the 50s because that will just elicit reflexive rejection.
The best way to lead women to a more traditional life is by making men strong. Women will follow stronk men. Although propaganda can work on men too, it's not like men always know what they want either. I suspect most liberal men claim to not care what their women are simply out weakness, they can't choose because they're weak. A weak man has no expectations or standards.
In 30 years ''conservatives'' will fight for the right of trannies fucking kids. Conservative is by definition an idiot who doesn't learn from history and historical trends. Leftist have no problem getting you fired for your views and you are claiming that we shouldn't try to influence the values of people. Fucking lmao.
>lol I was only pretending to be retarded the post.
This is fact. Except the aesthetic.
While I do enjoy the 20s-60's style very often. The aesthetic of trying to make women appreciate being lesser is silly. The approach is to show that were different but equal.
THIS. Obviously if you are a fat unattractive soyboy this doesn't apply to you. Life doesn't apply to you.
Dunno mate. Why would I care for women mate this isn't going to fix anything for people pushed into my situation who find a use for a woman pointless.
>Best cook in family
>Know skills ranging from sewing to deep cleaning
>Have mechanical skills from HVAC and electrical to automotive repair
Really why would I want to get married?
Some women like it. Lots think it's the epitome of subservience. I like more traditional stuff like OP posted, as it has less baggage often.
>that were different but equal.
That's liberal talk
I like this polack. She might be bitchy but you brought that on yourself. But i like the point
>my woman can wage war just fine
>loves new cleaning supplies.
>accepts that im a nazi
>has her own goals and beliefs.
Tbh OP, i think first poster called you out on relegating the female mental capacity to that of the common nig nog. Some of them do. But not all. You need to get off the internet and change the crowd you hang with.
>women are rocks
>"you are a nigger faggot mgtow and will never be as successful as a woman! im a beta btw"
>posts pic of athletic self that completely btfo any counter you had planned
>"lul yer a retard"
>This is the kind of woman you men on here need to stay away from. See how she twists my words and argues against a person made of straw?
While he
So you think it's ok to consume toxic chemicals while pregnant and to conceal what you really look like in an attempt to trick people?
Makeup is okay. It's art upon the human form. Under your logic. No man should ever shave or get a hair cut. STDs can be had from rape or just sitting on a fucking toilet seat. Colouring your hair? The fuck is wrong with that? Is it because of deception? Seeing colored hair is fucking easy. FOR EVERYONE unless youre a virgin fag.
>uses sex as a bargaining chip
Were far weaker than men. Charisma is our ticket. If you act retarded continually and care not for our input and repulse us. Why the fuck should I let you inside me? We are present in the moment and emotional creatures. If you disgust us, of course we don't want sex with you. If you impress us. Then of course we want sex. If being a man is too fucking hard? Kill yourself. Women have to accept vulnerability and rarely making the decisions.
You have to accept being a leader and criticism of your actions with honesty. Most men? Do not.
I think you've missed the point. The goal is not to get you wifed up. You do you whether that involves a woman or not, but you can still help contribute to an effort to build a healthier happier society. It's all upside bro.
>Makeup is okay.
Excessive makeup use is not okay
>It's art upon the human form.
No it's not. It was specifically made to conceal oneself.
>Under your logic. No man should ever shave or get a hair cut.
Hair and facial hair are genetic, makeup is not.
>STDs can be had from rape or just sitting on a fucking toilet seat.
These are the minority of cases. Most people get stds from consensual sex partners
>Colouring your hair? The fuck is wrong with that? Is it because of deception? Seeing colored hair is fucking easy. FOR EVERYONE unless youre a virgin fag.
Why would a woman want to hide her hair? Men love women's natural hair
>Were far weaker than men. Charisma is our ticket. If you act retarded continually and care not for our input and repulse us. Why the fuck should I let you inside me? We are present in the moment and emotional creatures. If you disgust us, of course we don't want sex with you. If you impress us. Then of course we want sex. If being a man is too fucking hard? Kill yourself. Women have to accept vulnerability and rarely making the decisions.
You sound neurotic. Thank you for providing a great example of a woman men should stay away from
No wonder you take pride in lifting.
You have no intellectual ability. You're missing half the puzzle.. Sweetie.
It really isn't. Manipulation is our strong suit. Doubt it? Look at modern society. Sure you can just beat us, but you have to sleep some time. You may be over come by your emotions to have sex just by a bit lip and big weakened eyes.
I could turn your boys against you, I can bite your cock off or your tongue.
Vulnerability to draw your bitch ass in to deliver the killing blow. By the way, each of those results in a bleed out, unless you cauterize ;).
Real men can give a strong woman reason to serve. You're correct. Most of my sex is full on retarded. I have one friend, the strong independent black woman. Except she actually is and we are united in our hatred of these stupid bitches, weak ass men.
>t really isn't. Manipulation is our strong suit. Doubt it? Look at modern society. Sure you can just beat us, but you have to sleep some time. You may be over come by your emotions to have sex just by a bit lip and big weakened eyes.
>I could turn your boys against you, I can bite your cock off or your tongue.
>Vulnerability to draw your bitch ass in to deliver the killing blow. By the way, each of those results in a bleed out, unless you cauterize ;).
Again, men in this thread, if you meet a woman who is like this one, run away
The problem isnt that woman arent feminine the problem is is that western men arent masculine enough to keep women in their place if us men acted like how we did prior to WW2 we wouldn't even have any of these radical female bitch issues since they wouldn't have been able to happen in the first place. The only reason women act as they do is because we dont do anything to stop them from doing it. We need a Make Men Masculine General instead of this
>if you don't live like a primitivst, you must disawow all preferences towards what is natural
Get a load of this nigga. We are animals with an inherent nature, and no matter how advanced tech we have, those facts remain.
It probably depends on the women. No message will resonate with everyone, so many messages are needed to reach those who have ears.
I think playing to the selfish instincts of women could be one angle that works. If women didn't have selfish interests to have babies and act wholesome, they would never do it. It's just that so many of them are brainwashed to follow the so-called ''normal life'' path: higher education, 9-5 work, marry out of desperation at 30, make 1-2 kids at most. We need to provide a more attractive lifepath, one that I believe women truly would love more. Who the fuck would enjoy doing a 9-5 job, do chores at home, and then also have time for kids? It's too much. That was the life of my hard-working mother and I would never want my future wife to go through so much stress.
Women have a strong inclination to prefer what is ''normal'', because going against the tribe for all of human history provided usually nothing but suffering. It's important to try to enforce the idea of trad wifery as something normal and preferable.
Tits or gtfo
>You have no intellectual ability.
>masters degree in psych
>have my own practice
>The only reason women act as they do is because we dont do anything to stop them from doing it. We need a Make Men Masculine General instead of this
This. Even the crummiest of SJWs will act feminine for the right man. Most women just don't know how to be feminine anymore
I know some pretty femenine women, problem is they are as crazy as rabid goats
Everyday that passes it becomes more hard to obey the ancient command of "don't stick your dick in crazy"
Your plan is doomed to fail, suck it.
if by some miracle this "campaign" comes to fruition, it will almost certainly backfire/fail spectacularly
>Excessive makeup use is not okay
It is just a thing that allows you to identify fake people.
>Hair and facial hair are genetic, makeup is not.
Beauty is genetic to women. Your argument is shit because we just uses tools to enhance it. Like men use tools to enhance their abilities. These are just are tools.
>These are the minority of cases. Most people get stds from consensual sex partners
Even then, people wake up and you need to be able to forgive. So then you can claim the moral high ground.
>Why would a woman want to hide her hair? Men love women's natural hair
Nigger, not every thing women do is for men. Some times we like to bask in our gloriousness as a blonde or a red head or a brunette. Hair dye has existed since forever. Don't relegate our idea of what is beautiful and pretty and we won't relegate a man to be an unshaven hulk brute. Refinement is enjoyable to both sexes.
>You sound neurotic. Thank you for providing a great example of a woman men should stay away from
All women that realize their power and don't submit to men are neurotic.
But I actually am neurotic. Because I sit at a 149 IQ. Brilliance makes one sound crazy to brainlets.
I married a traditional women whose top two priorities in life were pumping out/raising children, and keeping the home together. In return I go out and bust my ass at work to provide for everyone. I couldn't be happier with the choice. We don't have any daughters yet, and I'm dreading it because it's even harder to protect them from outside influences, but hopefully they will go down the same route.
>But I actually am neurotic. Because I sit at a 149 IQ. Brilliance makes one sound crazy to brainlets.
I bet you actually have bipolar disorder
>Men being more masculine promotes women being more feminine and vice versa, it's something of a symbiotic relationship.
No. Women only like masculinity when they're ovulating and the birth control pill stops that.
Quite sure it's the same hormonal imbalances that fucks up men, estrogen from water/nutrition causes men to be more feminine, but for women their natural estrogen production ceases due to the estrogen coming in "unnaturally" (same effect as steroids for men). This leads to women having higher testosterone and lower estrogen, which leads to lower femininity
>masters degree in psych
The easiest degree to achieve in "science" Try a Ph.D in Chem you weak fuck.
>i want to force a lifestyle onto a gender that i'm not apart of
>i expect them to follow this lifestyle while I make no changes to my own
>the lifestyle I'm expected to follow just so happens to be better and gives me greater freedom than the females'
The woman in OP's picture is hotter than any whore in a bikini at the beach. The things I would do to her...
Are you implying that an athletic somehow prevents you from being an incel, beta or cuck?
No. We like masculinity which most of us define as "RESPECTABLE AND IN CONTROL"
>Fun fact, you can only control yourself.
>Beauty is genetic to women. Your argument is shit because we just uses tools to enhance it.
No, makeup conceals what you really look like. Men want to see the real you. Makeup is not genetic and is not achieved through hard work
>Even then, people wake up and you need to be able to forgive.
No, people do not need to be forgiven. Men should not dedicate their lives to sluts and whores.
And no, women colour their hair in order to be more attractive to men
Sometimes people on here are retarded
>be perfect feminine qt waifu at all times!
>but don't moisturize, do anything to your hair, or try to be feminine
I don't know about you or other women, but when I do stuff like color my hair or put on makeup, its never with an express purpose of "deception" or thick/extreme enough to actually conceal how I look...I do it because it puts me in an outgoing, feminine, happy mood.
But then they circlejerk over the same handful of makeup covered, professionally photographed women in snow like they actually look like that all the time
This. useless fucks always want it easier and amazing people await the next challenge.
If you can't tell if someone's wearing enough makeup to the point that their face looks completely different, you're the retard
Of course people don't naturally have colored eyelids or bright red lips, and if you can't look at someone and see that, you're fucking dumb
>I don't know about you or other women, but when I do stuff like color my hair or put on makeup, its never with an express purpose of "deception" or thick/extreme enough to actually conceal how I look...I do it because it puts me in an outgoing, feminine, happy mood.
>spending money on hiding my appearance makes me feel feminine
You are everything that is wrong with women. You aren't traditional at all as set a bad example for women who are actual trying to be more traditional
most women and betas that are anti mgtow or pro women go straight for the insults like "fat" or "neckbeard" and justify it as being the sole trait preventing them from being acceptable towards women
the minute I post an athletic selfie they have nothing to counter me. this incel went straight for intellect as a second ad hominem, but the minute they do that they become self aware of why mgtow even exists
>The aesthetic of trying to make women appreciate being lesser is silly.
This one I've to agree with. Honestly the average man is not objectively that superior to a woman, except in rationality, physical strength and manual labour, on average. Expecting women to be doormats that will lick the boot of their man is honestly an image I don't know any self-respecting woman would want. The woman is there for the children, not as a servant for the man. A man is the woman's resource machine.
Men and women are equal in that sense that both are fucked without one another.
Correct. A woman will not act feminine to a man who is not a Man. A man who truly is a Man on the other hand, will feminize any woman. There's wisdom in the belief that liberal chics can be turned into more conservative by recieving the Dickens by a conservative-leaning guy.
Make men masculine and you'll have feminine women.
>its never with an express purpose of "deception" or thick/extreme enough to actually conceal how I look...I do it because it puts me in an outgoing, feminine, happy mood.
Its cause this is true. Yet these faggot beta cucks will accuse you of some retarded shit to justify their beliefs.
>But then they circlejerk over the same handful of makeup covered, professionally photographed women in snow like they actually look like that all the time
As Im in a Science field. I primarily work with men. Most of them are ENTIRELY unable to tell when a woman is wearing eye liner or mascara.
You seem to be lost you should go back to whatever place you came from dude.
If women are becoming less feminine, then men have to become even more masculine in order to dominate and increase our chances to breed with them. It's what they want anyway, they love it. Chads who know this are drowning in pussy since so many betas have fallen for the lies of feminism too and left the sexual market.
Your plan will never work desu. Your picture is cute as fuck though
>spending money on hiding my appearance makes me feel feminine
Hey bitch moron thats been thrased again and again.
I've made mascara/eyeliner (depends on the level you choose to dry it) from oil, ash, dirt, water, wax.
Cause fuck you bitch, my husband makes mead and I get the wax from failed hives. I take soil from the creek. I make my own oils from seeds.
You're right, you've got more than enough solipsism to go around. No need for a woman with you in the room.
>provide no rebuttal
>"yer lost m8"
denial really is the best reward
Oh tank you! btw beta fuck fags. She has her hair colored. She is a natural brunette.
Marry me
We can't unfuck our society because we are surrounded by degeneracy. Women can't be unwhored and you fags will never become real men. Take the blackpill and kys.
I'm already married.
>We need a Make Men Masculine General instead of this
I'd be ok with that. It's two halves of the same coin with the end goal being a restoration of the natural balance between the two resulting in harmony instead of the animosity we currently have.
>spending money on your appearance is untraditional
Then men should give up their exercise supplements and gym memberships
Oh wait. Then you'd all be squishy little soyboys because everyone works desk jobs inside now.
You're focusing on the wrong shit. I'm traditional as fuck and keep myself gorgeous for my husband. Focus on the actual virtue of a woman, not stupid shit like "oh she has blonde highlights and uses mascara, she's a sl00t"
It's good for those who already want families.
However, you'd need to appeal to the "independent" women as well. Something about pushing the joy and good challenge of having a family- women want to have fun but don't want to be treated like they're stupid and need to stay home.
We need to appeal to the fun, cute side of having a family (especially younger) to incentivize women.
Promote wanting to be the partner rather than straight-up head of the household?
Good post. Better than mine.
>Then men should give up their exercise supplements and gym memberships
I agree. You don't need supplements to get protein, and you can workout at home for much less.
Also, gaining muscle takes dedication and hard work. Makeup does not
So, when a woman is being respectable and in control, she's being masculine. Femininity, then, must be defined as improper and out of control.
What’s wrong with anti-aging creams, user?
Because it hides the true rate at which a woman ages. Men care about youthfulness and look for women who stay youthful looking longer. It is impossible to tell how well a woman ages when she uses anti aging creams.
Plain moisturizers are fine though
This is why women aren't getting involved with your movement.
Instead of focusing on promoting virtue and happiness, both on the individual and collective, societal level, you just shame people for things that ultimately don't matter.
Y'all deify women who simply put on an act of purity/cuteness/natural beauty, and then bitch about women trying to emulate that in real life
I'm gonna keep putting on red lipstick for my husband before I cook him dinner. Ciao, faggot
On make-up. Even in the most primitive societies women try to change their looks to fit the beauty perceptions that they have. If even tribal people do it, is it not natural? It most certainly is. Hair-dying was practiced at least Rome, but tribal people in Africa also do freaky stuff with their hair that's more dramatic than simply dying.
The problem is not make-up but girls going overboard with it. When women cake up their face with layers upon layers for years on end, their clean face is likely to be a disaster. I have a thing for no make-up, but if a light make-up would make my future wife feel better, I don't see the reason to object to that. A wife that is happy probably results in better kids.
Didn't we try this already?
>In 30 years ''conservatives'' will fight for the right of trannies fucking kids
Funny how the "reactionaries" are the only ones who actually reject the philosophical foundation of "progressive" leftists and form a coherent ideology instead of merely reacting to it.
Simply use the media to demonize "manly" women.
Invent a name and make it a new insult.
If viral, all manly women will be persecuted by the normie world and feminine women will be the norm again.
Why the fuck are we talking about makeup?
And do things like critize all movies with women dont wanting to have kids with low scores, while making movies and tv shows with motherly women rate high.
The dumb teens will want to be cool and be accepted by any means, so they will be fememine to be accepted
Here are examples of tribal women doing weird things with their hair. It's likely that our white ancestors had their own ways of modifying their hair and appearance. Even though I'm not personally fan of tattoos (especially ones without deeper meaning), one should know that even they are natural. Look up Siberian Ice Maiden, she was a white woman with tattoos.
If something is natural to the human spirit and you oppose it, you are fighting against forces you can not win. Appearance modification is one of those things. Be life-affirming.
People actually think this is a pure traditional waifu
Hate to break it to you faggots, but it probably took at least an hour and a half, two hours to make that woman look like that, not counting the time it took to do those highlights
Her hair is straightened with a straightener, she clearly has at least eyeliner on...y'all are retarded at telling when woman actually have makeup on
>Were far weaker than men. Charisma is our ticket
You're making his point for him.
You're obsessed with the idea of equality, it levels the playing field so it must be right! That's your idea of morality, self-serving equality. Never mind that it isn't right, trying to extort personal gain from betting with your relationship as the stakes. It must be right because it levels the playing field.
>STDs can be had from just sitting on a fucking toilet seat
They aren't, is the point. He's not laying down the ten fucking commandments here, he's giving some guidelines to have a good life. Statistics matter. Odds are, if a woman's got some sort of STD she's just not worth your time. Don't matter if you think that's unfair, that's how it is. If that was more than just a rhetorical strategy on your part you need to get your head out of your ass and stop falling for the is-ought fallacy.
Thing are too fucked to have decent women and men anymore. Degeneracy is too normalized to hope for much of anything from another human being, that isn't utter disappointment.
These virgins can't handle this.
Reverse psychology. Anything the ebil altright nahsee biggits say is wrong, so we start praising the degenerate masculine women for being "truly aryan in spirit" or some shit. Like clockwork, women will once more be feminine.
you aren't going to be able to accomplish this at all, because anything that enforces some sort of dependent behavior will (and rightfully should) be ridiculed. I am saying this as a real grill. nobody wants to be told in life they have a predetermined role. the only way you might be able to convince people is by showing that traditional female roles are as equally strong as a man's, and it's true, that for at least a family, you need a male and female leader. I doubt anyone here can perform large-scale social manipulation though
Just make it uncool to be manly.
Bitches want to be popular and praised by society, so chsnge the rules to be accepted.
The system cant control the media lile we can.
Honestly the whole premise is wrong. You arent going to make women more feminine forcefully. Cultural change is the only way and that goes so much deeper.
B-but can't I just yell at women that they're not pretty enough for me while I jack off to anime written for little girls until they magically become pretty pure waifu, but without using makeup or hair dye DD:
You're probably right. I didn't realize how retarded this place was until the Taylor Swift worship started....