Reminder that ugly, sickly weaklings should be sterilized and enslaved to raise chad's offspring. Subhumans like on the right are disgusting. Imagine a world where everyone is healthy and beautiful like the guy on the left. subhumans should be forbidden to procreate, and that includes whitecels. Don't think that your race makes you immune. You have been warned. Genetic trash must be cut down without mercy
Reminder that ugly, sickly weaklings should be sterilized and enslaved to raise chad's offspring...
You first.
How does the guy on the right even exist?
>Genetic trash must be cut down without mercy.
You don't have to worry about seeking these people out and exterminating them. They are incels. No woman will breed with that.
Agreed. First we must cull anti-racist degenerates in European gene pool and exterminate non-Europeans globally.
a lot of the most intelligent figures in world history were considered extremely ugly.
Really silly post, the world has "attractive" people because they're just more simple to look at and in return more aesthetically interesting. If we had people that were all beautiful there probably would be a switch in aesthetics.
You're posting on Sup Forums absolutely fucking kill yourself and get full blown cancer if you think you're excluded in the rant you're talking about in this post. This is absurd and sounds like something some edgy teen who just started working out and reading a few pages on a "how to" survive book for like 3 minutes wrote out.
What if guy on the left had iq of 89 and the guy on the right - 160.
Who'd be genetic trash then?
Fixed the homeboy on the left
just be more confident bro!
what program do you use? I used plastic surgery simulator but it was only free for like 2 days
>Genetic trash must be cut down without mercy
Don't worry. Ugly dudes like myself don't get pussy, my guy. How the fuck are we supposed to procreate if we're not getting laid?
Guy on the left is a slav, therefore not white.
Photoshop. Just a simple liquify on the face then hue/saturation and brightness/contrast for the hair.
But if we did that there wouldn't be anyone left to be nazis and trumptards on Sup Forums! Sexual frustration at being betas forced out of the gene pool is what brought all these guys together!
Sadly in our dysgenic world ugly unhealthy scum often breeds.
Both. Pic related - high IQ alone does not make eugenic progress
First we must select traits that we define as good before we start a eugenics program. For example, the Chad on the left is very attractive but he could have an IQ of 70 while the man on the right could be an unriveled genius. The man on the left should be the slave used to raise the man on the right's children.
While I'll agree that we should cut out negative genes, we first need to recognize that being attractive =/= being deserable on a societal scheme of things.
>dicklets actually believe this
Jews would be the absolute master race if it wasn't for millenniums of inbreeding
Nice filter
>just lift bro
>muh iq
True. Sexual competition is a driving force behind altright politics
>choosing muh iq over health and beauty
Freaks like stephen hawking are degenerate parasites who are useless
Thank god for feminism making sure wome arent forced anymore to marry disgusting beta provides against their will. But just escortcel desu bro, you will be alright.
Beauty is a very legitimate reason to practice eugenics.
I bet you're one ugly fuck with an inferiority complex and deviant submissive fantasies. Otherwise you wouldn't paying that much attention to other dudes' looks.
They wouldn’t because, you know, negro genes and improper selection for systematic complex development
Agreed, and all nonwhites should die. Reasons? Inbreeding and negro genes
people as deformed as the guy on the right usually don't have particularly high IQ, which is related to your overall level of genetic fitness
there is some truth to the idea that better looking people tend to be smarter
Plot twist. Through free abortion, like feminists want, naturally they'll engage on eugenic selection. Abortion will be normalize and they'll abort ugly, short, dumb. Each race will reach its peak thanks to feminist policy. Hitler laughs in his grave.
>You just gotta walk up to her and smile bro! You don’t need to be a smooth talker just be yourself!
Also lol at thinking that the chad should raise the incels children. High t masc chads spread their seed far and wide, while beta incels can only watch while their nuts shrivel. And that is the way it should be, leading to a healthy strong dimorphic aesthetic race not knowing anxiety, doubt, exclusion, but instead being the envy of all others, having all women lusting after them, amogging all other men
>Trying to get blood from stone
Good luck enslaving people who have no interest in society.
There is no way we can implement this.
We don't know enough about fetuses to predict what they will be like upon gestation.
Dear lord, you must be one of those double-digit-IQ subhumans I was referring to. You are the type of person who will get the rope first.
Nowhere in my post did I address health. I only addressed superficial beauty and how idiots like yourself falsely attribute it to possessing overall useful genetic traits. Both these men could be perfectly healthy yet you assert that the man on the right is unhealthy because he is unattractive. You are judging the genetic quality by arbitrary and superficial terms rather than adjusting for what we actually need in a functioning society.
Ask yourself, between 85 IQ chads and 120 IQ homely men assuming that health is identical, which possesses better traits for our society?
Yea obviously. Whites could have been the most aesthetic, most masculine and feminine robust yet beautiful race if it had committed to that grand Task. Instead it is going down in a mixed sea of mongrelisation and degeneration
OP would have had him killed
Beauty is nice but trivial. If I have to sacrifice aesthetics for overall survivability I will make that trade.
>t. average/pol/ack
Got sources?
Take a look at our society which caters to Chads wholeheartedly, does it look functional? We are not animals anymore and we need to abandon the "Women fuck him there for he is beneficial to society" notion. For example, women fuck niggers for the exact reasons you outlined and look what that does to bloodlines.
He’s not super ugly per se.
How about
Kill anyone who’s not 100% European
Kill all European non-racists
Sterilize those with bad health, mental issues and disgusting looks
look up the proposed relationship between IQ and genetic load
or just look at some of the most famous scientists in history
they aren't chad looking usually, but they aren't deformed goblins either
>not taking epigenetics into account.
Off to the gas chamber with you.
>this level of cuck fantasies
kys yourself OP
In our society we neef exactly more high t masculine healthy low iq low inhibition fwhr chads. We dont need sterile scrawny intellectuals. We need predators, beasts of prey, atleast 6' inches tall, with hooded eyes, popping zygomatic bones, strong jaws and square chins, with bideltoid widths and wrist sizes of true men. Men who effortlessly attract women, who amog every filthy immigrant walkin by, who are superior on a raw primal level.
Meanwhime you hopelessly cope with muh iq muh society muh peaceful domesticated beta providers. Get bent you moron
I'd go for a points system so that we can have a more comprehensive approach to selection.
>tfw tall and chad brow but virgin chin
i don't know how to feel
I agree wholly with you. My point is simply that everyone here ignores most parts of the genome and just goes for aesthetics while overlooking other important traits.
Best i could do in a shitty sketch program on my phone
Not wiping out “other” when you have the technology to do so is the definition of dysgenics. Aka out-group empathy which is anti-evolutionary as it gets. Not healthy smart 100% Euro? Gas
the right one looks like paul joseph watson
You are an idiot if you want to reduce the white race to nigger status because "Muh high t". There is no point in addressing your points past this.
Reminder to all betas in denial in this thread: chad is superior to you in every way possible. Stop coping. You have no right to procreate if you can't compete with people like pic related
This entire thread reeks of autism and you clearly ought to remove yourself from the gene pool first.
You clearly aren't a "chad" if you're sperging out about eugenics on Sup Forums so you probably ought to take your own advice.
That's a finer detail that can be left for when we cross that bridge. My point is that we need to look at the whole person when determining who to gas rather than simply judging by his aesthetics.
both those dudes are handsome OP
>How does the guy on the right even exist?
He doesn’t. Pic related, the non-photoshopped version.
Agreed. It’s complex as anything eugenic is
We need smart AND aggressive AND racist AND healthy AND attractive population.
Darwin Wills It!
Post your face
Fuck off mongoloid Russian subhuman. In a eugenics based society your kind will be the first to go
I'd rate my looks at about average. I'm not too insecure, I am simply able to recognize that we need to tred the path of eugenics carefully and not resort to "Muh high t chad" bullshit.
This sounds exactly what the jews would want. A race of fit retards they can easily control.
wonder why swedens so fucked?
viKANGZ traded their high t she bears for high estro anglo qts
You must be really insecure OP
Lmao turns out im retarded and the real pic os close enough
Why would you want someone like that raising your child?
If he was 160 IQ we would breed him with a high IQ female and hope that their children would unlock the mysteries of genetic engineering so that all future Aryans would be beautiful.
your homosexuality is showing
Looks like I was right and OP really is just an insecure faggot
Also this.
>Kill anyone who’s not 100% European
>Kill all European non-racists
>Sterilize those with bad health, mental issues and disgusting looks
> Sup Forums talks about supporting eugenics so they can rid society of “weaklings”
> This coming from a board full of limp wristed cucks and fat disgusting neckbeards who stutter when they speak
Just fucking kek. Never change Sup Forums :)
Nice projections you niggerfaggot
>> Sup Forums talks about supporting eugenics so they can rid society of “weaklings”
>> This coming from a board full of limp wristed cucks and fat disgusting neckbeards who stutter when they speak
>Just fucking kek. Never change Sup Forums :)
>>> Sup Forums talks about supporting eugenics so they can rid society of “weaklings”
>>> This coming from a board full of limp wristed cucks and fat disgusting neckbeards who stutter when they speak
>>Just fucking kek. Never change Sup Forums :)
You might think that non-Europeans, idiots, those lacking strict in-group preference should die, but they should. That’s just basic biology we can’t really avoid.
The one on the right is sneaky and cunning and is about to backstab chad and steal his mints.
I can see it in the eye... all those years of social exclusion.
>Amerimongrel opposes eugenics
What a surprise!
>projecting this hard
(((right side guy)))
>>>> Sup Forums talks about supporting eugenics so they can rid society of “weaklings”
>>>> This coming from a board full of limp wristed cucks and fat disgusting neckbeards who stutter when they speak
>>>Just fucking kek. Never change Sup Forums :)
skinny=big cock
oh well
Eugenics is the only way forward. We need to cut off the chaff, aka liberals and their nigger pets.
Seems slippery Desu
I don’t know how extermination and sterilization politics are even offensive, when it’s human history and evolution manifested in systematic violent action.
At that point it's less genetics and more development as you can tell from the weak jaw on right to normal jaw on left.
If you don't use your jaw and put stress on it while you're growing, then you will have a weak chin and it will pull down your nose like that shit on the right.
that only seems like a stupid post, because OP failed to post normal examples of dysgenic breeding
Makes me think a bit