Are TRAPS actually gay? Does being one make you gay? Does liking them make you gay? Weigh in with opinions.
Let's settle this
Effeminates will not inherit the kingdom of God
yes, yes and yes
Are you both XY or XX?
Congrats, you're really a faggot.
Whomst is this attractive maiden you have here, OP?
Yes, yes, yes. And mentally ill.
Yes. It is.
We need one representative of each country to say that Traps are gay so we can all agree on this and pass a new law.
well what if they just give you a BJ?
Thing with a benis sucking a thing with a benis == Gay as fuck
Doesn't mean I'd turn OP's pic down.
Receiving the BJ isn't gay, performing it is. Duh.
Sexual chimerism, which occurs in humans, results in half your cells being XY and half being XX.
Is it gay?
>ok guys let's settle this
traps are gay
>ok guys final round, let's settle this once and for all
traps are gay
>ok guys, we've talked about this before, but for the last time let's settle this
traps are gay
>guys ok, one last time-
fuck off
Ok so saying that being a trap or liking one is gay would not be a bold faced lie in this case?
Its literally a man dressed as a women
I forget her name but this is one of those roaming high end trans escorts that shows up in every major city in the USA a few times a year.
Basically they make so much money that they just do one vast circuit. Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas, Miami, New York.
Forget this ones name though.
it makes you just as gay
trips of truth
Traps are men, so unironically liking them after you diiscover their masculinity is gay.
I'm attrcted to feminity and as much as i hate it, i like traps with femenine penises. I hate it. But i have to accept that i'm not gay because i have to accept that i've tried. Ever since i discovered traps, the guilt of being gay has come to my mind and thus i've tried to find out if i was full homo: i've tried to fap to gay porn and nothing. I almost fucked a dude but as i tried to kiss him i felt his beard and totally creeped out. Nope, i'm not gay. But traps, i would.
these bait threads again, hey guys his name is jhon and he is going to bait you shit was so cash
no homo balls arent touching feminine penis autogynephilia vaginismus
if it makes me dick get hard i put a rubber on, and drench it.
who fucking cares? they will burn in hell
If you have a penis and sleep with other men you are a faggot. Traps are gay as fuck.
>makes pussy more easily available to you
>i dont want em
it's not our role to guess and im of the view they have yet to be judged. but. if you were to make that call; do you honestly think adam and eve would get into heaven? LAUGHABLE
these are all freudian terms. peterson is a tranny. nothing is new under the sun
Most traps are not gay, most are Autogynephile
No, it specifically doesn't. Are you primarily, sexually attracted to men? If not then, by definition, you are not gay.
If you are attracted exlusively to traps, then yes: you're primarily attracted to men. If you are primarily attracted to women and traps who display the secondary sexual characteristics of women, you are straight.
If you are primarily attracted to traps who strongly display the secondary sexual characteristics of women, attracted but less so to women displaying those characteristics, and not attracted to the secondary sexual characteristics of men, then you are bisexual.
>grew up on the requisite "straight" porn, and which also coined the term autogynephilia