What happened to video games?

This is a featured character in Destiny 2

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how do you poop in that gettup?

>playing video games past the age of 18
fuck off soyboy

Isn't she supposed to be old though? Can't really expect a gilf bikini model

Destiny is trash

Ever watch the movie Dune?
They s#it and piss in the suit

Why do they cater to blacks when blacks can't afford their products?

It's like one character, lady, why are you upset about this?

Starcraft II is redpilled. A complex RTS game that has your brain firing all cylinders. These FPS games are immature nonsense however.

I have no doubt I gained a dozen or so IQ points mastering Starcraft.

10/10 bait.
Cant wait for the inevitable HoI reeing in response .

>Purity Seals

What the fuck is this?

Is this meant to ripoff Warhammer40k armour?

this...individual. what is it really?

>***Blocks your path***
>Say something cis white scum?

It's not, though. Men are being removed as main characters in the name of muh empowerment. Almost impossible to find games where you can roleplay as a rapist anymore.

>Any Blizzard game post Activision takeover

Kys desu

Looks okay apart from the huge shoulders and the 80s hair metal hair.

All game devs are liberals and they're fighting each other for the title of most cucked

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>featured character
not like you talk to anyone in that sad excuse for a gayme

npcs are mostly just radio voices screeching shit you don't care about as you shoot everything else that moves

I don’t think so Liquid Trump. Your white normative patriarchy won’t stand in front of Suraya - The Devout Liberated Womyn

Why do you care about Destiny
Why are you posting this on Sup Forums
Why are you calling people snowflakes whilst looking for arbitrary shit to be upset at

Iv been trying as hard as I can to remain a gamer and the gaming industry just doesnt want my money. FUck them.

>western games

I tried my hardest to buy an xvbox one x tomorrow and I just cant justify their asking price. Its nonsense.

>why do care about Muslims?
>why are you so concerned about the grenade attacks and birth rates
>why are you pointing out we’ll be replaced in two decades

No need. Check the gender. Girls don't poop.

You know how movies made a shit load of money in the past and kikes where in control of Hollywood?
Well now the kikes have smelled that video games make more money, so they are kikifying vidja. Now you know the humble beginnings of Gamer Gate.

So what?

Lol you just broke californian law on micro aggression. Enjoy your felony. You will never work in a city with children ever again.

Do you suffer from Tourettes?

>western games
Is there any other new western games than Witcher that are worth playing?

>>What happened to games

Female developers who don't make anything that's worth selling and constantly bitch.


games are now mainstream media with lots of scope to wash brains.

The gaming industry is the new Hollywood sadly youtu.be/WhEIz9SzrPk


Dumb potato nigger, you never heard of "Hot Girls don't poop"?

Msulims are a lower form of life but they arnt a threat.

t. based centrist.

Does anyone know how to get a copy of "A dirty chinese restaurant" ?
I tried to get my hands on it before the fucking faggot snowflakes cried a river and got it removed from all the app stores, but i was too late

This attitude is why your country and people wont exist anymore


Would be pretty sexy hot chick in suite shits herself

lol, come at me bro

I'm a guy and I don't give a shit. If the game is good and the characters are reasonably compelling, I don't care which minority boxes are or aren't checked. We didn't mind that Samus was a girl in the 80s. We happily played as Lara Croft in the 90s. Why should we care if some of the characters are female or black now?

Of course some male characters are being displaced, but there still isn't a shortage of them to choose from. And more variety to choose from is better, no? Also kinda glad to see a female character now and then that wears decent armor.

Why shouldn't I? Adults watch TV, watch movies, read novels, browse non-work-related websites. We're allowed to enjoy entertainment after we turn 18, and games are just another form of entertainment.

>omg i keep throwing money at the kikes and keep working for them for free but they wont stop throwing more and more blatant Jewry and shit at me
Just fuck off with your kike game threads.
Blame yourself for buying, following and promoting kosher shit.


stop playing mindless FPS and play shit like AoE2 or EU4

Because (((diversity))) means no white males

Destiny got ruined because (((Activision))) were greedy assholes who wouldn't let the Bungie developers do their own thing.

They even fired Martin O'Donnel (the guy who made all the Halo soundtracks), because they didn't want to pay him his asking price.

They fired the head writer also, before he could finish the script; which is why Destiny 1's story was a clusterfuck at launch.

if i see a tiny 5'4 lady beat up 6'4 thugs then i have a problem with a game or movie.

Looks like there's still plenty to choose from. But if that does happen, just wait a few years and we can be the next underrepresented group and get minority privilege cards.

Westerners were always bad at character design, theirs only a handfull of examples that have ever turned out decent

>being a faggot past birth
Kill yourself

>They even fired Martin O'Donnel (the guy who made all the Halo soundtracks), because they didn't want to pay him his asking price.

They fired the head writer also, before he could finish the script; which is why Destiny 1's story was a clusterfuck at launch.
I was wondering why story makes literally no sense

>not playing Arma 3 and preparing for upcoming race war

Tetsuya Nomura is a great character designer,
he designed the pic related for Kingdom Hearts. it's too bad he's a slow ass game director
>KH3 has been in announced for 4 years and still no release date
>Damn you Nomura

That's not a videogame. That's an interactive movie.
Pic related, a videogame.

>I'm a guy
post penis and timestamp

Of course an IRA member would say that

>Not playing arma 3 with Warhammer 40k mod to prepare for the eventual invasion of earth and purging of heretic scum

It's only been in development a year though, him being a slow is mostly the companies fault and people seeing Square Enix's mistakes as his.

>playing any western vido game made after 2010

No but really, tell me what I'm supposed to be angry about nigger

Holy shit i absolutely loved Valkyria Chronicles in PC i still want a worthy succesor

Stellaris is breddy gud too.

You can make your own alien race (or humans), and choose their genetic traits, their ethics, and their government type. The game auto-generates alien empires when you start a new game, but you can also make your own and add them to the game manually.

You can literally be a fanatical xenophobe military dictatorship, and conquer/purge other races. Also, you can be a pacifist xenophile faggot, and attempt to win by creating a federation of allies.

With the Synthetic Dawn DLC, robotic races are added to the game (they count as a type of hivemind), and you also get advisor voices for each ethic, which you can change anytime in game. Authoritarian is my favorite.

The main goal of the game is basically colonizing/conquering planets, and building fleets of warships, military stations, and ground armies to attack/defend with. The Utopia update also introduces internal political factions and building megastructures like literal Halos.




Yeah it was just announced, looks great, no PC announced yet thoughv

>tfw poorfag

Sounds fun but until I can afford to drop 40+ dollars on a game i'll just stick with AoE

At this ratte the only people who''ll be making white characters in video games are the Japanese

>When devs announce no Pc release
Why are we here just to suffer?
Someone please save me from this suffering
Why u do this devs?

up up down down left right left right B A select start

>not playing spreadsheets in space

blue pilled as a nigger

I think PC fags and Sup Forums were saying their was a good oldschool RPG game that came out this year, Divnity of Sin 2 or something I think.

excuse me while i do my little autism dump

time splitters 2 - map editor
call of duty 4 - no map editor

>what did they mean by this

xbox 360, 2007 era was the peak of console video games ,everything after was made with maximum revenue in mind.

Stellaris is made by Paradox (same people that made EU and Hearts of Iron).

One of the mammalian race portraits you can choose from is literally a Platypus thing.


>omg there's a FEMALE in my VIDYA GAME
i know you're just shitstirring and don't even play, because you're posting the old ass white lady from titan and not the ebin so kewl rebel mudskin lady from earth

is $30,000 IRL btw



No one cares about your mucus covered vidya


Bugie and cuckolds and their sandbox designer, Sage Merril, is a kiddy fiddler. Fucking look that shit up.


They're not. They're catering to rich white liberals who think it's edgy.



Still hard. How about some Dracula X?

>main default face for Mass Effect Andromeda

I now know and I'm still calling you a faggot.

Mmm, maybe they aren't.

Your words say liberal faggot but those digits...

>Playing nip games
kys pedo scumsucker

epic digits my niggy

What is the point of pauldrons?

>> My face is tired, traceroute

Westerners started making them too.

Stick with Japanese games bro.


Is there a male guy save universerve ..??

whole lifetime of vidya to be played from before 2005

I was an avid gamer in the 80s, 90s and 00s and still don't understand why people play games like this.

99% of games made by Westerners are horrible shit, the one or two that aren't were purely accidents or the products of acid trips.

ADHD inspired time sink

I don't even care about the woman, why does the armor look like made out of cardboard? Looks almost like a bad cosplay.