Do you guys like /Leftypol/? yes or no
I dont mind the pagans, but the rest of them suck.
they're alright, no worse than this shit hole anyway.
I love how "racist" and "Facist" are terrible words that have nowadays been highjacked by racists and facists who use them against people who disagree with them
>follow your leader
alright boys off to argentina we go
that isnt what leftypol is, that's like saying pol is just a bunch altright cucks
like here, 90% of the posters are retarded but the 10% sort of make up for it
Sup Forums is a free market of ideas. Doesn't mean that they're not a bunch of butthurt retards who've never read Basic Economics, or I suppose any history at all
I have no idea what /leftypol/ is, i just saw the picture and felt i wanted to comment on those things because i see that shit regularly.
I disagree with the left on alot of things nowadays even though i used to believe in the idea of equality, fairness and solidarity.
Now the left is a hateful and corrupted movement hellbent on destroying anything and everything that could oppose it
Fascism is the only form of government, every else is pretending.
ehh /leftypol/ is like a Condiment King tier adversary. annoying but totally ineffective
Go back there if you like it so much.
Letfypol is cancer just like any website that isn't Sup Forums. Fuck off and die.
Its fascist you dumbfucks
>that isn't Sup Forums
most of them are here anyway
what's /leftypo/l?
backwards origami
what's a /leftypol/, can i buy tumble weeds from them or something?
Basically a board infested with autists running on mental gymnastics.
Who gives a shit what those retards think?
Leftypol doesn't like leftypol.
If leftist ideas stood up to scrutiny they would require a completely separate hug box to censor out wrong think.
They are perfectly welcome to post here free of censorship and often try, yet leftist ideas fail to take hold here because they're not shielded by censorship in this place.
It's all very pathetic when you think about it.
they just recently had their own exodus (again) for that same reason
I usually just come here to shitpost, and leftypol is just as quick to anger so yeah i like them
lol no those are some gay cunts man
Dun care about their existence.
Hilter lives for many decades longer then you think.
nazbols are ok, the rest are cancer
our doors are open for every white in the world
They're the equivalent of Redditors that try way too hard to be edgy. Basically, they're soulless bugmen and gross hipster bitches that have slightly above average intelligence, saw how influential Sup Forums is, saw how we beat every single argument of theirs into oblivion, convinced themselves it's because we're 'edgy,' tried to copy our 'edginess' so they can 'beat' us by stealing our content, and failed miserably. They'll try to convince themselves otherwise, but it's generally a pathetic, unfunny sight to see. Sup Forums with Daddy issues and Down's Syndrome. The kike, dick-sucking LARPers that are NazBols are the worst offenders of this. Literally a movement started by kikes.
>that's like saying pol is just a bunch altright cucks
Is this not what Sup Forums is?
10% may be an over estimation but you get what i mean
That shit happened on my birthday.
Feels Good
Yeah, dude. It was pretty funny. Exactly what you'd expect too. People on the left are almost always pathetic. Now, being on the left AND on Sup Forums? That's a recipe for disaster of hilarious proportions.
They appear to not have any values just dont be an icky racist bad person and asking for free stuff.
They're just such a perfect combination of unwarranted self-importance and complete incompetence, I hope they never stop trying to do shit.
I miss mlpol. It was a great board because the shills had no fucking clue what was going on.
>unwarranted self-importance
You mean Sup Forums?
If we were so unimportant, we wouldn't have actual news agencies monitoring us. Our self-importance is entirely warranted.