From now on we need to call it "counter semitism"
From now on we need to call it "counter semitism"
This could be a good maymay
Bump. Gonna start using this now.
>counter semitism
i like it.
Make it so, lads.
My almonds are doing something.
Counter-semites unite
If it makes middle class white girls mad its probably good.
That's some good coptics, no schlomo
I am counter Semitic.
>no schlomo
Super Bump
Will I ruin it if say counter-kike?
Even better is that counter semitism includes countering muslims as well as jews
Counter-semitism is necessary for a healthy society
Get bumped
It's perfect, it is reminiscent of SJW language yet it is anti-semitism. Other things that this reminds me of is Richard Spencer talking about a white ethnostate as a 'safe space for white people'.
on Sup Forums no
on twatter yes
fag go back to readdit
cut the bullshit,
what the fuck do you think
Since jews love globalization, we should go on the offensive!!! Counter-semitism global offensive!! WE WUZ CSGO
Nope genz will just pick it up faster.
>literally screaming
If I ever saw someone LITERALLY screaming after reading ANYTHING I would label this person as insane.
How about just pro-gentile
What is even the difference? Does it mean something distinct from anti-semitism, or is it just rebranding?
Actually this is pretty smart.
'Anti' implies an ideological position.
'Counter' implies an action taken to correct an imbalance.
This is actually something that the Left might take up. Because when they use the term 'whiteness' what they actually mean is 'semitism'.
It’s okay to be counter Semitic
>Counter-semitism global offensive
The left are insane.
no u
It's actually clever because it makes it sound like Semitism is something that needs to be countered. Anti-Semitism just sounds like "You're against Semitism, you damn anti-Semite."
Gentile is an insult.
What is the difference between antisemitism and countersemitism?
Also according to their own Talcum X:
>Ungrateful Lives Matter
its okay to be counter-semitic
Incoming 20 thousand new articles ""warning"" the normies of counter-semitism
>its just antisemitism with a different name!
the fact that these people need to be told the obvious...holy fuck
No u
>counter semitism
Brilliant. I will have to remember to use this.
Anti = Unwarranted
Counter = Warranted
I don't think that's true but okay, good luck with faggy semantical games, I guess.
>its a Sup Forums discovers a 2016 TRS meme thread
>literally screaming at this dude
That will surely make him less antisemitic.
Need a way to penetrate minority consciousness especially black communities because they blame whitey the most with truth pills thats its actually jews that are the 1% elite that hold them back, own everything, put us in wars and fuck everything up ect and turn them into counter-semites. I think before anything the Semitic problem needs to be addressed and that we need the other minorities to team up with us to do it. They have rootes too deep and use rascism against us. We must unmask them as the true enemy for all minorities and ethnicities as well and our efforts will have much greater reach and impact.
This is brilliant in its simplicity. +1 interwebs to whoever thought of it.
no john
u r the alein
How do we stop the hateful ideology of jewish supremacy Sup Forums?
counter-semitism should be defined as a right for jews to exist peacefully (so normies eat it up) but emphasize the need for an immediate cessation of the Palestinian genocide + a diversification of predominately jewish interests: banking, news, hollywood, etc. with more under-represented races like hispanic, african, or middle eastern. Lets shove the same diversity down their throats, you think a hedge fund will be able to operate with 50% jamals, pacos & muhammads?
Damn. Gonna use this
Its what the jews would do. Step two how to make it a virtue signal?
The jews are crafty with their made-up terms. Racism, Communism, sexism, etc.
Nice maymay.
I will use it from now on.
Nah, keep it on the dl. Just use it conversationally without trying to load it up with attackable ideology. Something you can say which doesn't trigger the normies and jidf has to work to blacklist.
>with more under-represented races like hispanic, african, or middle eastern
They will likely just bring in hispanic, african, and middle eastern jews.
However their IQ are lower than Askenazi Jews so the businesses will still fail
>Its what the jews would do.
Pretty much why it's a bad idea...
>The oppressed people of Palestine are not terrorists, they're counter-semitic revolutionaries!!!
You could even get shitlibs to start using it.
I don't know if thats a good line of reasoning. Jews help other jews. Sure its aimed at the destruction of civilization and the enslavement of the goyim but we shouldn't reject the idea of working together against the jew just because they work together against 98% of society. Don't be afraid to learn from your enemy.
There is nothing wrong with counter semitism
They are already talking about AI taking over major investing and it will probably do it way better than any human could. They are probably just betting on needing a lot of these retards in 20 years.
Jay Z - Story of O.J.
> You wanna know what's more important than throwin' away money at a strip club? Credit
> You ever wonder why Jewish people own all the property in America? This how they did it.
Make sure to differentiate between anti-semitism (kill all jews) and counter-semitism (protect us from the jews).
I had sex with a 40 year old Israeli mom the other day and now it burns when I pee
hahahahah (((fear))) detected
>literally screaming
>t. Semite playing Semite tricks.
We're not counter-Semitic.
Counter-semitism only calls into question the unspoken Israeli privilege which affords these nationals the luxury of judging without being judged.
For example: refugee resettlement in Europe vs. Israel. A movement mostly promoted by and lobbied for by Israeli nationals.
For example: a representative democratic republic staffed with foreign passport holders. See Israeli passport restrictions.
on board
I'm listening
Lol Hitler participated in the Bavarian Soviet Republic. He was detained in a POW camp for a few months when the freikorps regained control
Looks like the EU is cracking down
Im new here, who are these 'jews' people keep talking about and what have they done thats so bad?
Goy! Stop bothering (((Emily))). You fucking counter-Semite.
lmao they're already aware
good luck Sup Forums
Is this what the hippies felt like in the 60's to be at the front of a giant wave, a huge shift in the culture, to know that things are happening and the world is changing by the minute and those who hold the power are terrified? Who am I kidding the whole hippie movement was a CIA psyop to bring about the destruction of America, they never felt this good.
All I know is that this time around the gas chambers better be real.
This thread is horrifyingly pro-goyim.
Antisemitism implies you hate jews for no reason or for illegitimate reasons. Counter-semitism implies that you are simply opposing the semitic agenda being pushed by jews.
Antisemitism paints the jews as passive victims. Counter-semitism paints them as active participants pushing their own agenda.
antifa rebranding to counterfa.
Can counter-semitism be spread to the normies as being equivalent to being Pro-Palestine, and therefore an acceptable mainstream position to hold?
Nevermind that Palestinians are Semites, if Jews can ignore that so can we.
Is pol full of Semitic dissensionists practicing Semitic dissensionism?
>countering a race
yeah, that's genius
>mfw I've been calling them counter-Semitic for over a year and nobody noticed
>its okay to be white
>counter semitism
when did we get so good at branding