If you’re on the list above, you’re black. You’re not white.
That’s a fact. You have sub-Saharan African DNA. Go back to Africa you monkeys.
If you’re on the list above, you’re black. You’re not white.
That’s a fact. You have sub-Saharan African DNA. Go back to Africa you monkeys.
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so thats where the kangz meme came from
Reconquista NOW
American would be 566%
I'm mixed, and I don't give a shit.
Stop with your larp, you fat retarded amerimongrel.
Blacks openly mock your racial identity, fuck your women, call you a pussy and this is screened every day on your own media.
Jews own you, rule you, mock you, are destroying you and treat you as cattle.
You managed to destroy the homeland continent of your ancestrals, but still keep pushing this retarded shit.
You are not allowed pride. Just shamed, and a very imbecile ending: death by your race being diluted in the very near future.
So shut the fuck up, and enjoy your funeral party.
Portugal same mix as ashkenazi jews
Portugal controls the world
>be black
>have opinion
Nobody listens to you niggers because you’ve never had a good idea in the history of your race.
debunked study with absolute shitty methodology
I'm not black, I'm mixed.
My ethnic background should hold no weight on the meaning, truth has no race.
Your nation destroyed the entire continent of Europe identity and culture, just like the memes that the Italians were posting in the walls during the war. You also managed to self-destroy your own identity in your own nation.
You are treated as cattle at your own nation. An you spreaded this fucking disease everywhere at once, you ruined everything, you fucking faggot.
The pendulum keeps swinging until it’s motionless.
>Ashkenazi jews have the highest sub-saharan DNA but higher IQ than whites
Something is not adding up here
The latter part of your statement.
Stick your pendulum on your ass.
>jews run the world and are controlling the whites to destroy themselves!
>jews are not smarter than whites!
The cognitive dissonance of white nationalists on pol.
I think you’re living in 1980.
why's that?
>tfw northern italian
The least amount of subhuman percentage. Whites should keep us around.
Like a retarded brother you love anyways.
see north Italians are pretty much the purest caucasians, unlike north eurochinks
>tfw you look at OP's flag
If you have brown eyes or black hair, you're not white.
This. Upper Europeans procreate with Upper Europeans, and shitskins overbreed all over the world that's nothing new.
Never mind the fact that a platoon of based Whitedudes who're operating during a civil war with NO bullshit like "rules of engagement" can wipe out entire districts with sarin gas in hours, what the fuck should we be even "scared" of?
Those giving a shit about subhumans and their pathetic screeching are not actually White Celtic-Germanic, aren’t they? Just concern cuckposters.
We can wipe mongrels out at the drop of a hat, sheeeit back in the day the big problem was collecting those trash into "ghettoes" these days they do it on their own lmao.
If you were actually White, you'd be more worried about the natocuck shitskin police and UN that needs to protect poor minorities
We need a couple more decades for Western Europe to turn full 3rd world like maybe South Africa, and even then it'd be pretty fun, because what's stopping some crazy White scientist releasing an anthrax strain that fucks people with sickle cell
anyways, good luck, arabo-paki-niggers ITT! you're definitely NOT gonna get wiped out some day
>Southern Italians
>Ashkenazi jews
>Not black
I could accept something broadly african in some Italians, as long as it is estimated using serious methods
My nipples are bright pink. I assure you I am white.
Add North African and SSA and it’s relatively accurate.
>mfw dark wavy hair and grey eyes
>mfw op and his mate varg would deport me
It’s lazaridis the greek subhuman anyway
>not killing anyone with a drop of negro blood
We could make the cutoff at 1% and give you the benefit of the doubt that you don’t act like an Guido.
I agree it’s ultimately the only solution.
Now about we cleanse Upper Europe from anyone who’s not a pure Celtic-Germanic, Balt, Finn or Slavonian?
I'm totally Anglo as far as I know
Eyes are pretty beady as well
I think it works something like there are many different genes that contribute to one's general intelligence, but one ethnic group doesn't necessarily have all of them, so an inferior group may actually have genes associated with intelligence that a superior group has. That's my theory.
If you aren't greek at least partially you aren't responsible or able to make any claims on western civilization.
This makes you the nigger.
smart jew is a myth do not believe the lies
>a drop
what's a drop? it's almost statistically impossible to get exact 0% depending on what test you use
if you look at you can see Europeans often get even some noise tier Oceanian input, which is nothing but the software being unable to put some rare alleles in the right box
not that I expect the average polnigger to even understand how this shit operates and just how statistical it is
I estimate OP is a FAGGOT
The only solution being breed the black out of them. It can probably be done efficiently within half a century.
>looking at lazaridis
Gas, kill or sterilize mongrels. Do whatever. Nothing of negro or abbo blood must survive to 22th century
also, needless to say, blindly trusting anything that comes from academia as god given truth is as good goy behavior as it gets
here, here's a little gem telling how brits(and their descendants) are part african
Try again sweetie
You hit the recombination lottery.
The reason Southern Europe gets reputation it gets (said reputation predates DNA tests) is clear history of running multiracial and egalitarian societies in the region
I’m half Portuguese and I have no sub Saharan DNA. I have 1-3% North African DNA though...depending on the site that analyzed it. Also 1% Sephardic jew and