If you eat at chick fil a. You are a literal Nazi

If you eat at chick fil a. You are a literal Nazi


How does it feel, gayboy? Your hetero cis "allies" all go to chick fil a and send money to build the electrocution camps. I always take my liberal friends to chick fil a, and they eat it up like the good goys I made them be. You will never recover from this shock.

How could anyone be against us, all we want to do is force our views on to everybody, and act like degenerates in public

I am a literal Nazi everywhere I eat

If you were to get some KFC and mix some chick fil a in with it, and then feed it to a Liberal, would they catch the Nazi?

You Nazis disgust me, we should be allowed to literally tuck in public while everyone claps

I don’t eat there but I guess I’ll have to start

>Our enemies causes
In other words they donated money to a "Traditional Family" foundation.

Any group that doesn't pretend that being gay is normal is the enemy of the gay cause. Tolerance is a one way street after all.

I really should eat at chick fil a more. Its by far the whitest fast food restaurant.

I've never known there was a gay fetish for tucking your shirt in. Maybe tucking your shit in your asshole.

What's wrong with us gays, it's totally natural and not Jewish tricks. Don't question

Literally all I want to do is raise the aids rate, ruin traditional marriage, disapoint my father, and just love who I want like who would be against me like wtf.

I know right, we also want gay porn shown in elementary schools

Mmmm mmmmm

The Gaystopo is here again.

Boys! Tighten your belts!

Das ma shit mane!

Their spicy chicken biscuit with honey roasters BBQ sauce is the best fast food breakfast in human history.

Well I disagree with Hitler on economic grounds...
But I do love me some hate biscuits

That does look really good!!!

They'd probably just be dumbfounded as to why 1/2 the chicken is delicious and the other half is grimy nigger-tier chicken.


Holy shit, a company founded on christian values and actually values them...and.. and everyone knows it.. burn them.. burn them all. I hope you get AIDS or die in a car accident.

They could openly kill niggers and Jews and I still wouldn't eat there, fast food chicken is especially garbage compared to other fast food.