Even after exposing social autopsy as a doxing website they still prefer having a female nigger shill on their side over denouncing her and telling her to gtfo.
Why are conservatives such dumb fucks?
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what happened?
They exposed the fuck out of red pill black but still like having her around. Wtf? And we wonder why the alt lite is full of faggots.
Of course Pol choose the side of the attention whoring faggot over a real conservative woman, she's black, big woop
I mean specifically what happened
1. Pol doesn't choose people.
2. She's a nigger eeking and ooking for attention.
3. She is irrational.
I prefer this woman to the fucking tranny.
It sounds like you prefer attention seeking tranny faggots who would rather pick petty fights to be in the spotlight and divide the right
I listened to the debate a couple times and Blaire literally confirmed everything I believed about obnoxious petty attention whoring faggots. Gas them all
Armoured Degenerate did a good analysis on what happened
>black liberal runs doxxing website
>gets btfo by the left and sees the light
>becomes redpilled overnight and joins the right as based black chick.
>conservatives start argueing amongst each other
>d&c mission accomplished.
She is one our side now,
that's all that matters to me,
go girl!
redpill all the blacks,
she did a few at my work with just one video!
Ffs I cannot stand this smug faggot.
Not to mention Joy Villa the Scientologist and Laura Loomer the Serial Rapist
She's a lying cancer that's gonna tarnish the thought leaders of the liberty movement. I'm already sick of Infowars and PJW for their glowing endorsement of her. Now I'm starting to hate Gavin McInnes and Milo for just being around them. Their reputation will only implode from here on out.
Thing is the alt kike is running this whole destroy the whole failing system train. But it will be people like Richard Spencer who will pick up the pieces and rebuild once the alt lite shekels dry up.
PJW is a fucking clown who is popular because kids want to be entertained. He denounced the alt right many times and he will go down in history as a clown who provided entertainment for normies and nothing more.
I think he's more impactful and popular unfortunately. I was "redpilled" by him on feminism. And stuck with him for about 4 years now (right when muh social autopsy was being launched). But I was really put off by his intellectual dishonesty and deception reguarding RPB. And now he's taking on soy boys and nutrition when he got BTFO'd by vegan gains and actual science. I hope he gets some humility because I hate when smug arrogant pricks get success and think that their hot shit.
Are you serious. Richard Spencer. Get real man.
You people really need to wake up.
Wake up to what? I'm not implying that he is an overlord but at least he sounds sincere.
>she's as bad as 'I can really sing' Joy Villa