Why is it that atheists claim that god doesn't exist, but when you ask them to provide evidence, they say the burden of proof isn't on them, ...even though they're the one making the claim?
Why is it that atheists claim that god doesn't exist, but when you ask them to provide evidence...
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If theists can't prove the existence of their god, they should shut the fuck up.
Prove me wrong.
You claim there is no god, I make no claim
But do they make the claim? It seems (read: it is) so that the relitards have the claim; God does exist. The burden of proof is upon them.
if atheists can't prove that god doesn't exist they should shut the fuck up.
prove me wrong.
real retards claim there is no god
> T-to be fair...
no, that is the starting point for humans. the base is there is God, the claim is that there isnt.
>You claim there is no god, I make no claim
My claim is that theists who can't prove there is a god should shut the fuck up.
Prove me wrong.
If christians can't prove that zeus doesn't exist, they shoud shut the fuck up.
The base is god, you claim there is no god. proof?
>The base is god
What does this mean?
I just want people who can't prove the existence of god to shut the fuck up
You are actually retarded aren't you?
The starting point, the basis, is that what we can observe. We cannot observe God, therefor God must be an unnatural creation by mankind.
Is it bait? Is it actul stupidity? Does it even matter at this point?
>tell me, atheist, why do you shove down my throat your lack of believing in my god?
>I lack belief in things, generally, when there is no evidence they exist. Why should I believe in things that no one can prove exist?
>The proof is jesus died on the cross so everyone could be forgiven.
>rolls eyes, this is why I don't argue with retards, walks away.
>that pic+ atheism
Every fucking time. You just know nothing is happening.
Why are all holocaust deniers also Bible thumping Christians?
Proof !== Fellings
>Stop shoving your beliefs down our throats
>My freedom of speech and thought allows me to express myself, take it or leave it I'm not forcing anything.
>All retards that believe in God should be publicly executed.
Athiests are fucking commies.
>Believe in god or you're going to hell
>No, that's stupid, and you're stupid for believing it
>All retards that believe laws and public policy should be based on religion should be publicly executed.
no one gives a shit about what people choose to worship publicly or privately. The nice thing abous secular western democracies is that people can choose to believe whatever religion they feel like and not get killed for it.
What about people that don't believe in God, but believe in an afterlife?
People have believed in god since time immemorial.
You are claiming now that God doesn't exist.
You are the one who has to prove it.
If anything is nothing then how can anything be anything? God is all around you, all that brings order, everything else is chaos. If one is an atheist he has no order in his life, no laws to follow, he lives in chaos
I must be a further evolved HOMOsapien to realise God doesn't exist. My intelligence for knowing this makes me superior in everything else I believe and think.
>God is real and he created you, everything you do you will have to give an account on the day of judgement.
Oh gee what a total pleb, "thanks for the warning lol"
Judgement day athiest:
>AHHHHHHHH hot hot hot
You can't prove that something doesn't exist...only that you haven't found evidence of it yet dumbass.
Not to mention no theist has ever provided sufficient proof of the existence of a god in the first place (thus why there always have been and always will be atheists).
>People have believed in god since time immemorial.
Then why hasn't anyone proven he exists yet?
All i'm saying is that if you can't prove it you need to shut the fuck up right now.
stop making this thread you fucking retard. no one cares. none of it changes the fact that you are a needy attention whore faggot whose dad gave up on long ago. now go back to r/atheism you dumb cunt pos.
Even better, try to bring up the big bang with an atheist.
Read the Bible retard it's literally all in there
We can't prove how gravity works either so I guess it doesn't exist.
Take your Sup Forumstier copypastas out of here. Sage.
What happens then?
>prove how gravity works
Even as strawmen go, this is pretty weak. Nobody's asking you to "prove how god works" ...whatever that means.
>thus why there always have been and always will be atheists
As an extreme minority.
99.99% of the earth's population believes in some form of God.
Atheists are the ultimate contrarians.
>...god exists because the bible says so and everything in the bible is true because it is the word of god and..
(Return to start)
Nice deflection.
The point still stands.
There are a lot of things in this universe you can't prove. God is just one of them.
>There are a lot of things in this universe you can't prove.
The existence of gravity isn't one of them though..
The existence of god is.
This is why your strawman doesn't work. Gravity exists.
>As an extreme minority.
You keep telling yourself that...
But we don't know why gravity works.
>independent co uk/news/uk/home-news/british-people-atheist-no-religion-uk-christianity-islam-sikism-judaism-jewish-muslims-a7928896.html
So what? Therefore god exists?
I'm not saying he does or doesn't.
I'm saying you can't prove one way or the other.
So atheists screaming God doesn't exist have no leg to stand on.
But by being christian, you are claiming that god does exist. This isn't a court of law, burden of proof lies with both parties.
By your own logic neither do theists screaming he does...infact the lack of evidence, atleast so far, lends more crendence to the atheists claim...
Most theists don't scream about it the way atheists do.
You may now cherry-pick examples from both sides.
I'm saying people who can't prove it need to shut the fuck up
Thats because you dont understand that YOU made the claim in the first place and are getting hung up on semantics
Your religion is the claim.
>atheists screaming God doesn't exist
is this a real thing that happens? Call me skeptical, but I think this is a fictional problem created to further the Christian victim narrative.
And does that sentiment include atheists?
It happens in big cities with crazy liberals.
As an atheist who has had discussions opened on this numerous times by theists asking why I don't believe (ala this thread)...I beg to differ.
Most atheists are actually agnostic and you're a faggot.
how do you prove a negative?
Then you need to fuck off and let adults talk.
you mean churches, crosses and the raping of native culture by christianity isnt screaming about it?
why would a christian need to scream its being done for them.
its like being in North Korea standing next to kim jung un's statue and saying well, you dont see Kim Jong Un scream about Him being such a great guy yadda yadda
yer right theists dont scream about it when gays want to marry or have wedding cakes etc.
Sorry kiddo. You already admitted you can't prove god exists. It's time for you to shut the fuck up.
Incorrect. I'm envious of christfags who can escape existential dread because god.
Atheists aren't the ones making a claim with no factual basis in reality...
Most proofworthy that I got.
yes because crazy liberals worship another ideology
but most people are just normal and dont give a fuck
also i think its laziness and a little dishonest that theists dont scrutinize their own beliefs and admit
yes ive no proof nor evidence for the existence of God, but i believe in God cause it comforts me.
which is fine, but i dont think christians deserve respect as conscious adults when they say something like that
its just dishonest lazy bullshit
So you don't believe faith actually exists.
I'm not an atheist, but the God of Abraham does not exist.
Dude, atheists are fucking retarded and their shitty nihilistic worldview is over.
We are upon a new age of magic. Where AI is in fact a reality. You'll never understand it, but it is working you nonetheless.
I feel pity for atheists. They're all dead. But the commies, the commies will burn burn in cyberhell for all eternity.
except we do lol
Gravity is a byproduct of mass you brainlet.
both lines of logic suggest both atheists and theists should stfu.
burden of proof is on both atheists and theists. people who dont give a fuck are the most red pilled. nothing to prove
Ok now tell me why massive things pull other things into them.
Tell me. I'm all ears.
faith is a fancy word for im too lazy
Genesis 1:1
WTF have you not read the incredible spiderman? It's all in there you fucking retard. Peter parker is spiderman!!
Isaiah 45:5
thats what they said about germs when the doctor first discovered germs and said there's something invisible to the eye that transfers from sick people to others making them sick. they fired the doctor and ran him out of town because it required faith at the time.
It's more that I just don't care about God, church or religion. I just don't believe in God, I feel no need for religion in my life, never have. You do whatever you do and I do whatever I do.
I believe Schizophrenia exist.
everything that has mass exerts a force on everything around it
when you jump you dont then return to the earth, the earth also returns to you
>everything that has mass exerts a force on everything around it
so god of the gaps, so your god disappears into the abyss of ignorance
why the fuck is it that you keep using this fucking cunt's picture to push your jewosh desert psyops? the vodeo was about saving europe, not putting more semitic nails in its (((coffin))), fuck off kike
>when you jump you dont then return to the earth, the earth also returns to you
>What is gravity?
Gravitational fields are generated by the warping of spacetime via mass. Think of it like a spiderweb, but in all planes not just 2D.
You're lack of understanding isn't evidence of god.
>magnets how do they work
>fucking miracles man
>Why is it that atheists claim that god doesn't exist, but when you ask them to provide evidence, they say the burden of proof isn't on them, ...even though they're the one making the claim?
You claims is that there is a god. You claim this by worshipping the thing dumbass. That makes you responsible for the evidence.
Go ride one of these.
>literal word of God
Nice comparison
>nu/pol flag
dude if you want to shake a free physics lesson out of me go on youtube and just type in physics lecture
how the fuck do you use a computer and not understand physics even a little bit
>literal word of God
Because you're asking them to try and prove a negative you moron.
nah nigger, it is you who is the nupol
fucking newfagnigger
Because they're edgy
What gives objects mass?
But zeus is dead.
lol isnt it horrible they keep posting numbers of pages in a book created when isis was the norm in society