2020 if Democrats underperform.
2020 if Democrats underperform
rust belt is going to be red still bro
Ohiofag here, no. The rustbelt is solidly red for the medium-term. Ohio will vote Trump in 2020 even if he loses. He won by 9% in a close election. The sooner leftists come to terms with reality the better for them. Otherwise fuck off.
not a chance
two scoops
two slices
two genders
two walls
two terms
deal with it.
PA fag here, he’s got PA again, and most likely MI
>being this deluded
This is coming from someone who predicted 2016 way better than you
You're delusional
My map is best map.
>failed to prevent healthcare access three times
>likely won't get tax reform done
>wall still only at the prototype stage
>disastrous response to hurricanes
Oh yes, I'm sure Trumpie will win!!
The only correct thing your post is the healthcare part, leaf.
And even then, you can thank the RINO's for that part.
>I-I didn't f-fail it was the REPUBLICANS >:(
Stop blaming failures on other people.
What are your odds... 98%?
>he doesn't even deny it
This is what Nate Cohn, Sean Trende, Harry Enten and Nate Silver are all saying.
When Presidents have approvals at Trump's current level the opposing party makes gains in the 10 point range all over the map.
Also, the party in power tends to lose seats in Congress in the midterms even with strong approval ratings, just like Obama did.
Prepare you anus for the coming tide leftists
We stand on the eve of our victory
Cali will go red, VA will go red as well. NM might.
Kek this, obama always complained about the republicans they're obstructing me, kek now how about your own party obstructing a republican president, now if that isn't example of a bought out and paid establishment party, with few ppl that aren't. Then idk what is to ppl.
No way Trump takes Virginia
Va, might go red, if you saw how close it was with hillary clinton on election night, But cali, is just to stacked with minorities, Hispanics, muh lgbtiop culture, 3 major lib stacked cities. You'd be more likely to see Washington state on the west coast be going red, is the more pragmatic choice for a long run to flip something on the west coast.
So wait Sup Forums cuck.....Are you saying the wall WAS BUILT? Is it invisible?
Did you not see the recent blue wave election?
Is this you again Rachel?
>Nate silver
I was really hoping he killed himself after he had to eat crow in 2016
The delusional thinking of rural and suburban retards is hilarious.
Drumpf barely won in key states in 2016 and he was only able to do it by being Putin’s cock holster.
In 2020 he won’t have that advantage and he’s going to lose so hard that drumpfkins will be too embarassed to emerge from their rural shacks for Hillary’s 8 years.
>Thinking Obama had strong approval ratings
Hes the only president since FDR to win re-election with less votes than his first term. The polls were fucking rigged, as always.
>Left is constantly pumped with "TRUMP WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT" claims from the media, celebrities, and other popular public figures
>Left sees the long as fuck lines on election day
>Figure, "Meh he's not gonna win anyway" don't bother voting
>People think Trump is going to lose, Huge turnouts where usually turnouts are less for Republicans, people trying hard to get him elected over Hillary
>Trump wins because the Left literally fucked themselves
>Instead of taking responsibility for their failure as usual, leftist find someone else to blame. Uhh, how about Russia?, Putin seems to like Trump, We'll blame it on him!
Stay classy.
CO will go red.
MN, WI MI, OH, PA and IA will go/remain red.
NH will go red. ME might go red.
GA, FL will stay red.
Nevada and Colorado won't go red, and half of Maine will stay blue like last time. You're right about Minnesota and New Hampshire though. I would even hope he picks up Virginia next time, but that's just a bit of wishful thinking
Unironically think it will be this. You're forgetting Trump is deporting illegals, barring mudslimes and building that wall. When he does that California will go red.
>meme flag
>bad predictions
Sage and move on