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except that happens every 10 minutes and we are supposed to pretend we are all equal and ignore fbi statistics and what we see in real life... k no thx niggerlovers






>nothing to do with "brown people" (you racist).
>everything to do with a toxic ideology that constantly does shit like this.

Negro please.




>the left can’t mem-

>Toxic ideology
You mean not tolerating Jews, homosexuals, and degenerates? Oh so toxic!

kys faggot



Every time a cuckservative says "we need to fight islam to protect women's freedom and gay rights" I want to convert

>m-muh 300000 gorillion innocent people killed in Dresden


Jesus christ these are awful. How long did it take to come up with these?


Nice meme flag bro!

>implying is not muhammed


Nice flag fag.

Here's a toiletkin

This is so bad but i still chuckled like a fucking autist.

me desu

The crescent hides behind the swastika

>waaah they're violent, I need a safe space

i like how this faggot just completely ignore this fact
you Islamic apologist neo-libtards are so pathetic

not an argument you faggot


Real natsocs want all mudshits to fuck off back to Syria

This one is true though. Muzzies are bad but no one can compare to the beady eyed anglo kike menace for pure treachery.




We could make earth a safe space nuking the middle east.

Fuck dude I can't even get all the way through reading that shit

For the record when asked I straight up say that I dislike foreigners purely because they're foreign.



Fuck this one is good


This one is really good too




Fuck off shill

7/10 only pertains to alt-light
1/10 not an argument can apply to anything
3/10 brings up issues of white on white disunity but ignores crux of issue in clash of opposing civilizations (brit on german is inter-civ)
1/10 again no argument
2/10 maybe against the alt-light but again applys to thousands of issues
1/10 no argument, misses the usage of smuggies
3/10 again works for alt-light only and ignores social/economic consequences of speaking out in the current climate
alt-light only
1/10 I forget the exact name for this logical fallacy, but essentially it's saying that you're not allowed to consider personal membership in an in-group as a merit, only external "objective" metrics, which is absurd. If two groups are both violent, logically you should still support your own.

Liberals are such disgusting midwits. I can see that your smarter than Cletus, but that doesn't make you any less mediocre.

Ain't no shill, just readin' some memes


Go be a faggot somewhere else.

>rating images that were done in 5 min in ms paint that were literally done to bait
nigga just work out or something, do something better with your time



I just got off work and I'm procrastinating on grad school apps rn. I'm prepared to waste my time on almost anything

Those memes are shit you fucking faggot

Shilling hasn't been this obvious since CTR flooded this site in the last election

You shills should buy a gun while you still can and shoot yourself in the fucking head

People should also stop locking their doors and avoiding isolated areas at night. How dare they want to be safe? Freaking snowflakes.

I mean the part where every country that adopts it in majority basically grinds to a bloody halt in terms of productiveness, science, art, literature, education, happiness, freedom, technology.

And the only thing that stops any of them collapsing into a complete state of hellish uselessness is if they happen to be sitting on oil they can sell to puff up their otherwise hole-riddled ball of a society.

But i mean this probably means nothing to you, you're so pro Islam i bet you live in a majority Islamic nation rather than some 'shithole' western civilisation, right?

... right?


These are some quality leftist memes

>wow 3 children died when a boat sank in of the coast of italy
>Why wont the racists change there whole ideology and worldview because of this

You spent 10 minutes writing this reply to cover your own alt-right butthurt. Ouch.

Fucking kek.

This one's good.


I'd be amazed if anyone can; i tried to make it as like literally like literally as literally like realistic as literally like possible.



These aren't even good though. You can tell they were made by underpaid JIDF workers or maybe bored interns working for Soros.


That picture made me read this in Hank Hills voice and it still worked.

it took my 3 minutes to write this up nigga and it was time well spent. You have to beat the shit out of dumb ideas sometimes to keep them down.


Oh its so great to live in the west with all our technology! I can watch interracial tranny porn in 4K on my smart phone! Islam could never produce something like that.



Nice additions to my
> SJW can not meme

No development since last elections whatsoever. Same shit and ad contrario shilling.


you are not force to watch interracial tranny porn on your 4K smart phone but you are however force to do what Sharia law says in a Islamic country

How about the internet itself as a technology?

Nah that's shit right bro?
That's why you aren't using it.
... right now...
... on a turing machine...
... in a modern western-designed house...
... with modern western-designed insulation, heating and appliances...
... surrounded by every kind of food and drink you could ever want just a short walk or western-designed-car ride away...

You're so right dude, we just need to regress back into a cultish bronze-age state just barely above the rank of hunter-gatherers, that was the PEAK of human civilization.

Then those dirty europeans had to ruin everything with their advanced technology and medicine that tripled life expectancy

>inb4 t-t-t-t-this o-one time islam t-translated a few g-greek books and we c-called it a g-golden age!!

dem quadz

Again, technology and mod cons are meaningless when you're living in a spiritually sick society.



why do libshits think that wanting to remove a group from your country means that you hate them? they can go and be sand worshippers in their terrible sand countries for all i care

There are ~500 here


Hearty kek

>progs appealing to their opinions being mainstream

great argument fagmatron

>"you're living in a spiritually sick society."
>says Muhammad as he rapes his 9 year old sister and then stone her to death because she had sex before marriage

So your solution is the far-leftist-child solution of "tear it all down".
Nigger that's retarded.

Spirituality can be revitalised, a 21st century renaissance is begging to begin.
All we need do is tilt the scales in its favour.

Atheism is on the decline. People are sick of trendy nihilism, because it's objectively a shit way of looking at the world.

There's a fork in the road. One way leads to an aesthetic golden age.
And the other is a deep, dark, horrific pit of Islamic shittery, the kind so many poor countries in the middle east have fallen into.
They didn't deserve it.

The Arabs used to be worth something...


meme hijack, recognized, but not honorned


All you've got against Islam is baseless slurs from Zionist owned and funded think-tanks.

You think you're being pro-west by having the political opinions of a right-wing Israeli? You're just being a useful idiot.


All you've got for islam is wewuzkangs tier tales about astronomy.