What should the government's primary responsibilities be in your opinion?

What should the government's primary responsibilities be in your opinion?

Paying my neetbux and taxing everyone else to pay for it

Shouldn't (and luckily doesn't) exist.

off yourself

hehe, wagecuck

hehe, maligned drain on the lives of actually decent people

kiddo, not my fault normies are buying bitcoin at 8k

If the government is going to exist, I should not have to pay for my own existence. Otherwise the government does nothing but oppress and leech off of the people.

If you make money through investment, you're not a drain.
You're a drain if you unironically want people to be threatened to extort their property so a fraction of what's stolen can be given to you.

Welfare for us spics

i'm trying, applied for welfare, but was told I'd had to look for a job, sad! Meanwhile handicaped, old people, and abused woman get it. Have not declared any income because paying taxes is for cucks

To protect it's citizens from the barbarous and constant warfare of man's natural state

To either not exist, or to represent the people, with little to no political power.

How is the government leeching off people?
Its existence allows the capitalist economy to function and it defends the accumulated property and capital of those who have it.

>makes you pay 20% of your income
>offers a subpar quality protection service that you could outperform with a tenth of what it makes you pay
that's what I call a great deal


Sucking my dick.

Courts, Military, Infrastructure development & management ...thats it. Defensive only military-none of this democracy or anti communist bullshit.






Protecting our rights

Do you realize just how much of OUR money goes to waste annually? Yeah, I do agree they sponge off of us. We could fund things like healthcare and education without raising taxes one dime if our government was less concerned about the rest of the world, including immigrants and social leeches and more concerned with its actual tax-paying populace. They've been shitting on "we the people" for years and we're pretty goddamn sick of it.