thoughts on my country in no more than 10 words?
Thoughts on my country in no more than 10 words?
second best, behind Japan
Industrious pun masters with pretty hair, ethnic Germans are amazing.
Today, I went on a pornsite what I discovered was truly disgusting. Felt like sharing this with you all.
berlin is awesome, love the city
One of the best, needs less EU and no Merkel.
Are you finished with my wife yet Achmed , oh s-sorry.
Third Most Cucked in the world.
Commie dyke in charge. OP is faggot
Gay as fuck.
We fought the wrong enemy.
Formerly awesome, cucked nowadays
Impressive history, admirable people, tragically cucked
I feel sorry for it.
Faggot cucks that don't deserve what their ancestors built.
1. Too many Islamists, not enough gas chambers.
2. Fuck Merkal raw for what she did.
3. Use to be really fucking good at making guns.
Pick your poison
You deserve this.
Never trust an Austrian
Terrible country that trails behind Great Britain in ever respect.
Saddest words of tongue or pen we: might have been
Nazi Germany was incredible, now you live in Germanistan
Engines don't go in the rear. There's still hope.
We need a new Führer.
not like ours is any better
Still nice country, making bad decisions, please change your politics
You were once the apex of culture. Now only ficki ficki remains.
take train
see people get robbed by sandcoons and roaches
Second uprise of the nazis might happen again
Pick one
A beautiful country that needs to stop killing itself.
> Based history prior to 1945.
> Absolute cunts since then.
You can throw the US troops out on your own, faggots.
It's my third favorite country.
humorless people
Vous n'aurez pas l'Alsace et la Lorraine.
cuckold faggots whose parents worked hard.
Never been, but memes tell me your people hate freedom.
Tried to save the world, now is destroying the world.
Single greatest threat to humanity throughout the ages, blame kant
love germany and germans. sad to see the leftist propaganda tho
Niggers are the Germans of Africa
I'm glad I lived there when it was still German. Gute Nacht liebste Deutschland. See you in Valhalla
Cucked beyond saving
Was once proud but now is KEKland too bad kek