what are you going to do to stop us ?
we out here getting rich with this music shit.
you guys are on the wrong side of history trying to keep us down here.
What are you going to do to stop us ?
Nice bait mait
Wiggers aside from weabs are the biggest cultural marxist
Is that a tattoo of Anne Frank on that guy's face
We don't have to do shit except watch these retards OD and kill each other.
Guy on the left isn't pulling quite hard enough
>Lil Xan
He probably can't fight worth shit on xanax, and his brain is probably fried.
i think it's ayn rand actually
Im too old for this shit. Is this actually popular?
Ive never felt so tired and sleeping listening to a song.
Let the burger police handle it.
Yes, it is.
a christian nigger with a tattoo of a jew on his face, now that's funny
infect tattoo needles with something
This "Lil" white Boy rapper has until the summer at best. Better bank quick.
This picture is the most jewish thing that has ever happened. Ever.
I now feel enlightened.
>Anne Frank face tattoo
Holy shit did that nigger literally tatto anne frank's face on his face
I'm speechless
It's music made for people on drugs. It's just a worse take on chopped & screwed.
Time for another pregnant Anne Frank thread.
"you guys are on the wrong side of history trying to keep us down here."
No these are just the new wave of pop musicians doing what pop musicians have been doing for several decades, making shitty jewpop and overdosing on drugs.
You're nothing new.
let you die of a drug overdose in the back or your tour bus
>that grip on the rifle
Presenting America's Soldiers of the Future
"Uh like... *takes uncomfortably long pause and breathes heavily*... uh... put your hands... mumble... mumble."
Reported for child abuse.
Must resist... this... white trash soyboy degeneracy.... WITH RUSSIAN FOLK-POP AAAAAAAAAAA youtube.com
Reaffirms my own beliefs too.
if black people realize who the actual slavers are AND figure out how to use guns properly it'll be a anudda shoah
that anne frank tattoo is pretty cool tho
>that anne frank tattoo is pretty cool tho
43 mil views, what you going to do about it white boi ?
we out here. big homie.
So this is the power of the 56%
Do people actually listen to/like this shit? 500K+ people look up to this drugged out dumbass? Jesus fucking Christ. I'm guessing the main age group that does is ~9 to 19 years old. If you unironically listening to this shitty kind of music after the age of 19, you're even more of a loser than the kids that do are.
nice larp fag
I prefer better music desu
get that shit removed from your neck or you might get killed boy.
I hate this music so much I'm not clicking that link
im not white , im Mexican get it right.
i don't is too low morality for me. i have some taste. i think most people don't. most people prefer generic upbeat music as more than 50% of the people in america are extroverts. extroverts like to agree get along with people and don't go for shit music generally go for things that everyone likes.
>no TD
>basic bitch AR
>drug addled
they look like they couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if they were standing in it.
He looks like an inbred slav with fetal alcohol syndrome
>Samuel Johnson wikiquote
"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."
Truly an eternal Anglo
what the fuck did i just watch, a xanax commercial?
It almost seems that way
>not knowing about pregnant Anne Frank porn
Your newfag status is showing
he shouldve got a bana tattoo
There isn't a single European police officer who could handle being a cop in America.
Can't get past Despacito
Lil xan is mexican
You fucking faggots are basically asking for it.
>entered my property whoops one down
>try again whoops another casualty
I'll call the cops eventually. Dont worry kids.
slide this like shaun white
Since when did looking like you're about to fall asleep become cool though?
I've never seen this, been on this board bout a year. Is this really a thing? I've got so many questions
It's funny but I'm less upset about him being a stupid degenerate knowing he's mexican.
Still can't get past Despacito
I hate this song
these punks wouldn't last a week in the pen.
No. This is.
Tacos are more masculine than that guy.
>I've never seen this, been on this board bout a year. Is this really a thing?
You're telling me you've never seen this before?
>been on this board bout a year
Not something to be proud of. You haven't been here nearly long enough to post.
I am here since girugamesh was top lel and you guys still tell me to fuck off.
it's for degenerates and middle schoolers who don't realize they're being indoctrinated into a lifestyle of degeneracy
>Samuel Johnson wikiquote
"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."
Truly an eternal Anglo
He was wrong.
The last refuge of a scoundrel is religion
No. I'm going to have to read this later.
I hope Kim nukes us
I lurked for a solid year before.
this is how we do it down in peurto rico
Over half the world watched this.
I’m going to go out on a limb and call bullshit.
I will post this video any time someone makes the
>le based generation zyklon
that's not how youtube views work
What am I going to do? Nothing. I think you’re a retarded degenerate who deserves your inevitable OD death, but it has no bearing on me or my life at all. Carry on.
>this is how we do it down in peurto rico
So basically just a Slav then?
fuck this faggot soyboy shit
>in all fields
A few decades ago people were making slippery slope arguments with that image in mind
are we sure this isn't his MK ULTRA zionist handlers branding him for stepping out of line one too many?
Fuck man. I would love to live in the states so I would have bitches like this to slap around.
>43 Million views
I'm very convinced (((they))) buffed up that view count substantially
Does he have a tattoo of Anne Frank on his face?? Oy vey!
Some people say that this is a problem. I see it as the system working!
im not gonna lift a fucking finger by all means keep doing drugs and playing with guns if you don't od or shoot yourself well at least there will be someone to wash my car or something on that level, enjoy!!!
What in the holy fuck am I looking at??? Please tell me this what kids are doing for fun these days, larping on the YouTube.
yes did you not see he says at the beginning he sold his soul then that 666 shit in the song.
That song is why the us will never make Puerto Rico a state
They're out there gettin' dat shmoney while Sup Forums faps to "red pilled" traps
I remember when i was 18 and thought it was cool to pop fans everyday and smoke weed literally every 30 minutes. Glad I made it out alive and can see how fucking retarded and unhealthy that was. Gonna end up like lil peep, fucc boi
This is the future. I teach kids. When we go to the computer lab and we have any free time, this is the song they listen to. Congrats I guess....how is this different from NWA in the eighties? However, you should at least ask for some royalties for all those pills you promoting for the Jews suckers. They got you twice. A singing monkey and a marketing salesman. Chump.
fuckin disgrace to Jacksonville for sure. Such a nice city to grow up in.... on the southside away from niggers
"White guy" aka lil xan is actually 100% messican
so this guys doesn't look black.
isnt it werid how everything niggers make such as rap music, if your not black everything must be questioned , how do niggers make things like this for themselves where everyone gets ass blasted if your not black ? i don't even know how to explain this right. its like niggers is they coin something they have to get violent and defend it but no other race is aloud to be that way or its racist , just like the word nigga , how do niggers get away with this behavior ?
Yeah, I grew up on the Northside... not so nice.
Do you know how to read?
>Aryan Rand