What is the deal with these characters, polks?
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So you just post h3 here cause they Jewish? Whatever they are great.
They’re pretty fair, all things considered. They can actually be really funny and they know that “open speech” is important. I like them. Of course they have jew/metropolitan biased buts it’s ok
Ethan's pretty funny and he seems like a decent guy all in all. He went absolutely full Jewtard with that whole Pewdiepie niggergate thing, though.
die in a fire fucking pests
sneaky jew who only got popular by ripping off some hide
*sam hyde
Both of these people look like they've never been beat up before. They both need a solid ass whooping to better understand life.
He looks like discount jonah hill, and she looks like skeletor
>some hide
sam hyde
I agree for Ethan. Hila is just literally autistic.
Psyop agents that manipulate reddit for ((((them))))
Jews larping as normies.
One day they're going to slip up and show their real claws
Hideously ugly faggots. They have no place being in front of a camera, ever.
they are lightweight sjw ugly jew retards
>jewtube eceleb humor is fucking superior
Sam hyde is the top memer dude
every video is profoundly uninteresting
They're friends with Jontron so they're okay IMO, despite being Jews
it's a love story between a man and his horse.
"Hey guys, Ethan and Hila here. Today we're gonna be reacting to the fall of the Western Empire"
The chick was in the Israel military
holy shit this thread is getting slid fast :D
What is funny about "lol I am fat hahaha that's funny. Watch this video with me isn't it stupid :)) haha."
He's right, what the fuck are you talking about?
And her only job was to babysit some american jews who visit Israel and make them fall in love with jewess to prevent race-mixing for jews and to breed jewlings. Well they underestimated influence of usa culture on jews I guess because they became nu-males 35yo and still no kids.