Is this movie anti white Sup Forums?
Is this movie anti white Sup Forums?
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Shitty cliche horror movie overrated by guilty white people
Unbelievably boring and predictable movie. And yes, of course it is. Have you seen it?
>dem whities be ebil yo, even the ones who act polite
Cannot really tell...because *SPOILERS* by the end all the whites wanted to be black, but keeping their "white" brains...can't make anything out of that.
>black is in
Comedy of the year. Not even joking. If you didn't laugh your ass off at this flick you're an uptight weenie.
Less anti-white than I was expecting, it's basically mocking the way white liberals don't really care about nigs and use them solely as a fashionable way to virtue-signal
Your not wrong.
checked and agreed
Except they weren't even human, let alone liberals.
>all wypipo, even serial coalburners, are EVIL and must be KILLED
idk op, you tell me
>have anything at all to do with blacks
>get brutally murdered
Also, this is American independent cinema in the year 2016
Do what I did user, take the plunge and see it yourself. I expected to get triggered and hate it... ended up laughing my ass off. Good flick.
Movie is a ripoff of "The Skeleton Key"
>shot for shot
Total scam,who woulda guessed?
honestly its more anti-liberal imo
Yes, but it does portray other blacks (except for the best friend) as stupid and playing into the white villain's hands, and suggests that white liberals' virtue signaling is all a sinister plot. You could even argue it's (unintentionally) red-pilled in that it implies interracial dating is the cause of all the hero's trouble.
If you can see it for free, do it. It's pro-black, but like The Boondocks, makes fun of white virtue signaling and liberals desperate need to be accepted by blacks pretty hard.
I should start an "Unintentionally Red-Pilled Movies" thread.
It is blatantly anti-left.
Okay, so you retards have obviously not seen this movie or you'd know it was ACTUALLY MAKING FUN OF WHITE LIBTARDS AND SJW'S!
Holy shit!
It's a parody of the black victim complex and how white liberals are cuck faggots.
The plot twist of white people secretly wanting to snatch black people's bodies is a punch in the face of SJW's who think white people are trying to enslave black people still.
Honestly, watch the fucking movie without your Sup Forums glasses.
This is one of the most out of the box thinking movies that Hollywood has ever let into the mainstream.
stupid movie
Part of the problem with this board is that so many people are scared of being called civic nationalists or enacting the "Fucking Based" meme that they automatically think endorsing anything made by black people makes you a cuck.
The thing is, blacks have so much freedom to say what whites can't, that when smart blacks make movies criticizing liberals or their own culture, they often say things we never could. Aaron McGruder is an example. That doesn't make them 'our guys' per se (sometimes quite the opposite), but it doesn't mean they aren't worth hearing.
based pede!!
>watching anything with niggers in it
If you even consider this fuck off.
Could you elaborate on that user?
>Blatantly anti left
Do you know who made it?
Fucking leaf
>anything made by black people makes you a cuck
That's not true, peanut butter and jazz aren't that bad. Not sure what else they've actually made by themselves though.
I was worried about it but it indicted white progressive allies way more than white people as a whole. The villains are Obama voting elites.
Neither of those. Especially not peanut butter.
Another victim of American (((public schooling))).
Black conservatives would tell you that they don't have it any better when it comes to political correctness, the only difference is the vindication white conservatives feel when a black person stomps all over a white liberal's delusions about race in front of an audience. Right after doing so, the PC police ostracize the black conservative the way they would any white person and work hard to make sure nobody learns anything.
"Wow, sheriff Clark and Larry Elder have really opened my eyes to the other side of the issue of police brutality and white privilege" -No SJW ever.
The Poz Button (decent podcast) has an episode on it. I highly recommend it.
As for the movie itself, it's a fascinating and hilarious look into the mind of the black American. Notably, how they actually despise disingenuous, virtue signalling white liberal "Allies" MORE than actual upfront racists.
What the fuck are you guys talking about this movie scared the shit out of me
>You can be cured of your incurable disease only if you live the rest of your life as a nigger
... Sarina?
No it's kind of anti-NPR white left, which is why I fucking loved it.
There is no other side, you massive cuck. On one end, you lose your job (at best) for shooting a nigger, on the other end, the nigger loses his life for being a nigger.
boondocks was pretty great, and I don't normally like black stuff
you gotta die anyway, might as well do it while you're still you. I'm pretty sure even if you could put a white brain in a black body and not have it be instantly rejected, you'd get weird changes in personality due to the body being tuned for different hormone balances.
The movie was a big fuck you to white liberals. However, being as they are, the message went completely over their heads. I know for a fact that all the white liberals I know who saw the movie didn't get it and I had to explain it to them what the movie was actually about.
Are one-line writing prompts spam, OP?
The whites were cuckservatives that went for blacks because nobody would miss blacks if they got murdered, they didn't look too liberal to me.
fuck off pedo
It was a good movie, don't watch it high though
Where do you watch movies for free on the Internet?
I have seen it, and yes it is anti-white.
The director is a Black person. You notice in the film the typical inferiority complex Black have in real life.
>Are one-line writing prompts spam, OP?
No, this is the kind of assignment that (((they))) give to college students nowadays to determine which ones are "too conservative" and need to be shamed/kicked out/monitored.
I get that you're baiting but the movie to liberals is nothing but affirmation. The body stealing part is just an extreme extension, an abstraction, even, of the charges already leveled against whites of stealing black culture and benefiting from them while being racist and advantaged.
I haven't seen the movie or talked to anyone about it but it is readily apparent from cinema sins' take on the film and bobsvids' "Sustaining Stupidity - Why CinemaSins is Terrible" that nobody thinks of it as anything but affirmation. It was never even meant as a slap in the face, but if it were, it would be like slapping someone overdosed on oxycontin in the face. Meaningless.
No. It's a critique of white guilt liberals. Pretty mediocre movie desu... I figured out the hook like 10 minutes into it.
exceedingly, and the best video breaking it down was removed for hate-speech at 1/3million views on jewtube
I agree. To bet honest, I thought it was pretty red pilled. The blacks realized they Armitage family were Jews.
This was really removed from Youtube?
Good, you negrophilic cuck.
Is there anything that isn't antiwhite?
>dem whities be ebil yo, even the ones who act polite
should win a golden globe then
I don't see the antiwhiteness at the level of most insane Sup Forumstards, but this movie is very obviously anti-white.
Confirmed comedy. I laughed out loud multiple times at the niggers nogging around