Bald men shouldn't be this attractive.
Yuri!!! on ice
Other urls found in this thread:
Sorry user, I don't remember. It was a Nip artist on twitter. Will try and find it.
please and thankyou
I got used to this pic now, I don't even feel the need to capslock a DELET
It's even, dare I say it, kinda cute.
Top kek, you just know that this will totally be them in few years. Yuuri will turn into a pig again once he stops skating and Viktor... Well, his hair had a good run.
This is my favorite BaldFat pic of all time.
Sacura is my favorite troll artist.
It's so full of love, why did you want to erase it in the first place?
I think it's that artist:
She also did pic related but for some reason I think she deleted the tweet with the pic we are looking for but if someone thinks I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.
When will we get a doujin about Victor and his career with his numerous sexapades before he met Yuuri?
I don't even know myself, I see the light now.
JJ raped Victor.
I can see this happening
How are you going to celebrate Yuuri's birthday this Tuesday?
And Yuuri will rape the fairy.
Perhaps I'll write a fanfic because I can't draw
I need an excuse to eat katsudon. I miss the days before I knew they were 900 calories.
I'd like to cook some katsudon but I'm not sure I'll be able to find all the ingredients in my remote country.
when will he smile again
Katsuki Yuuri - "Katsuki" = born to win?, "Yuuri" = courage, bravery
Viktor Nikiforov - "Viktor" = victor, unsurprisingly, "Nikiforov" = bringer of victory? it has something to do with the Greek goddess of victory, apparently
What did they mean by this?
>disregard the real thing who's old and busted for the sake of disguising young and plump fairy to match the fap material from back when he was 14
wew lad
>What did they mean by this
Really user?
When JJ-senpai notices him
Nah the most important thing in Yuuri's name is the kanji for Yuu, which is the same one they use for Yuusha (victor, winner).
His Smile And Optimism: Gone
Other names mean victory in the series too, like Phichit and Seun(gil)ri, Leroy (Le roi) means the king, Altin means gold, etc.
>I managed to miss an entire thread even though Sup Forums was JIBUN WOing
H-hayai. Thanks for the heads-up.
When JJ starts courting him like a properly lady should be courted.
I used to say BaldFat ironically but I actually like the name, and both of them obviously.
Why does everything Megahouse produces looks like horse shit and why will I throw my money at them as soon as the pre-orders for Victor are open?
Same, I even named their fanart folders Baldfat, Bald and Fat for the pair and individuals respectively. Vicyuu is too Japanese, Victuuri is too western, Baldfat is just right for Sup Forums.
How many liters of vodka did it take to make him wear something like that?
Send a link whenever it's ready if it's good.
Me too, now I even refer to them as BaldFat in my head. I even translated it into my native language and it works, so I use it and the more rabid fujos now want to kill me.
That's Yurio's
I love Victor with all my heart but I will still burn this blindness inducing sweater. The glasses can stay. He looks like one of these sexy assistants in porn.
>Baldfat is just right for Sup Forums
Well we did throw shipnames around until we found and agreed on Baldfat for the very purpose of using neither vicyuu, which sounds bad, nor Victuuri, which was too tumblrish.
I'll try. Anything you guys would like included? I have no specific idea at the moment anyway, so I might as well accept suggestions.
Okay, I found out that that sweater's expensive as fuck and that fanartist is funny:
That's what I'm wondering as well. He probably lost a best of some kind.
I never use ship names except when looking for fanart, they always sound silly.
>yfw Victor will never kiss your smelly aching feet after taking off the same skates you've been using for 10 years
Just no foot fetish, that shit's gross.
I used BaldFat because it's perfect for Sup Forums too, it has a nice touch and I've grown attached to it.
Is Putin daijoubu? I think we took our Victor is Hitler jokes too far.
I wouldn't complain. Victor is made for kissing pig feet.
the thread that was cross linked to died way before jibun wooo happened
>Russian skaters want to honor Holocaust victims
>Murricans so deep into their propaganda shit thinking Russians are literally Hitler they are offended
JJ: Maybe we should have a wedding ceremony in both Canada and Russia!! It'd be nice if we rented out a skating rink and did an ice dance together, too!!
JJ: Should our honeymoon be in Europe? Let's make it somewhere we can have a romantic night. How many children does my lady want to have? I have a younger brother and sister, so you can leave it to me to watch over our kids!! I'll make you happy for sure-- yes, that's JJ STYLE!!
Y: Shut up...
JJ: It must mean you can't wait any longer, to be staring at me like that? Alright, then, tonight I'll give it to you good once!!
from the last thread because I need to promote JJ STYLE
Thanks user. I really hope we get to see his siblings in the next episode.
Yuri a cute girl.
She's a lady not girl.
>JJ: It must mean you can't wait any longer, to be staring at me like that? Alright, then, tonight I'll give it to you good once!!
Who will protect the fairy from this rapist leaf?
>I need to promote JJ STYLE
Kubo pls
BaldFat is love
I want her to smile again.
Grandpa will Tonya'd true justice
I don't like Fairy but I feel sorry for him and his fans because JJ is ddisgusting
Protect her at all costs!
I can't wait to get Victor's tears in the next episode. s-sauce?
I hope this gets translated too
wasureppoiseibu on twitter
How did you get the script to episode 9?
Based dedushka. You don't fuck with his Yuroshka. He was Stalin's bodyguard in his youth. I mean look at this strong motherfucker. You don't want to get on his bad side.
I'm a victorfag but I still want to see him cry. why is that
Fairy dust and Georgi's magic baby batter.
I just want him to be happy and get godly amounts of porn, if JJ can provide any of them then it's okay
Dedushka an ugly fat low energy worthless mess.
Viktor looks hot as fuck dressing like a flamboyant hipster. He can totally pull it off.
Please do, and let us know how it goes The girl I love still claims to be straight (I would contest that but live in a different country to her right now anyway). I hope you have better luck. Sage for homo blog
Yuri looks like my QT cousin in that image. His smile is adorable.
What the old man did to you, user?
Exist. and had a child who had Shitry.
Thanks user.
JJ a best. And I like he is paired up with Fairy.
user, if you say any dick will do you're disrespecting your husbando
JJ, pls. That's not by insulting her beloved grandpa that you will get a chance with the lady.
We really are the Yuri on Ice all along. I hope anons get their true love.
It's a sign of great taste.
Not them but I just want my husbando to be happy, even if it's with shit.
I loved that they used that car
Only true degenerates don't want to see their husbando cry.
Is Victor the most popular character of the season?
JJ: Are you already headed home?
Y: Let go. Don't touch me like we're close.
JJ: Don't say such cold words to me. Even if we're not that close right now, maybe we can become close from now on, right?
Y: Huh?
Y: Why would I ever get close to you...
JJ: Plisetsky
JJ: Things will go that way without a doubt.
JJ: I'm looking forward to seeing you again.
Y: ...What is this. What is this what is this what is this what is this
Y: What is up with that guy!!
jj style
I actually want to know, why? Why is it that the characters you love the most is also the one you want to most suffer?
You want to see yourself in them.
So you can comfort them or see another character comfort and heal them, maybe because the person wishing that has nobody to comfort them when they're upset.
...Too real?
IDK, maybe because seeing him vulnerable and affected would be hot?
We haven't really seen him vulnerable yet and it might add some depth to him. (Maybe)
Such an alpha leaf, he comes to tell you that there is nothing you can do about it, he will have you and you will surrender to his superior kanakuk dick.
I'm a sadomasochist.
This is probably it. There's something intimate about it. It's cute even if it's not hot, and you just want to protect them
Me too. I don't think she'd want to deal with a gay relationship. Maybe some day. If only we lived in the YOIverse. I should learn to skate for her or somethingparsley sage
I want to see myself in Victor if you know what I mean.