Why is a company that sells an extremely offensive game so offended by Trump?

Why is a company that sells an extremely offensive game so offended by Trump?


Shitlibs are huge hypocrites. Imagine my shock.

Apples to Apples is superior anyway.

who knows

Didn’t they remove the card about a passable transvestite because it was too much against humanity or something? I think they are just SJW cucks.

They can't into eminent domain

I guess it's because Trump has funnier wisecracks than anything in their faggot-edgy game for trendy, bored suburbanites

because jews love to push things that are the opposite of what makes sense to make everyone go crazy even faster. no, really.

make me do a think


A few years ago the Jews directed their media puppets to chimp out over CAH on their shitty thinkpiece rags. Ever since then, Cucks Against Jewmanity have been groveling and trying to get back in their good graces.

One of them is fucking Zoe Quinn.

Because Trump is a retarded hate-peddler and needs to be brought down, obviously.

every time

They got paid off, being anti trump goes against their philosophy.

because cards against humanity is not meant to be offensive, its a game for left of center normies to laugh at how absurd it is that somebody could possibly think that blacks are loud and obnoxious.
Cards against humanity is entirely ironic, and I had to find that out the hard way when I put down an insanely good card about the holocaust and everybody got offended and the game sort of died down after that.
Anybody who prides themselves as not being offended are for the most part the only people to get offended from what ive noticed.

I didn't even know the kike, or the game at the time, and all he'd talk about is the damn game and his son and how his nephew is screwed growing up in Florida. The BIGGEST kike you could imagine. Short, fat and round, glasses and was carrying Dungeon and Dragons case.

>They can't into eminent domain
It doesn't matter. The land that is immediately adjacent to the actual border is already Federal land.

The same exact thing happened to my girlfriend when we were playing with some folks. Somehow we got called racist and shut got awkward. I guess we weren't pretending hard enough or something.

It is truly a garbage game for liberals to "teeheeomg" over pretending to be edgy. Which makes it excruciatingly annoying.

Apple to apples is much, much better.

Imagine if they were just normal whites, do you think this game would exist?

Hipster racism at its most blatant.

>extremely offensive
muh dead baby jokes

i demand to know more context

what exactly made it racist?

Played with a bunch of drunk co-workers. Some are interns. Most under 30.

They were playing weak hands, nonsense jokes.

Mine were downright Sup Forums worthy

Millennials kept sighing, "that's a little rough", who played that.

Not winning any hands.
Never again.

Hey guys - Cards Against Humanity are the ones who sponsored the murders of the border patrol. The murderers used the plot of land CaH bought to escape capture. They also gave the murderers the idea to attack and kill Americans.

this. They just keep putting down the "lol so randum" cards like abe lincoln riding a unicorn and they truly think that that is pushing the boundaries of edginess, then when I put down some Sup Forums tier cards about blacks being gorillas or some shit about the holocaust and they basically throw me out of the game.

>looking for attention
Pick one

hmm you need a new group of friends, ive never tried to redpill my friends but they laugh too when the joke is really fucked up or redpilled

we have forced bingo here for an hour a day so its ok

>The basis of another good scam to fleece stupid petite bourgeoisie liberal voters out of their money

Being offensive is perfectly okay except when it isn't.

offensive by normie standards

They won't be laughing if Trump gets a Jewish lawyer to tie their land purchase into aiding the Mexican drug cartel and therefore charge them with treason.

I like the part where he wants to be edgy by setting a card on fire to show that it's wrong, but he has water running so that he can safely be edgy

you're getting trolled. Get used to it.

>they have cards like "a big black dick"

Because one is a lighthearted game played with friends making edgy jokes and being silly...and the other has real world consequences. Are you autistic?

Transphobia is the proper way to feel duh.

It started off with being leftist faggots that like being acceptably edgy. Then they realized they could combine their edge with their retarded fanbase to get a ton of SJWbux. They literally raked in tons of cash by getting people to send them money for absolutely nothing in return to "protest the commercialism of black friday", so repeating the Kony 2012 stunt and offering a $15 box of stupid shit means they'll make serious money dragging this out with a law firm that specializes in eminent domain.

Hipster soymales love this game, and already gave them the SJW treatment. They have censored the shit out of themselves and discontinued all kinds of cards.

nobody likes this game except low iq liberal faggots
its just apples to apples for children

what are you talking about this game is littered with lefty wing liberal crap