So I have one child with my wife of 8 years, and after having my daughter we decided we would try for another...

So I have one child with my wife of 8 years, and after having my daughter we decided we would try for another. After several years of not getting pregnant I decided to go in for a semen analysis. The results were crushing. I have low testosterone, low sperm count, and pyospermia. These facts don't make me feel like any less of a man, though - I can grow food and prepare meals, chop down trees and heat my home, I'm proficient in weaponry, and I can fix my own vehicles. And my wife and I still have a great sex life.

At the end of the day though, knowing my hormones aren't at a level they should be gets me down and I'm wondering if I'm not operating at my full capability. So how can I raise my testosterone naturally?

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What's your wife look like?
I might be able to help.

I bet you drink and eat from plastic cups and containers, don't you?

That's a generous offer, but I'm not into cuckolding.

How old are you OP?

Unfortunately, yes. Also went through a fairly long unhealthy phase where I took a lot of gym supplements and drank a lot of energy drinks. I may have done this to myself.

another soyboy cuck on Sup Forums....shocker


if you're white you should consider castration. whites are treasonous rats and need to be purged.



If you live in MA your problem might be not you but her and other people infiltrating her egg.

Not OP but have low T. Semen looks white, thick and sticky. If you have this get checked immediately.

>how can I raise my testosterone naturally?

method 1:
learn self hypnosis
quit smoking drinking
eat healthy

method 2:
summon Satan, sell your first daughters soul to him in exchange for health and wealth

Yeah, plastic is a slow killing poison in more ways than one. I hope your daughter doesn't eat off that shit

Can you elaborate on this a little please? What kind of plastic containers are we talking here? Water bottles? Those ziploc plastic containers?

Can you guys have them take your semen and put them in her scientifically? I forgot the proper term for it. Or does your condition fuck that idea up too?

don't eat soy. stop consuming fluoridated water, EAT ONIONS

Lmfao, thats what all semen looks like dumb ass.

I’ll fuck her. I’m fixed, but I’ll give it a shot. Can’t do any worse than you pal.

All joking aside I work in fertility, how old are your children and when was the last time you were tested for count? Did your wife need fertility treatment to have your first child? That always factors user

No it's not. Surprising a Mexican doesn't know what Semen looks like. Aren't you fed that exclusively for the first 24 months of life?

eat like 5 onions per day minimum

Cold baths are supposed to increase testosterone. Look it up. Also blood tests were done on football fans after a match ended and the fans from the losing side had elevated testosterone levels, but not the fans from the winning side.
>you may want to get emotionally invested in failing

All of it

Whoa thats really interesting. I wonder if its from tribes being slaughtered and the few left had to breed to survive.

Not your kids, bro

If OP is who I think he is, he knows me based on how pathetic the post was. Your problem isn't your sack, its just you aren't equipped my dude. War didn't help you but you've always had low counts, J knows all about it. I'd investigate further about your daughter also, and whatever else comes next.

Ditch all vegetable oils that aren't olive or coconut from your diet. They are ubiquitous in the food supply. Also ditch fried foods. I'm serious.

Here is a fantastic article on how to mitigate its adverse effects, but there is only so much you can do. This shit is every fucking where, and it is making us infertile. To think I considered 'Children of Men' an abstract concept when I first saw it

I bet this poster is a poo in loo

>that's what all semen looks like

If it's not coming out in large quantities of just slightly white translucent watery fluid then it's definitely off and you need to have it checked in greater detail. It's a sign the glands that produce the seminal fluid are wearing down amongst other things.


Cool blog post, old man.

I think he's a low T and low confidence faggot. Probably doesn't have a kid or a wife, just a bait post and other shit must be going on

An article on lowered sperm counts across the West. This is literally the biggest threat we face and nobody fucking talks about. As an aside, think about how much sperm would die if we ever had a nuclear war.

You should really watch Children of Men

I trust this guy. Canadians are pro cum guzzlers.

Just have a young black male impregnate her you cuck


Black men's sperm are just as much a victim to these harmful chemicals, cuck.

ask the doc for some T pills

>pro cum guzzlers

You can't savour the taste if you just wolf it down, you have a thing or two to learn my 56% friend.

From my limited knowledge, lifting is the best way to increase T. If you lift, eat clean (avoid sodas/beer/processed food), and get 8 hours of sleep a night you should be good. Also try to avoid screen time as much as possible (computer, tv, phone, etc)

Thinking i might just analyze my cum

Looks like a man. Also why is the braid in her asshole

Are you retarded?

I thought this too
Paternity test now

Wtf I hate Aryan women now

Eat oates, they increase testosterone, work out a little more live a little more healthy.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Raising shit naturally you might get up by 100ng/dL at most, it's pretty useless. With onions maybe 150. TRT is the only effective way if you're that low.


>you have a thing or two to learn
No thanks, I will defer to your expertise.


Just that one has no hips and weird poop braid

I've never actually thought of this. Damn good post.

Just eat soy every day bruh

Looks like teenager boy sorry

Get your kid's DNA tested.



Whatever man, if we went boner to boner at each other mine would touch your stomach before yours touched mine.

Lol imagine guessing right and having OP freak out.


It's not in her asshole. it's connected to her butt plug by a short cord. Helps with posture.

Lift, eat red meat, eat clean, avoid plastic, flouride, and soy


one time when I was blue balled by my girlfriend my balls started to intensely hurt so I jerked off and it become this really thick sludgy type of semen, why the fuck did I get temporarily infertile?

wait just jerked off holy fuck my cum is still sludgy and white

I've just turned 18 what should I do? Should I get it tested before its "too late" or is it already too late?


Why are you asking Sup Forums? Go ask your doctor, if he recommends hormonal meds just turn it down.

Seriously don't make it get to you though, I myself need to get a sperm analysis. I had testicular problems as a child. I'm certain I have low sperm count as well. But I'm productive and physically active.

Please ensure that your underwear does not apply constant pressure and warmth to your testicles, which produce both your sperm and your testosterone. Your testicles operate at a temperature of 35°C, which is 2 degrees lower than your body temperature. This is the very reason why they are located outside your body, despite the increase in vulnerability that comes with it. Try to ensure that they are free hanging (boxer shorts instead of slips, for example) and that they have plenty of air circulation. Go naked whenever possible. See if that helps with your problem.

>my daughter
> I have low testosterone, low sperm count, and pyospermia

Why this kind of shit happens with whites so often?
We mongrels can have as much children as we want.

My father used to say that a man is what he eats.
So one thing I noticed when I traveled to the US is that most people eat fast food and stuff from plastic cups, while almost everyone in my country eat mostly natural food grown in nearby farms.

The difference might be here. You just eat too much junk food.

Shut up already. it's getting old.

so if I start dieting on greens and only eating meat that isn't contaminated i'll be fine?

After you follow of the advice these anons give you, just take test, take the amount you should have. Don't take too much.

pssst. Ever thought to see if the kid is really yours?

It's not necessarily an issue if it happens once in awhile, but if it's consistent then there is a deeper issue. Just like women, most of our reproductive parts are on the inside as well but it's not like the doctor can shine a light up there to check on the condition of the many small glands and parts that keep the semen healthy and flowing. If only you could see inside yourself you'd know how bad things really are.

That's fine. You don't have to watch.


Are you sure that your cum is not already analized

I can't find the study you mentioned, but I found these.

Not necessarily.
You just have to stop eating processed food and eat natural food, stuff grown up by people who don't use chemicals and hormones in their food, who grow food in the old fashion manner.

It's not a coincidence that countryside men almost always look more manly than city men.


This is fucked man. This is seriously so fucked up. This is how the great replacement is going to happen.

Op, this is a very important documentary about why male fertility rates have plummeted


>Low sperm count
If you really want another child just use your own sperm and go for an artificial insemination.

>dude has broken genes
>wants to pass these broken genes onto gen Z

Just pin test faggot.

>>I have low testosterone, low sperm count, and pyospermia.
It sounds like your wife needs to get on top. You're just a pussy

serious answer:

-start lifting, (low rep, high weight, squats, deadlift, etc)
-get diet under control (less carbs)
-stop drinking
-decrease masturbation frequency
-reduce exposure to xenoestrogen and other chemicals (big task, but improvements can always be made)

this + start supplementing pregnenolone

This. I have 4 kids and I'm complete and total failure on all counts.

>start supplementing
not this to start, way too many pitfalls

btw, stop drinking refers to alcohol, take plenty of reverse osmosis water. Also, don't do intensive cardio if you are doing that already. And take care of your psychological health (feelings of defeat and depression lead to less T., causing a vicious cycle)

I can't believe no one mentioned this already, but start sleeping naked. It helps with the sperm count.

>These facts don't make me feel like any less of a man, though - I can grow food and prepare meals, chop down trees and heat my home, I'm proficient in weaponry, and I can fix my own vehicles.

Your dick still does not work..... nigger

take ZMA. naturally prevents low-T

also, do research on reputed websites instead of asking autistic mongoloids on Sup Forums, you fucking idiot

If this is true then you should be more worried about you being the father of those two little bastards you've been raising for so long.

sleep on a wedge pillow and prop up your head with another pillow. you might not be getting enough oxygen during sleep. lack of oxygen during sleep can have dramatic effects on libido.

/fit/izen here so ignore all the retards and listen to me

1. lift
2. sleep enough
3. eat enough, in particular eggs and fatty beef for the cholesterol and saturated fat in them
4. dont be a beta cuck. your attitude and behavior affects your hormones and vice versa. stress is a test killer and a chad attitude where you let nothing stess you will increase test

None of those fucken matter, m8. I bet you don't even lift.