Why don’t you believe women like this good soyboy?
Why don’t you believe women like this good soyboy?
I do. They constantly live in fear of being murdered by evil men
I sometimes worry about my safety.
Unfortunately I'm a felon or I'd carry like anyone with half a bit of sense.
"I'm scared of all men, therefor let's kill all men " - Lefty
"the right wingers are fear mongering, hateful people" - Also Lefty
I had my life ruined on the back of a false accusation because of the mentality of people like this. I would happily kill this man if I could get away with it.
A faggot and a degenerate female that no one wants to fuck......
These people are lowest commen denominator of society. Don't feed them.
Most would.
her arguments are the most horribly constructed pieces of shit ever, and she's a fucking journo, i hate how it's now ok to post and say libcuck bullshit non stop, lace it all with logical fallacies and shit's all good. wtf
It’s weird how they all have the same sentence structure. Lots of musts and have tos and shit. No colloquialisms at all. That’s how you know they think way too highly of themselves.
I never understood how bad the world truly is until that fateful day where I saw Al Franken pretending to grope a woman.
It was awful. I couldn’t believe my eyes tbqh. She must have gone through so much pain and suffering.
how do people get through the average day being such massive fucking drama queens
It's got to a point where just being a man with a healthy sex drive is considered some kind of crime against humanity. Meanwhile, women sexualise men at will with no repercussions (and there is nothing wrong with this, but the double-standard is wrong).
Calm down crazy ladies
What the fuck you talking about?
>the alternative could be death
Oh for fucks sake
They justify as always with moral superiority. Their hatred is justified, everyone they hate is worth hating. YOUR hatred is bigotry. It doesn't matter if their hatred means violence while yours just means mean words, they have a divine commission as far as they're concerned
why do women shoot guns like they're in a movie?
>literally a quirky, hipster glasses fedora lord
Beahhahahaahahhahaahah Stereotypes are always true. Oh man, I love it.
The female fear response and sexual arousal reflex are intimately linked. Women fantasize about being dragged into an ally and being brutally raped 24/7.
I wonder the same thing brother user... I can't believe the male feminists haven't been accused of being oppressive abusers. Empathizing is mocking females for being weak and not as strong as a man emotionally. When all these vagina welding sissy bois get shunned... I'll be here to say "Fuck off and KYS".
Because women deserve to be raped and murdered for their crimes against the white man.
Imagine living your life in fear that 50% of the people you encounter might want to murder you. I’m no doctor but I’m pretty sure that’s a mental illness
this guy is projecting
classic shillpost. We're supposed to love women despite it and try to get them not to be so degenerate
>*Please touch my penis I'm so lonely*
How is this different from Elliot Rogers tactics?
At least the Rog was direct with his feelings
Yea they even use the same metaphors.
Thats exactly what the kikes want. In the torah it says its okay to molest gentile women. Because theyll grow up to hate gentile men.
What kind of crazy person thinks like this? She's far more likely to die in a firey auto smash or eat herself to death than be murdered. Does she approach every car and burger with fear?
if it spoke truth, we'd finally have the war to end all wars at our doorstep. *CRICKETS*
Why didn't anyone turn this around on her and accuse her of racism for assuming a group of black men would rape her so she needs to cross the street like a Nazi.
Why hasn't this woman (& a whole shitload of others) been diagnosed as paranoid and delusional? They're really not rational.
I'm afraid of spiders and ufos. DH probably has more reason to fear me than I do him (& that's zero because I would never be willing to go to jail for his sorry ass).
Disappear him in a back alley
Good. They should live in fear of me. Fear is power
what's an irrational fear of dicks called?
yes, kinda this.
I guarantee you this soyboy has sexually assaulted a woman.
>we live in terror of men
>but only white men, those racist sexist transphobic homophobic imperialist capitalist bastards!
>this pussy is for PoC and refugees only!
Seriously? SERIOUSLY??! We have fucking MUMSNET on Sup Forums now?
Jesus Christ I knew the situation was bad but come on...
Burn in hell kike. You are the cabal of satan.
The moment the Aryan man stops defending his women, he has no future. Only a pure Aryan woman can produce pure Aryan children.
There is a reason that the protection of women is encoded into our very DNA. They are the mothers of the future. It is intrinsically male to stand up and fight for his people. The Jews labelled this behavior being a "white knight". However the protection of women is one of the most important parts of the male-female sexual dynamic. Every straight woman, deep down, wants a strong male to lead and to rely on. This ensurement and providing of resources is the foundation of any true relationship between a man and a woman.
Do not give into the Jewry. Eat onions raw and fight for the future of the Aryan race.
s-stop trying t-to make soyboy a thing
i-it isn't a t-thing
DH is redditspeak. She's an r/relationships or JustnoMIL or whatever suburban drama normieddit frequenter. Someone post that r/the donald screencap of 50 year olds discussing Sup Forums
How long till som woman accuses him of slapping their face with his dick.
White men live in constant fear of being murdered by niggers and/or their own government. That's why they buy guns and learn how to use them.
Women do nothing of the sort. Ergo, their claims to live in fear of rape are, like almost everything that comes out their mouths, a pack of shameless lies.
Men have no reason to lie about being attacked by faggots and being gangraped in prison. I believe men.
I also believe woman is the Jew Hitler warned me about.
some of you anons have to go back
>try to get them not to be so degenerate
that dog don't hunt
Beta male uprising enforcing monogamy on the promiscuous, including and especially other men, is the only solution.
Ha. You haven't witnessed true cuckolding degeneracy until you've browsed r/relationships for a few weeks.
I do. The weak should fear the strong. Cunt doesn't want to live in fear of being beat and raped by a man she better find one to protect her.
>blaming all men for behavior you only exhibit when encountering a nigger.