How does it feel to not be white?
Having a giant dick is nice.
It's like realizing you are having a nightmare, but you never wake up.
>t. Michelle Obama
I wouldnt know, being white is great
oh man ikr?
having a big dick is like a gift only downside is you have to pee on the kid's urinal because my dick is so long it touches the porcelain on the normal urinal heights lmao am i right?
Jewish master race.
OP asked how it feels to NOT be White
Don't know, 'white man': how does it feel to not be smart?
>master race
>115 IQ average
>more Nobel Prizes proportionally than any other race
>have their own ethnostate
>runs the entire world
I have so many fucking problems. I'm a manlet, balding, bum knee, bum shoulder...... BUT I"M FUCKING WHITE!!!!!!!
>I wouldnt know, being white is great
>jews handing other jews prizes
>jew handing other jews cushy jobs
>jews lending to other jews for no interest
>muh master race
>Jews are so powerful that they control all the prizes and jobs, and have strong in-group loyalty
Thanks for proving my point
6 figure salary for cooking fries
well known restaurant - Wendy's - perhaps you've heard of it
Fellas, if you can just observe the meme flag, you can see this user is a huge fag. Don't reply to these things. Ever.
>have their own ethnostate
>runs the entire world
Le Jewish mustard race fucking LOL
Jews can't even control their own country.
Jews can't even contain their own people, country from being POZZED.
Reuven Rivlin Has Proven That He Is President of the Real Israel
"Israel, Rivlin said, is fast becoming a tribal state composed of four groups — secular Jews, religious Zionist Jews (also called national religious), ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) Jews and Arabs, all of them fearful, hostile to one another and even to members of their own group. “Today, the first grade classes are composed of about 38 percent secular Jews, about 15 percent national religious, about one quarter Arabs, and close to a quarter Haredim,” Rivlin noted..... All these different groups, said Rivlin, are here to stay."
"He called on Israelis “to abandon the accepted view of a majority and minorities, and move to a new concept of partnership between the various population sectors” resting on what he called “four pillars”:
1. A sense of security for each sector, so that it is confident that joining the partnership “does not require giving up basic elements of their identity”
2. Shared responsibility for Israeli society and the state
3. Equity and equality
4. The creation of a shared Israeli character."
Eternal Jew is quite a nigger(not only genetically), when you are smart enough to critically think. Muh reparations vs muh shoah rhetoric and constant whining combined with ethnic nepotism
>1/4 of economy is Swiss controlled diamond trade
Pick one
Let's archive
Kikes are master liars mate. You should know that better than anyone. Being a dishonest cheating cunt sure is a sign of intelligence, but you lose all credibility after the fact.
Sand people mentality. You haven't progressed since the stone age. You're still stuck in the desert nomad mindset.
Jews as a people can never be on top, because they lack the ability to gain respect from other peoples. Do you even understand what I'm telling you right now? You come from a race of unapologetic unabashed degenerate subhumans.
What is it to be human? It surely is not the willingness to destroy all of creation to spite your own "God" for not making you a more enlightened race.
The sooner Jews are wiped out, the sooner humanity can move past wars, debt and indecency.
>Jews as a people can never be on top
Except they are on top everywhere, wherever they are, all over the world.
who the fuck spent their time making that image and what is the ultimate purpose?
Until you are again universally reviled, expelled like gypsies and then snuffed out because no one can stand you any more.
Your own God gave you a chance, and instead you rebuked him. You are destined for the trash heap, bud.
what does having a bbc feel like
>Muh IQ
Is this muh dick for Jews.
Just being smart doesnt make you master race. You have to be smart and handsome and charismatic and have muh dick.
Jews are ugly have tiny penises and need charismatic smart handsome big dick whites to shill for them.
It's an attempt by shills hiding behind euro proxy flags to undermine White nationalism in the U.S. Most of the posts and content were created by a few individuals, trying to force a meme.
It's just more liberal spam that despises White America. You see this, right?
We have not been expelled from anywhere for a very long time. Now we are in charge, and we decide who comes and who goes.
dude /pol is so gay. I hate niggers
What happens when Chad finds out a virgin nerd tricked him by being sneaky amd underhanded. Beat down time.
I feel this meme has changed from "56% of the population is white" to "your dna is 56% white"
Chad is in the military, and he fights for us.
You're forgetting that your people are inept at actual war. This is the sole reason you haven't gone solo against Iran, and instead whine like a little puppy that daddy US go and strike first.
>muh 6 day war
Anyone can overpower a bunch of mudshits in mud hut buildings throwing rocks mate.
You are nothing without the might of the U.S., literally nothing. Dust in the wind, and that wind will blow Israel off the map sooner than you would like.
Man in the mirror brother. Just trying to understand another brother in his shoes, or in this case his bbc
And the United States belongs to us. 10 million Jews living there, ensuring that you are our bitch.
Thats what you think. Once Chad gets tired of your shit you will be on virgin trains to the oven.
70 years isnt so very long shlomo. Your best bet is to start kissing white ass today.
It's ok to be white
10 million Jews that are incredibly easy to round up and leave to rot in concentration camps.
We did it before and we will do it again when Israel finally betrays the west.
I'd recommend staying in Israel, so we can nuke all of you at once.
You are just convenient right now. Start getting uppity and you are gonna see how the palestinians felt.
We can arm them just as easy. America does it all the time.
That's cute, but even Hitler was our puppet. Made white nationalism and anti-semitism taboo, killed tens of millions of white Europeans, made eastern Europe occupied by communism for decades, and to top it all off he didn't even kill 6 million Jews. Everytime you think you've won you just end up doing our bidding.
Good, thanks
Says the increasingly nervous jew as his population becomes the smallest ethnic group in earth. The day Is real Israel falls the jews will be over as a people. Dont think your tiny walled city will hold out the world forever. Better men have tried.
All these strawmen
>says the Amerimutt
America is already ours, western Europe has fallen, and eastern Europe doesn't like Nazis. It's cute how you think your online larping with change anything.
This counter-meme needs more work
>resorts to amerimutt memes
The last fall back of a leftypol shill. Sorry jews have no where left to go. Time is running out on your little game.
>Sorry jews have no where left to go
The entire world is under our control. Where left is there to conquer?
You dont control me or anyone else that matters. That's all an illusion you convince yourself of to hide your inadequacy. Scheming your way into meme titles controls nothing. You may trick a few simpletons but most people have been onto the kikes for years.
pretty clear that there's a small group behind it, judging by the consistency in style and the frequency with which this meme appears. One can only guess why this is being pushed so hard.
>You don't control me or anyone else that matters
Of course we do. You're tax dollars go to us, your work and interest feeds our capitalist system, your government does what we say, and you do what they say.
It doesn't need a damn thing. The Amerimutt meme was created by butthurt Eurofags who got tired of seeing all the posts about refugees in Europe.
The Amerimutt meme is DOA.
If reality worked based on the assumptions of your kikey schemes those things might be true. But thats the jews problem. They never plan for reality. Its all greed shielded by idealism until the bottom drops out like it has time and time again. Countless times throughtout history.
In reality white people created all these systems not Jews. Jews just try to find loopholes that let them cheat the rules of the white mans game. But you are still playing our game. You've never had your own.
it is a privilege
>In reality white people created all these systems not Jews
Liberal capitalism is as Jewish as it gets user, and its taken over the world. Even the supposed alternative of Communism is Jewish as well. Hell, even your "third position" system of fascism is just another Jewish scheme.
because its funny. The cream rises.
A+ tier background
It was weird at first, I grew up in America and all of my friends where white, I thought I was white too, they didn't treat me any different and I look pretty white regardless, I just looked like another kid I guess, never had any issues with my skin tone, I've had white friends call me white before.
Most of my self esteem issues happened when I was in my teen's, I looked in the mirror and I just felt like a different person, I had an idea of who I was but it looked off, my skin tone was a bit more brown than my friends and I had a couple of features in my face that just looked different, It was very odd, I didn't know where I belonged, my Mexican friends used to tease for being too white and the white kid's teased me for hanging out with the Mexican kid's, I never got along with the hardcore Mexican kid's, only the Americanized one's, I guess.
I come to Sup Forums for the memes, I was here before Sup Forums took over, I'm not a self hating Mexican and I don't like Trump.
It does. It needs to be funny. The butthurt shines through.
>tfw brown eyes and brown hair b/c 0.2% nigger
Sometimes it feels really fucking good to be a nigger. Being white is fun most of the time, but every once in a while it's nice to grab some popeye's, forget the deodorant, and start saying shit like "ayy what up mane". Sometimes I look at the blonde fags in my grad program and for a second I understand what niggers feel when they see some faggot ass numale whitey. Ooga booga where da nordic womin at?
1/2 English, 1/4 jewish, 3/4 Russian
How white am I?
Kikes can't even prevent their own extinction.
Only communism is Jewish and communism is the stupidest least creative ideology ever. America only really got Jews after we took a bunch during WW2. We already had American companies then and they did business with Hitler. You are just lying to yourself now which is typical of a jew.
If you had kike blood you'd know how to do basic fractions
not white at all. welcome :)
Jews being good at math is a meme. Jews arent good at anything but lies and proselytizing
You had Jews ever since the mass immigration in the 19th century. And capitalism and fascism most certainly are very Jewish.
I know their abilities are exaggerated. I just couldn't resist making the joke desu. A lot of them are in financial fields though, this much is undeniable. Whenever I meet a Jew in real life they always seem to be accountants, bankers/money lenders of some sort, or insurance brokers.
>eastern Europe doesn't like Nazis
The oven just got 50 degrees hotter, Chaim.
You know what they hate even more? Communist kikes.
You saw my country's Anti-Soros campaign?
Globalist kikes' days are numbered, be they high or low rank.
Thats just like rebranding. Basic jew trick.
They just rename things and call them theirs. Jews didnt invent the concept if currency which is all capitalism amounts too. No iron fisted european kings were Jewish.
You filthy little rats stealing out culture and ideas and having the gall act superior with your ugly faces and weak bodies.
>No iron fisted european kings were Jewish
Because apparently the best you slaves could come up with is feudalism.
>muh dick
You dont even have a real arguement anymore. How does it feel being crushed intellectually by a white man? I guess thats why your people sre dedicated to destroying us. You just cant stand to see someone so much better than you. But you'll never win. Better is always better.
Jews have built their whole system and society around being butthurt by the white man.
>How does it feel being crushed intellectually by a white man?
I'm not talking to a white man, I'm talking to an American, and one who doesn't even recognize the Jewishness of the system he lives in at that. Although I suppose I should be glad for that, you'll continue to fight for us while insisting that you're "redpilled" the whole time.
>white man
You already lost its just circular kike logic from here on. Enjoy your last (you) Steinberg.
Even amerimutt memes were originally a white mans propaganda idea poorly copied by Jews.
Here is one of the originals.
And it is falling apart. Merkel cannot assemble a coalition. France and Sweden are in free fall. Trump just ordered Marines to seize the CIA headquarters as Hollywood crumbles.
Your institutions are in shambles and the reach of your outliers in the alt-right dwindle.
Good day then I suppose. I'll enjoy taking your money this year as I always have.
It's an abstract feeling. I'm not white, but literally pass as white to my peers. The only non-white features I really have are slightly squinty eyes due to being 3/8 redskin (I'm 5/8 white).
>mfw I can be the male equivalent Elizabeth Warren if I really wanted to
Your institutions are literally, not figuratively, in shambles.
Sucks, huh?
>Jewish master race.
Judaism is a religion not a race,idiot
Why do 99% of america think Religion=Race?
t. 56%
White/redskin mixes are pretty cute desu. One of the only mixes I don't find completely repulsive. You're still a mutt and need to be purged tho
Choke on it as European and American Jews die out, test tube child.
(((OP))) DO IT
>origin confirmed
>How does it feel to not be white?
Pretty dope, I've never gotten discriminated against, treated differently, or called out for being a shitskin outside of Sup Forums that is. Fuck, I'm pretty sure I've only benefited from it so far via affirmative action, racial workplace quotas, etc.
Thanks for the free ride, whitebois
>have some percentage injun blood
>am a mongrel of various European identities
Guess I'm not white enough. But at least I'm not a nigger. Could you imagine how horrible that would be? No culture, no morality, just another near retarded thug with ultimately no purpose, who's only solace is to pretend they're hung like a horse when they aren't; and if that weren't enough, they attack actual humans like rabid chimps out of jealousy because they don't have a soul and they know it. Deep down, under that feral violence, they know they aren't people. And the only thing that they can do is try to destroy actual people out of anger over their inferiority.
Meanwhile in New Zealand
>muh Soros shills
damn this is a good one
Great lel, who says I want to be a white bitch?
It is neither a race nor a religion. It is a pyramid scheme...