How are cities like Seattle, NYC and LA supposed to function when the cost of living far exceeds the median wage?
How are cities like Seattle, NYC and LA supposed to function when the cost of living far exceeds the median wage?
The slave underclass lives in the outskirts.
In the case of LA, Those who live FAR above the median wage get to live in the city. Those who don't, have to commute into the city to serve the 1%.
This, they lived in cramped tenements outside the city while the (((big wigs))) and their bugman minions inhabit the cities.
I'm curious why people hate this model so much.
I grew up in Oregon, which is a haven for old rich people who hate the city. Because the cost of living is low, and the land value is high, rich people get to enjoy the amenities of their lifestyle imported from far away, and live alongside the 99% without having to pay for it. Meanwhile, the local populous receives no benefit from their presence, resulting in an immense wealth gap.
I mean sure you have to interact with rich people on a daily basis in the city, but their presence will sustain the economy of the city, and will ensure economic prosperity. Without richfags, there's no way cities like LA, NYVC, or Seattle would exist in the first place.
Force people to move far. north to everett, south to tacoma. Their solution is the light link rail. The problem is its going to take 25 fucking years to build shit shit. WTF china could build this in less than 1 year, but that doesnt mean that ours will be 25x safer. just 25x more expensive cause thats way government contracting goes.
25 years ago, traffic didnt exhist on i5. and in 25 years from now traffic will get worse at a compound rate.
Its a shame only retards do construction. They really need some brainpower in that industry cause they slow as fuck.
Chinese people
This. In Seattle all working class live outside of the city limits.
They don't function. They'll be bankrupt by the end of the decade and white flight will commence to rural areas like Central Oregon. Digits confirm.
Also, the city has multiple levels and layers. There's the rich-person stuff, then the basic eateries, and then there are the super cheap options like $0.99 pizza slices and food carts.
I lived in NYC as a grad student and you can live really well there, so long as you know most of the city is off limits to you. Still, I had a great time with free events, student tickets, shopping for veggies at markets, eating lamb over rice, and eating picnics in parks with cheap drinks. You don't have to live at the median cost of living in a city, especially if that city caters especially to rich people buying expensive shit all the time. You just need some psychological resilience so you can deal with all the rejection and inaccessibility.
Or they live on the top floors of walk-ups (as in the sixth or seventh floor) in good parts of town in tiny apartments and live a simple but cheap and happy life. Not everyone who is poor in a city like NYC lives in Jamaica. I lived on the LES, Harlem, and in Prospect Heights without paying too much rent. You just adapt to the situation. Of course, it means you don't have your own 4-bedroom house filled with consumer shit and three dogs, but that's fine by me. I just need a couch, a bed, a table, and a kitchen.
If you keep your own life simple, you benefit from the fact that most people are unable to do this and can't see themselves living in tiny apartments.
I hate cities in general. They're all filthy, smelly, depressing, and filled with vapid "culture and nightlife" and shitty and rude people who are constantly stressed out from living in such cramped and unnatural conditions. Fuck cities
You and me both. I grew up in a downtown area of a city and I hate them. I just want to live in a rural area with a cute white wife and our children.
>the cost of living far exceeds the median wage?
we obviously need more illegal aliens who dont speak english
fpbp, also in the future they will be fortress cities and like, they'll be drone robot protectors and genetically engineered chimeras attacking all everyone who isnt inscribed and microchipped with the NWO passport chip that belong to tomorrows Illuminati urban city centres, MWHAHAHAHAHAA
Why does LA have one of the highest rates of unemployment and homelessness with literal tent cities and a skid row? It makes me sad that all the tech faggots and jewlywood execs keep LA just over the brink of Detroit 2.0.
Because no cold weather
They used to just buy them one-way bus tickets to New Orleans. Guess they stopped doing that.
big cities always have way too many niggers, spics, faggots and liberals.
Share apartments, working overtime, leave the city, get a new job, get a second job, rinse and repeat and make no excuses while blaming yourself for everything. Why is this hard?
LA is such crap.
Everytime I visit there it seems like it's filthier than before. The air is sticky with a disgusting mist.
Hollywood is terrible.
I live in Seattle and split a decently sized apartment with my girlfriend in the most expensive rental neighborhood in the city (CapHill). We also have an awesome view of downtown with floor-to-ceiling windows. I only pay about $1100/mo for rent. People bitching and moaning about the median wage / cost of living / inequality being so tough here are 1) single and unable to find a roommate, 2) unwilling to live in less-hip parts of town, or 3) not even working since the fucking minimum wage here is $15.
>They don't function. They'll be bankrupt by the end of the decade
You'd have to be blind or a democrat to not realize this shit isn't sustainable.
>Sorry guys we had to raise the cost of metrocards AGAIN because we had a budget shortfall and can't figur eout why
>*raises menial subway employees salary to absurd levels so they can afford to live in a city experiencing a housing crisis as the politicians they support encourage more people to live there by turning it into a sanctuary city for illegal aliens who put more pressure on public transporation infrastructure necessitating funding expansion and increased repairs their budget can't afford*
Truly mysterious.
WHOA THERE. HOLD ON... there's a tech scene in LA?
t. bugman minion
I have no clue. Wife and I are whites born raised in LA area, our income is in the 6 figures range and we still can only afford a condo in a mixed area. It’s fucking awful. I’ll finally be able to transfer to another office in 2 years so we are looking forward to that.
Way to rent from an actual jew for your entire life. I'm sure you must slay the pussy.
rural and suburban retards
silicon beach bro