Bring back the English language

Since when did we start all becoming more degenerate in our speechcraft? I cannot be the only one with this opinion. Terms like: Thot, Smash, Hella, Bae, Basic, Can’t even, Dat, On Fleek. To name a few.

You hypocritical fucks continue to use terminology that only downgrades our lifestyle. I saw a thread a few minutes ago to where multiple posters defined the world "Thot" for another poster. Derail these conversational techniques now before they take hold in our culture.

Other urls found in this thread:

Typing on my phone. Word* not world, and "Since when did we start becoming more degenerate in our speechcraft."

English is devil lingo

It is just a means of Communication, Hell I wish we'd all speak Latin.

>what are new words

stop talking like a nigger
i personally like the english of the kjv bible
t. pure laine quebecois

people that need to use big words to sound smart are the opposite of what they claim to be. They sound pretentious to dumb people, and actual intellectuals see through the facade of an overzealous yet meaningless vocabulary. Culture changes and words have no real meaning, it is all something random people randomly assigned to things, it isn't in a concrete state of being you dumb thot

Thot. It's not even a shaming term. It has no negative connotations that I can think of. Call them like they are. Disgusting. Vile. Whores.

ITs the influx of people from re.ddit

I want to go back to before Trump ran for president.

Who cares?
Those are nigger words.
Stop using that gay shit.

Have you noticed you tend to pick up the language you are most exposed to in movies/literature? The peak of the English language was the late 18th early 19th century. Most of what came after is degeneracy. I think if you base your style of speech after the founding fathers or enlightenment philosophers (depending on your nation of origin) then you'll develop the way of talking that is most representative of the English language.

My favorite one to rage about is lit. Fucking nigger speak.

Bluepilled nigger newfag.
Words have power dumb nigger.
Whoever controls language controls the thought processes of others.
Nigger language is degenerative. If you want to use a retard language there's always spanish.

Maybe i shouldn't being here to learn english?

Op is a fucking ideot.

We're evolving drumpfshit

What you actually mean is. "Oh hey, You hated on my lingo, So I'm going to try and dissuade your argument with a ad hominem.

Here allow me to duplicate you.

You scum-fucking mongoloid. Degenerates like you deserve to be dragged out into the street and shot. You aren't contributing to society.

I'm a traditionalist. So shouldn't we be focusing on the restoration of western values, and ideas. Instead of the destruction of the core tenants. Such as communication?


I've noticed one of the influences of African speech patterns is the tendency to feel pressured to speak in a short, abrupt way. Others around you will seem to become inpatient and interrupt you if you can't express your whole idea into a single simple sentence. You should resist this, English is a very expressive and explicit language, and an ideal language to express difficult philosophical concepts. So you should strive to speak carefully and thoughtfully, not reactively and almost instinctively like an African. Yes, the African way of speech makes the language almost seem like a kind of instinctive grunt, doesn't it?

*smacks lips*

Stop using the word "unironically".
The word you're looking for is "seriously".

You called me an "ideot". But even then at least I have the common decency to spell "Idiot" correctly when insulting someone. You bitter degenerate

eat a dik my nigga

str8 up

You know you lost the argument when you have to criticize an obvious typo.

we be evolvin n sheet

You agreed with me, stop skimming over my argument. You impatient fuck.
Thank you.
"Gay shit." That is also nigger terminology.
Agreed, Appreciate your contribution to the thread.
Thank you.
Appreciate it. It's good to see I'm not alone.
Drumpfshit. Seriously?
Agreed, It does sound like a grunt by the end of the day. Has no power behind it.

What "Argument." This entire board is dedicated to shit-flinging back and forth with no debate to be had. No moderation.

The modern way of speaking that is most distinctive to whites is the kind that ends every sentence in a question mark, uses a great deal of filler words, and uses a lot of stock insults etc.

One thing I have noticed about most languages is they have a kind of rhythm that makes them pleasant to speak and listen to (thai is the most unforgivably ugly language in the world though). If there is one thing admirable about African American English it is that it has a rhythmic consistency.

Middle class "white bread" English has lost it's rhythm and therefore it's pride. Whites tend to speak with a kind of self conscious restraint which actually lowers your testosterone just to listen to it. In high school I remember feeling a lot of pressure not to speak in the grandiose and proud way my ancestors spoke. I remember how the black kids would laugh or mock me behind my back (but in a way that I could still hear) for being "too white sounding". As a result I developed a kind of non-intellectually-intimidating way of talking that used simple words and sentence structures. I now realize there is nothing to be ashamed of for speaking my own damn language.

wrong. useing large words allows one to faster communicate more complex ideas more specificly

ALL of you.

Concrete Nigger-babble 10/10 Would read again.

he has a point though, most of those words have already existing english versions, the difference is that people use the nigger ones because its fashionable. new words are worthwhile when they actually introduce new meaning into the language.

as example, hypothetically, if the trend of niggerification continues and is accelerated
normal, english
Hey John, I'm getting the urge for some sushi? Do you want to go to a restaurant?

YO jamal, wassup homie, y'all want some ching chong food? i'm finna eat right now

I find this thread very interesting. Can anyone recommend a lecturer, actor, or other figure for whom there is a lot of available recorded material that I can listen to?

I need to listen to middle aged white men while I'm going to sleep (inb4 homosexuality accusation). Women's voices annoy me, they sound insistent somehow, insistent that I should pay attention because the FEMALE is talking. Young white men usually have either a douchy or gay sounding accent, which I attribute to a self-conscious attempt at masculine posturing or the result of the afore mentioned pressure white men feel to be unintimidating.

Middle aged white speech is the most neutral speech to me. The default speech. I even remember when I was about 8-10 mentioning to my mom how my own internal dialogue sounded different from my own way of talking, more like an older man. Funny isn't it?

actually, I don't use this type of language unless i'm using it ironically, but I don't understand why someone would get that butthurt over people using dumb words. It lets you know who is stupid and as long as you can understand the point of whatever it is the person is trying to say then what does it matter? And yes, I beleive in restoring western values, but don't you think that culture mixing and interracial breeding would be a bigger fish to fry before we throw a riot over the "hip lingo" people use?


you do know those are LATIN words, right? And you claim to be a language purist...disgusting.

I only use GERMANIC words when I speak.

Slang has been and always will be around you fucking autist

>seriously using the word "unironically"
>unironically using the word "unironically"
On of these two statements is wrong. Which one?

>one of

The idea you're expressing is a component of post-modernism and critical theory. The purpose of the idea is not to further truth or understanding, but a more or less intentional attempt to undermine white culture. It is also a provably false idea.

Words do have real meaning, the meaning exists in the collective understanding of the speakers of the language. The more well read you are the more carefully you can express yourself. For example, being well read in philosophy allows you to immediately find the term for the sort of idea your conversation partner is expressing, and you'll be able to support or reject the idea more easily once you have identified it.

The thrust of your idea is that words can have different meanings in different contexts, so there is no one ultimate definition, therefore they have no meaning? something like that? its a little bit like saying occasionally people are born with deformed genitals therefore there is no gender.

this is true, its about time we rid ourselves of linguistic residue of the oppressive Roman. ic ane Englisch smaete sprece

>On Fleek

from Latin gustare
from latin purus
from latin lingua
from latin clamare

Fuck that turns me on user


These are all american words, not English.

Hows that ravaging from Muslims you thread-sliding fuck. We are either in it together. Or not at all. Birds of a feather flock together.

>i am very very smart btw.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

its about what you say, not how you say it

or some gay shit like that

Bizarre post. What do muslims have to do with anything? Your country is a demographic disaster, look in the mirror.

>or some gay shit like that

Chekd also literal picture size lolololllloolkll33122lolkroflmaoxF11

Seems I made you fucking mad. How about you start looking at it that we are both fighting for the same side here.

I find cave monkey grammar to be most noisome. Take for example, 'he cray cray', eluding the verbal 'is' be downright nausiating as misreplacing it with a verbal be.

t. has no idea how language works

Hah! That's it ol'chap. Let's leave the dribble to the niggers, and push for a white ethnostate shall we?

Lmao what are you talking about ? I said they are american expressions and I was right. You saw that UK flag and you started screeching about muslims like a brainlet.


stop using nigger terms and glorifying their stupidity

Read the entire thread before you post.
There are great arguments for and against.

.t sebaceous loser who never got his dick sucked

Start using 16th Century English words like "astonied" again.

>underlines red

Latin is retarded about how they structure their sentences. You're supposed to make a statement and then name the person you addressed it to. How the fuck does that work?


Can you read? I was listing examples.

Grammar Nazi reporting in

In the town where I was born, old people still say "thee" and "thou"

>be like
Is one that makes me want to nuke all of africa and america

language is an expression of ideas and concepts. Nothing more. All language is made up and all language has evolved. You're watching that process as it has occurred for thousands of years (even resulting in the language you call English) and here you are bitching about this new age complaint.

Well we are quite in a predicament aren't we John?

Boy that sounded easy.

I said, "this" implying you are correct, can you into reading comprehension? fucking damn man, not everyone is out to get you on here.

I was affirming what you said you silly nigger

Once again, Read above there are quite a few counter-arguments to your point.

>Thot, Smash, Hella, Bae, Basic, Can’t even, Dat, On Fleek
Never heard English people say these things. Don't call your amerigoblin ebonics "English" when it's all your degenerate creation.


Slang is always going to exist until it's replaced by newer slang. It's like complaining about hippiespeak. "Groovy, far out, I dig it." It doesn't matter at all, you just don't like how it sounds because you grew up with different slang.

Ah, Understood. My apologies.

Says the guy who calls his flashlight a "torch".

how do elevators work in britain since they only "lift"?

Let me show you what I mean then.

If you could understand any of that nigger-speech you're lost beyond comprehension.

Germanic: Borrowed from Latin germanicus

Checkmate, Drumpftard.


>Terms like: Thot, Smash, Hella, Bae, Basic, Can’t even, Dat, On Fleek. To name a few.
do Americans actually say this stuff offline? i thought it was internet slang

Just search older speeches recorded.

Sorry, my guy, all those words carry perfectly legitimate meanings. They have proper morphologic, syntactic, and semantic structure.

What happened to the art of oratory? We live in a day and age where Barrack Obama is considered an elegant speaker.

maybe then people would listen to each other more?


It's fucking painful.

"my guy." Are you trying to tempt me?

>how does language work

Fuck are Sup Forumstards really this fucking stupid?
You understand the dumbasses of society have been making this claim for centuries. OP better be 12 years old, for having the critical thinking of one

What the fuck do you think "elevate" means ?

Maybe the whole context of a sentence is needed for it to make any sense, you fucking retard. Perhaps learning how to listen to a full sentence and not have a short attention span will do good for you.


Quiet degenerate, Men are talking.

when I think of elevation holmes, I don't think of a person doing it.

Yes. But seriously, if you're really interested in this stuff, take a few linguistics classes. There's a cognitive level to language where most of human speech resembles each other, called deep structure. At that level, "She's a whore," and "She 'a thot" are pretty much the same.

>all those spics and asians with no whites in sight
California was a mistake

Nice use of the language. For someone so asshurt about it, you sure don't understand capitalization

elevate means the same as lift you autistic brainlet.

Get that psuedo-intellectual garbage out of here. I am speaking literally. Taking something you read in a research paper from doesn't make it right.

Elevate just means move up, whereas lift is more "hoist" and emphasizes the thing picking something else up.

I always found your terminology strange. We only use the term "lift" in reference to cargo lifts at loading docks and such.

I'm Stephen Fry and you're Jonathan Ross