Where can the story even go? The world is saved and all the baddies are gone

Where can the story even go? The world is saved and all the baddies are gone.

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Lelouche becomes a new "bad guy" for contrived reasons, or some literally who gains power out of nowhere and Lelouche comes back to put them in place.

I think it would be interesting to see what lelouch (who was still a teen by the end) does with rest of his life

He faked his death and it's just him and his waifu after all, maybe we'll get a slice of life where they start their own rice paddy farm together and have 10 babies

He left the world without an iron rule on the fairy-tale assumption that everyone would just cooperate peacefully. It's very easy for trouble-makers to arise in such conditions.

Literally every antagonist is dead except Schneizel, who is currently geassed.

I bet your ass there are still tons of Britannia's disgruntled royalty who want to see the restoration of their empire.

>Nunnally's rule is threatened by some secret shadow group that wants to overthrow her cause shes a weak girl
>shit happens and it looks like theres no stopping these baddies
>Lelouch comes back but under a new identity and helps fight them back while ensuring Nunnally has nothing to worry about

thats one possibility.

When will you faggots learn?
He didn't save the world- he stopped his parents from initiating the singularity and then removed the old systems to allow for a new path forward.
Shit can still happen.


his one world goberment idea was doomed to fail as concentrating that much power can only be a bad thing, especially in the hands of beaurocrats.

Lelouch was a (((globalist))) all along.

I'm pretty sure that whatever they do, they'll fuck the ending of R2 up. The whole point of its ending was that Lelouch's sacrifice united the world. Unless you want a boring as fuck, no stakes season, they'll have to shake things up and make his sacrifice worthless.
Mind you if they bring him back to life his sacrifice means nothing regardless so they might as well go all out.

What could go wrong under a one world government?

I'm pretty sure it'll just be SoL.

Schneizel will break geass.

army of geass sluts.

>Thinking killing Lelouch was going to unite a world as racist and segregated as that

That was a temporary solution at best.


Stop that.

My early theory is that it's some geass user with a grudge against Britannia or the new United Nations or whatever it's called. This person is trying to create chaos by making Britannia a scapegoat for whatever issue is going on. Since Lelouch gave back the areas their sovereignity along with all the other shit that happened to Britannia, has left the empire a shadow of its former self. Zero loses influence quickly because people forget easily and Schneizel can only do so much with whatever is left or Britannia, besides he is shit at playing the underdog.

>all the baddies are gone.



Honestly it'd be interesting to see them just try and maintain world peace based on a lie. Let's face it, while short term Lelouch's plan might work it would take extreme managing and oversight to preserve that peace. I'd like to see them try and hold onto it while it all begins to slip away.

>and all the baddies are gone.

Since Akito is canon why wouldn't that one weird goddess girl show up in the sequel?