How do you identify other chanboys in public?

So I just got a new job and I'm fairly certain that my boss is a ChanMan. The chans are obviously a bit of a taboo subject in IRL conversation so I was wondering how do other Sup Forumsacks identify other chan peeps in public (without the cringe desu famalam)?

in b4 shill/antifa - frosted butts or whatever fuck you.

Other urls found in this thread:

>He doesnt know about the card

Rules 1 and 2 newfag

I raise my hand and say, Hail Britannia, then I sing Land of Hope and Glory and wave my Red Ensigm.

Supporting Trump was a mistake


This lol

My autism is too severe to carry around a 4 of clubs.

You don't. Now fuck off to your reddit circle jerk.

Tell him its time for the mandatory dick inspection and drop your pants.

>how do other Sup Forumsacks identify other chan peeps in public
you don't belong here

just post your name so we can know who you are :)
we'll do the same! it's what chanboys do. haha


>get down on your knees
>suck his cock TO COMPLETION
>if he says "praise kek", punches you in the ear and takes your wallet, you know yes from Sup Forums

Back in my day, rules 1 and 2 meant something.

Chanman, lol. Come on.i

do they even have electricity in honduras?

>How do you identify
You don't.
Go back.


Work dogwhistles into casual conversation, like your neighbor and "his wife's son" or shit like that.

Then kys


>Supporting Trump was a mistake


>talking about your real life on Sup Forums like this is a blog
>cringe desu famalam
>talking about Sup Forums irl

Kill yourself. No, really, kill yourself. You are what is killing this board.



>Wanting to identify yourself as a channer publicly
Oh wait OP is one of (((them))).

>frostedbutts or whatever

You are such a faggot user-kun.



Hey Sup Forums, I'm a changirl.
No I'm not fat. No I won't make you a sandwich. No I'm not ugly. No I don't go out with chanboys, because they're usually socially retarded and ugly. Yes my boyfriend is a bit of a jock, so what? No I won't show you my tits, so don't fucking ask.
And finally.
Yes, we do fucking exist, so stop saying otherwise. And we enjoy Sup Forums (SHOCK HORROR) just as much as men.

Get the fuck out

First time we heard an autist spouting memes in my highschool, four of us took him out back to "Share a smoke" because "you're one of the cool kids that braves Sup Forums huh?"

Beat the ever living fuck out of him.

>How do you identify other chanboys in public?
Do not.

I don't think this is even a Sup Forums thing. It's some garbage FBI meme to imply gang affiliation


tits or gtfo

You did gods work.

fucking newfags

>using memes in real life
>content of their ideas
Typical hot topic words like; "globalism", "msm", "sjw", "liberals", "political correctness", etc

thats really funny
my x gf found this huge frog at the park one day, and the frog ended up crawling in her rabbit cage and getting torn apart by her rabbit

>I'm a changirl.
Another Transfag Reeeee

No you didn't. Autist

>without the cringe desu famalam

geegee op. have a pape

Yeah it was great because his mother tried to get us in trouble.
Jew'd that bitch out of the entire game by telling her what kind of site this big bad Sup Forums is
"You know your son is likely beating off to traps, core compilations, rekt threads, and LARPing as a giga nigga right?"
Oh she lost her shit and he lost his computer.

get a julius evola book and carry it around.


there are no girls on the internet

>actually trying to find any of the fags posting here

This isn't Sup Forums you retard.


Rule 1 - You do not talk about Sup Forums.
Rule 2 - You do not talk about Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is place for discussing things anonymously. You don't talk about Sup Forums stuff in real life. That would cause it to cease being anonymous. You don't admit to browsing Sup Forums, you don't discuss it with people. Learn this or fuck off.

Oh we did. Okay let me rephrase 'beat the fuck out of' to, shoved him over and called him horrible degrading names as to how we would basically talk to each other here.
>you're the faggot Original Poster everyone hates
>you're the reason the world doesn't have nice things
>your father was a faggot and id fuck his ass infront of your mother
Couple of light kicks to the ribs, but yeah I guess we didn't actually beat the fuck out of him. He did lose his internet and computer because we told his mother who was trying to get us into trouble what he was doing on his computer.

This was YEARS ago though. Shit like 2007 ish

Give them the old we sighn dummy. What are you new?


this and only this

I was in a car with a dude who mentioned Sup Forums. I told him I think I heard about that hacker on CNN. I then saw him post his pic in an Eagle Scout thread a week later on Sup Forums. Weird feeling.

Based mara.

>not carrying your chan-card

Refer to your money or money you are handling as shekels and gauge his response.

I literally say "Hey do you browse Sup Forums"? If they have no idea what it is nothing lost.

>I literally say "Hey do you browse Sup Forums"? If I still have a job, it is nothing lost.


are you sure that's a good idea? what are we, a cult? JEWS maybe?

>Rule 1 - You do not talk about Sup Forums.
>Rule 2 - You do not talk about Sup Forums.

Rules 1 and 2 don't just apply to Sup Forums, they apply to all of Sup Forums. Too many newfags flood here without lurking first and they destroy the board culture because of it

>feeling redpilled, buddy?
>I'm just a woke guy

In all seriousness though this is it. Anonymous is an idea not a group.

go back now!

God damn nu/pol/ redditors are so fucking cringy

I'm a grill. How do I get a male Sup Forumsack to take me seriously IRL? Most female Sup Forumsacks I run into are just attention whore memers

>post pic with rules 1 and 2 clearly about Sup Forums
I think you mean Sup


fuck off reddit

Be a prudent wife and accept Jesus Christ as lord and saviour

Nice pasta. Feels breddy gud

Yes like mason niggers. Women are only allowed if show milkers



just blow them immediately, they will respect you

This. All these kids are going to be real disapointed in this place.

That's because Sup Forums was the most popular board at the time, but it still applies to all of Sup Forums
>also thinking that anyone reads or cares about the actual rules

stop it.


I already have done so
I thought we hated degeneracy around here

offer him a secret prize if he commits to your seppikku lottery.

Idk i mention a lot of memes in front of my boss. I always say "PRAISE KEK" when good news comes and say "feels bad man" when bad news comes. And say "WE WUZ KANGZ" when something funny happens.

>tfw I look more Norwegian than an actual Norwegian

Inb4 le 56% meme

Tell him it is penis inspection day. If he whips it out, there will be no doubt.

>being this new

You don't even know about the four of clubs each true channer carries in his pocket

There's nothing degenerate about a blowie between Sup Forumsocks

We need a codeword to identify each other, how about
>do you have stairs in your narwhal

Pretend you’re coughing while saying “GAS THE KIKES RACEWAR NOW”

Like a true brainwashed Canadian I bet you watch hockey every week too like a good goy

>I fucking hate niggers, faggots, and jews...if you know what I mean

they smell like onions

>how do you identify
The fuck is this?

A stranger sieg heil'd me in public yesterday so I did it back. Pretty satisfying desu

rules 1 and 2 but if you can take him off somewhere from other ears, you can ask him.

if you're serious, don't. Nobody who is remotely normal brags about browsing Sup Forums like it's some badge of honor.

Fucking cringe.

No, the Americans ruined it by forcing helmets because they couldn't take a punch from a Canuck

None of us are normal to an extent
>inb4 trap
I just have man hands and small boobs. I hate how mentally ill transfreaks can receive hormones easily but I can't as an actual woman

I’ve yet to meet anyone who physically challenges my revolutionary mindset or my xenophobic intolerance. The most disturbed by Sup Forums hitting the real world are unintelligent or degenerates or both. Chads don’t even engage and niggers don’t fuck around. You’d be surprised how many LARPing faggots like you lack any basic form of integrity or courage. It’s actually quite pathetic. Come get me faggot but if I beat you up your getting roped
