Holy fucking shit this is depressing
New Lauren Southern video
her makeup used to be shit but now she has mastered it
>not married
>doesn't have kids
Who is she to criticize others?
This dumb whore is pathetic.
there is nothing intelligent or responsive to the video. it is like watching another bubble gum commercial
>mfw sitting in my basement
>meanwhile pretty much all friends have married some qt a long time ago, and kids, and a dog too
ehh, we're doing fine. They don't need me.
>one shiny day, americans simply ceased to exist
wew lad, just like the mayas, who also all went to get a dog instead.
>mfw waiting for finnknight
>Who is she to criticize others?
She isn't criticizing others, as in individuals, but reflecting upon society in large. Of course she is entitled to do so. Get lost you dip.
Why is she in Camden Market? Is she trying to establish herself in the UK or something?
If she isn't living the trad life, why shill for it?
I hope so, I want her to do some kind of event here so I can meet her
Dude. Ask yourself why fat disgusting weebs who have never done anything constructive with their life or even seen a vagina shill for nazism when in reality these people would be killed instantly? It's the same concept.
you dumb niggers how many people have you "red pilled" you cant just name the fuckin jew when you have millions of followers
real red pilled wemon are apolitical
but real men dont resent wemon who signal for them
lauren does a good job of of getting women right leaning but also shutting the fuck up at the same time
Who cares? Fuck this inbred redneck trailer trash bitch.
The absolute state of western civilization
Why do you beta-cuck-faggot-niggers obsess so much about a literal 4/10 basic bitch? I wouldn't have a problem with it only if there weren't 20 threads about this trite thot everyday. Finn-knight, you pathetic low life weasel, STOP responding to these threads! You're practically a shill the way you give them so much ammo. And Moarpheus, stop picking on lowly Scandinavian virgins. We know it's funny but it's gone too far at this point. Finally, Lauren, learn to speak like a lady and not a scissoring dike. It's sooo annoying. Good job with your makeup though, although make app has become your new kryptonite.
She's only 22 for fuck sakes, how many of you fucking overweight neckbeards are married at 22?
PS - she's also pretty hot. If you think she isn't it's because you're comparing her to the porn you fap to, not any actual women you've ever had.
people actually pay this dumb cunt
this skinny dike with freaky tiny lips has zero appeal to me. maybe if i was drunk i'd let her blow me. you idiots obsessing over this obvious mole plant is funny...
Fuck off you parasite ridden hillbilly, Lauren has said she plans to have kids soon and she's only 22 she still has time
what the hell was that at the end?
>we're so screwed haha
>drinks wine
I'm planning on graduating from Harvard and making a million a year, Ahmed. Sounds nice, I'm planning on doing it. I'm only 26, I still have time.
Fuck Canadians and here heeb roots. She isn't even white.
It's when your so upset/angry you just laugh to yourself about how absurdly fucked you are, I've witnessed people have these microbreakdowns IRL
>Lauren has said she plans to have kids soon and she's only 22 she still has time
Well until then, she should shut the fuck up.
she does college lectures regularly.
I went to one here in the US and she was meh. Literally just had a powerpoint she flipped through and then acted like a basic bitch during photos at the end. Q&A with lefties was lit af tho.
>Mr 56% calling me Ahmed
>only 26
Better get moving mutt, I'm 23 so I have even more time than you do
>It's when a dumb broad manipulates (poorly I might add) a bunch of virgin NEETS to think that when people are upset they drink and say things like, "*sigh* We are do screwed" like a fucking cartoon character.
I usually defend Lauren but this is such a garbage, low effort, unoriginal video.
nigger i was married at 19 divorced at 21 and married again at 22. currently 24 living on a commune with my beautiful wife and 4 kids. kys
I cannot believe she is 22. Maybe she smokes. Would explain the husky voice
Post Lauren's lewder, elfier sister
>how many of you fucking overweight neckbeards are married at 22?
probably not that many, which is why you don't see a dogpile of youtube channels of "us" trying to play life-coach
>Better get moving mutt, I'm 23 so I have even more time than you do
I was being sarcastic dipshit and you proved my point. Everyone of those people think the same shit
>I'm only X, I still have time and am young
If LS would have to choose RIGHT NOW between marriage and kids or netflix and a dog, what do you think she'd fucking pick?
>Well, I'm getting established with my videos and I'm still waiting on a top-tier Prince to sweep me off my feet so I need to wait
She's a dumb fucking hypocrite.
dogs v. kids
>"you don;t feel as bad leaving them alone when you go on Holiday"
let that sink in, Niggers
how is this shit Sup Forums releated mods should go full gestapo and ban these shit threads
I can't believe she's only 22, she acts and looks like she's 29.
How tall is she
Lauren is a proud Jewish man, you ingrate! He can be proud of all four of his Jewish balls, unlike you user; amirite?
>fucks niggers
I could forgive her being a daughter of Abraham, I could forgive her for not wanting gays and lesbians thrown in the ovens, but I can't forgive her lusting for brown shit dicks.
She's dead to me, I'm turning my attention to Taytay and Brittany Venti.
Calm down spaz, she's in her 20's.
God bless user. Also fuck your other countryman that usually shills here.
Then don't push the trad life, it's hypocritical as fuck.
>I'm turning my attention to more vapid whores instead of someone producing decent content
You're the fucking problem
I just want her to get married and knocked up so that the finnanon spergs out and necks himself.
>Likely asked 500 people but used selective editing and only kept in the 25 or so that said a dog/Netflix
Seriously, I know this is filmed in Londonistan and all that, and I've never been there or to the U.K. but around here (upstate NY) 9 out of 10 women between 18 and 28 want kids or have them already. t. guy who's been using dating sites/apps to legitimately try and get a girlfriend for many years (and succeeded once and actually had a two year relationship but R.I.P.)
I automatically ignore single mothers because fuck that but nearly every girl I've met desperately wants kids. Gets much more pronounced in the mid to late 20s range, as you might imagine.
>Literally only one attractive girl in the entire video out of everyone she interviewed (girl in the Morrissey shirt at 1:29)
wtf I knew English women weren't the best lookers but this is just abysmal. Even going back to look at the one attractive girl again, I'm realizing she's not even that great. Eughhh.
I haven't gone to space but that doesn't mean I can't tell you about how cool space travel is.
>"OMG all these people are so anti-family!!!"
>Have a little sister shooting softcore-porn
I'm getting pretty sick of these e-thots
She seems to have that effect on most people.
Just look at the editing. All of the cuts are meant to sexualize her and show how beautiful she is. Just so she can milk more donation from her retarded audience. It's ridiculously stupid that people on Sup Forums don't know better than to associate themselves with e-celebs. Why are you praising her? She is literally braindead. She can't debate, she's a college dropout, she claims to have conservative and "Christian" values. But she hasn't gotten married, she doesn't have children, she doesn't pray to god, she doesn't read the bible, her sister is literally a whore. What the fuck Sup Forumstards? Can you at least pick better e-celebs to orbit around? Lauren Souther is a pseudo-intellectual. As soon as she does something controversial they'll destroy her because she is so ridiculously bad at debating.
>little sister
Funny thing is she's the older one
stop promting this whore.
RIP white people.....honestly, I'm glad these
people are not having children. Notice, not one
of them said they would not have children
because there is no future for the next
generation. Enjoy the collapse folks........
Lauren's Canadian right? That other, older woman with an even deeper voice is also Canadian I think. Why are these Canadians so focused on US policy? Gavin, Stefan M, I'm sure there are more. Have they given up on leaf-land or is it just that the US market is so much larger?
>we are so screwed
I feel like if she got to work she could be part of the solution.
My wife and I are working on our 4th.
you live you learn
do you faggots realize she only turned 22 this year?
Who honestly gives a fuck though? Let other people do themselves. The whole world doesn't need to appease your autism. Even if white women want an interracial relationship too, who are you to stop them?
>literal communist
fucking this
they do so little on canada i sometimes even forget they're even from here
Hello JIDF. You do a lot better job than Media Matters and I genuinely mean that as a compliment. They're just so terrible at what they do. Nobody manipulates a community like you guys.
That's great, when she's married and has kids, she can talk all she wants about that trad life and how people should embrace it.
please someone post her feet
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye;
and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
>Just look at the editing. All of the cuts are meant to sexualize her and show how beautiful she is
>Expecting a woman to not do this
lauren pls go
WAY too generous with the cleavage; both are flat chested as fuck.
calm down nigger
You can't tell me you wouldn't have sex with her outside of marriage
>it's another teehee look at me in europe video
Lauren forgot that she is Canadian
Announcing sage is a rule violation
anyone who gives her money is wasting it. she is stealing to travel the world and party.
she is not "our/girl" she could have done the same thing in Canada or California, she is wasting money to go to UK just to copy mark dice.
Need more. who is this?
Never said I wouldn't.
I want to marry Lauren Southern!
she is trying to stay popular, she even has that jew from we are change following her around and pretending to not be wasting money to orbit her.
Very strong womyn, clearly they have risen above reproducing.
so is hopping the border but it doesn't seem to stop you lot
BPS is working for that BJ he got
Humanity is iverdue for a grand culling and every day it becomes more obvious
Too much dead weight on the species.
I've talked to her sister a few times on instagram and she is super nice and sweet. Always responds and is very friendly
who's she married to? how many kids does she have? fuck off.
>you cant just name the fuckin jew when you have millions of followers
Nah she's named the Jew. Just in the wrong way.
Cuck I do not need to go anywhere
She's like Leo DiCaprio promoting a green lifestyle while flying in trannies from all over the world to his yacht that burns more fuel than a power plant.
WTF, why does she let her sister expose herself like a whore on social media? Is she younger than her?
Friendly reminder.
Who is Lauren Southern?
Why should anybody give a shit about her?
Why do I keep seeing these stupid Lauren Southern threads appear daily and several times daily?
Why is Lauren Southern of any importance?
Who really gives a shit about Lauren Southern?
Neck yourself.
It's in their superior genes.