
why did your parents get divorced? Was it your fault?

well the reasons my parents got divorced was because my dad thought my dog was way to thicc
compared to my mom so 3 animal abuse charges later my parents got a divorce



Dad was pissed about my being his brother's bastard. Dad couldn't say anything because his brother was a Priests.

Mom was pissed because she had to whore herself to a priest to feed her other children because dad was a deadbeat dad. He also had a floozy he was boinking at work.

So, it was my fault. They both hated me... mom wanted me dead (I was lucky to be alive - she killed her first bastard) and Dad used me as a punching bag.

They didn't
Who /bastard/ here?

My parents god divorced for a lot of reasons. My mom ended up making it about me. Kick me out or the marriage is over. High school sucked.

I don't think it was me.
I had nine brothers and sisters so it could have been the fault of any of them.

who actually knows?

My mom got entranced by a female, which broke up our family. My mom got redpilled later and realized she wasn't into women and got emotionally sucked into that lesbians snake like personality

It's never the child's fault.

>tfw throughout school your parents were one of two or three other families that didn't get a divorce

Felt great

No, they got married because of me and divorced because of them

They stayed together in a loveless marriage for me. Good times.

are you Mexican?

Almost.... Moms pretty fucking pregnant in the wedding photos.


My mom left my dad because she was cheating on him with some mudblood. She probably thought he'd take better care of her or some shit

>jokes on her, dad and I lol at her retarded decisions very often with our good relationship despite living thousands of miles away from each other

Because my dad fucked a hooker while on TDY with the Air Force and brought her back to live on our family's boat in secret.

TDYs can be a dangerous thing

Men are as big of sluts as women

Them feels, user, stop.

Not entirely sure why they got divorced. I think it was partly about money, my mother working late and making a ton more money than my father.

Hey tickler

I’m Hispanic so I don’t come from a broken home and have a strong family unit.

Probably not, my parents split up because apparently my pops raped me as a newborn but I doubt that because if he did he would be in jail.

My mom tried to say my dad beat his kids in the divorce court

Such bullshit

My dad was an all around deadbeat and a lying piece of shit. One of my biggest regrets so far in life is not telling him how much of a scum bag he was before he died from cancer.

Anyone get any kiddie divorce reading material?
Pic related

My dad fucked another woman. They stayed together for several more years "for the kids" but it was obvious that all the passion was gone and she never forgave him. Then he started cheating again and they finally split.

I always thought they should have just split the first time. It was so clear the relationship was ruined. They weren't fooling anybody.

I have a hard time forgiving my father for the first affair. But I can understand the 2nd. There was no intimacy between my parents and my dad needed to feel loved. In a way I'm glad he cheated again because it made them split. Now they are both happily re-married and so much happier. They were both so miserable trying to stay together. I wish they would have divorced 5 years before they did.

It was mostly my brothers fault I would say. He was always doing stupid shit from the time he turned 12 and after 7 years of that shit my parents got divorced. All their fights started with my brother doing something retarded, my dad getting really mad and my mom defending my brother.

No my mom was a degenerate lying cunt who cheated, fuck her. I hope she dies of aids. Worthless cunt.

I'm sure he knew.

Bullshit is in many forms, idk why but my parents hate each other. My mom tried to get my dad arrested for who knows what. Too many things to count

But was it his fault? Or was it poor conflict management?



>your parents get divorced?

Bullshit reasons?

And I'm not saying this because my mom talked shit about him. She NEVER spoke bad about him and facilitated every attempt we ever made to see him and spend time with him. My dad just didn't ever call, come to see us, and all around didn't care (he had kids by other women, too). For all this talk about white women being sluts and whores, the biggest lying whore I've ever known was a white man I called dad.

I'm glad he's dead.

Married 58 years last June.

My parents got a divorce because my dad was a degenerate, always drinking and wanted to fuck little girls.
Luckily some vietnam vet druggy killed him after he tried to fuck vet's kids.

Congrats ol'timer. What were the 50's like?

Dad walked in on me sucking on mom's tits, best day of my life desu

My parents got divorced when I was 2.

I ended up never having anyone else around when I was growing up so I got raised by TV and nintendo.

I think my mother married my father and crapped me out just for money.

any pics?

...Your mother crapped you out? You're an African American poobaby?

Was he ammo? I'm guessing he was ammo

They say it was money. A marriage counselor recommend divorce to my mom and it went downhill from there from what I heard. So stupid.

I will either never get married or never get divorced.

My parents got divorced because my mom was in the workplace surrounded by men. These men could not bring themselves to be honorable, and instead of staying away from my stupid mom, they hit on her all the time, told her how bad she had it, blah blah blah. She ended up sleeping with some of them, I ended up hearing a phone convo she was having with one of these guys, and I told my pops about it, because I thought it was total bullshit. It goes without saying that none of these relationships with any of these men worked out. As soon as my mom was actually available they all bailed. Now she's old, and alone. My dad is also alone, and my family was broken apart by my slut mom, and asshole fucking dudes. It pisses me off. I really don't fucking understand people that divorce once they have a family if there's no violence involved. There are so many things you can do to keep 2 people together, or at least make it easier. They don't even have to sleep in the same damn room.

Mom would come up with weird allegations about my dad. Tbh I don't know all of them, all I know is what my memaw told me a few years ago

It's so sad when I hear stories of a father getting prison time for assaulting/killing a pedo or rapist who was messing with their kids. The father does exactly what a man should do and ends up getting prison time and missing out on many years of being a father and the child loses many years of relationship with their father.

There should be special exceptions that allow a father to do whatever he wants to a pervert messing with their kids, no limits.

reported for degeneracy

child abuse on daddy when he was a lil pup turned him into an angry autist

My parents didn't get divorced.


I don't know what you mean by ammo in that context.

It's your mom's fault. I know you want to protect her, but she acted like a whore.

Technically no, they're both shitty people...but officially they were only together "because of me" so therefore everything must've been my fault. Loved my (useless talentless) cunt of a younger sister though.

Good news is my mom fucked off when I was 11 or 12, and my dad is old school soyboy that I've been able to take in a fight since that age too.

I've been thinking about just saying they died in a car accident, so I don't have to explain holidays and shit.

He did call her a slut.

reported for being from reddit

It's career field in the Air Force. They put bombs together and are generally regarded as a bunch of fucking idiots

He was right

I'm white.

I guess I just used that phrase because I see it as more of a money grabbing act than a genuine loving birth of a wanted child.

Ye shit happens, don't matter to me much desu. My mum was my mum and she got me where I've not but my dad is what is propelling me further. Couple months then I'm off to boot camp!

My mom felt neglected by a workaholic husband and fucked dudes on the side. Also she was good looking back in her day so dudes always thirsting.

No not my fault.

>Was it your fault?


No. He was a flight technician or some shit like that. Eventually he couldn't make rank and got kicked out and became a railroad signalman and signed up with the Army National Guard.

Probably somehow, everything was in the end it seems

>signed up with the Army National Guard
Is there any worse fate possible?

I wish my parents did this. Maybe I could’ve been better at forming relationships with women without thinking they’re all whores and distrust every gf I have.

>neglected by a workaholic husband

sounds like he was trying to provide for her
how is "he worked too much" even a legitimate complaint?

>I will either never get married or never get divorced.
I said that too.
>Divorced and married again

Ever hear of being a professional gender studies professor?

It’s not but the point is that her stupid logic convinced herself to cheat multiple times.

Also he and my mom met in the Air Force and had similar jobs, my mom made rank and retired from the Air Force and never remarried. Apparently she was also a really good shot and won marksman awards while she was enlisted.

have you at least learned something?

Good thread, you commie kike. I thing the downfall of the nuclear family is one of the MAJOR reasons our society is in trouble right now and in dire need of revival.

The divorce of my parents wasn't actually my fault, but their marriage was. My mother was 17 and my dad 18, and she got pregnant, so they got married because that's what you do in a small, religious community. My mother is an emotionally wrathful bitch and my father has an embarrassingly low tolerance for handling such bullshit, so they split when I was about 2, if I'm remembering correctly.

I'm full blown 1488 now. I've been with my current partner for about 4 years, so I'm not going to curse any of my offspring to a similar fate of abandonment issues, insecurity, elevated cortisol/anxiety, economic and social issues, ect.

I was always told it had nothing to do with me, but now that im an adult with actual life experience and looking back on my 10-13 year old self. It was absolutely my fault.

>Acted so badly in school mom tried homeschooling me
>7th grade
>Got addicted to runescape
>would never do my homework and bother to learn
>mom and dad constantly cheating on each other
>mom literally swallowed a bunch of pills drunk at one point trying to kill herself
>watched her walk around shaking uncontrollably at one point
>didnt give a shit kept playing runescape
>dad finally left off to Norway with his new found wife
>mom remarried an asshole who constantly fought with me all throughout highschool
>was in and out of kid jail because of battery charges against him

Yeah...looking back on it, its no wonder my mom fucking hates me.

Doctor divorced my dad from his life when I was 10

My mum left my dad because he had a car accident and got brain damage.
For about five years he had no impulse control, she left him after two. I'm about 90% sure the only reason they lasted so long was that her mother(my grandmother) had said it wouldn't last from the very beginning so she stayed with my dad to spite her until grandmother died, six months later they split up.

What's infuriating is that she's always complaining about how rude he is to her when she talks to him on the phone. She can't understand that he fucking hates her for what he did and will never forgive her.

>tfw your parents knew you wanted them to divorce so they stayed together out of spite

My mom cheated on my dad. But so did his next wife. The man invites cuckoldry. He is the epitome of an actual nice guy, always putting others above self. It's sad. I love the man to death. He's possibly my favorite man in the world, but some of my love is no doubt rooted in pity. I probably worry for him more than he does me, simply because I know how fragile he is. It breaks me heart. I love him so much. He is so innocent. I can't wrap my head around it.

Apparently he liked it because he kept trying to get redeployed to the Middle East every chance he got (he was a combat engineer in the NG)

No. Just typical liberal boomers who tired of each other and wanted a few more marriages each.

So it's your fault.
If you'd kept quiet then no one else would ever know.
>not a femanon


My father should have flung my drunken slut of a mother out on her arse decades ago, though.

Rest in peace

Why don't he date a nice woman

My guess is he keeps dating 8/10s right

My father beat her so hard when he found out about the number of dicks she took behind his back. He went to prison and when he got out he said he would do it again.
I resent my mother but I still care for her idk

Surprised how many of you have parents that got divorced

Lucky. I don't know why more parent can't make it until their kids are 18. At least that way they grew them up and 'half-completed the marriage contract'.

No, they have to get divorced in awful ways when the kids are 9 or 13 and it permantly fucks them up.

Parent are still unhappily married. Joke's on you.

Going to have to assume this is bait because any non-retard who has had a live-in relationship would know that in a close quarters situation like that, where she is taking calls from suitors if a kid heard it, the husband would eventually as well. Was just a question of who heard it first.

That's so lame.
>I'm leaving your mom for a hooker son.

How did you turn out pal? Do you like hookers?

dont you know 60% of marriage is divorce

Yes, because of video games.
I caught my mom cheating on my dad. I was pissed someone was on the phone when I wanted to go online. Picked up a phone in the house and listened to the conversation of my mom and another man. Told my dad the next day.

Every divorce is different. each has its own reasons.
Its normal as a kid of divorced parents to feel like shit...if you don't then that's alright too.
Although it can leave an open question in your life thats just part of it.

It's definitely your mother fault for giving in temptations.

My parents were alcoholics that beat each other. They're dead now, and I live with my own family in one of their houses. Thanks for asking.

the exact same thing happened to me and I told my dad and that’s when he started stalking my mom and found out about her infidelity.

Fucking hell user why did you do this

There's a lot of divorces, and there's a lot of people on the board. People who had parents who divorced are a lot more likely to reply than those who didn't have their parents divorce. Selection bias.

I think over analyzing who and what was to blame for the divorce and the reason leading up to it IS futile to a large degree.


50 years is like new game+

You have already level maxed your marraige and are now just rubbing it in the faces of all the losers who had no marraige skills.