Is it mine or was I cucked?

I had my first child recently with my wife. I was fine at first but after a few weeks the babies skin got darker. I'm wondering if it's mine. My wife and I are both really pale with straight hair. The babies hair also looks slightly curly.

Should I get a DNA test.

Other urls found in this thread: month old mixed baby girl&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSmQEJqkIJdFYlMOwajQELEKjU2AQaBggXCD0IFQwLELCMpwgaYgpgCAMSKNcZ4BrfGrgPjhCMHboP8RGyD4kFli2ZLforly3bJfIlnCX5K5gt9CUaMFR9szXfW9AP-WUaCvMmTTikU7p1z0NvsGdj5plZFUYJdH9kKH2KlZEkMhIb4lOViSAEDAsQjq7-CBoKCggIARIEg9Oc_1gw&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzjdrC2c7XAhWrS98KHelCCv0Q2A4IJigB&biw=1760&bih=868

>black nigger eyes
>wide nigger nose

damn OP, sorry for your loss

I'll add to this though, if you signed the birth certificate you're fucked the court won't care if it's not biologically yours. Best case scenario you're going to pay 18 years of child support for another mans kid

My wife has a black coworker she's pretty close to. Could it be his. What should I do.

>I'm wondering if it's mine.

that depends. are you black? is your wife black? Do either of you have a black PARENT?

if the answer to these is no, you sir have been cucked.

>Should I get a DNA test.

Right fucking now.

No. But she says she had black ancestors.


If that is the case and you did get cucked, well, your very much fucked. Sorry for your possible loss user.

Did she say that before she was pregnant or after?

Judging by your flag you are both 52%ers so it probably is yours. Get a dna test anyway, by what ive seen in american media cuckolding is common in burgerland so it might not be yours.

Hahahahahah ... and you have DOUBTS. You're fucking done for, your "wife" has cheated on you multiple times

File for divorce, and you'd get her shit and stuff because she cheated on you.


kek, search for OP's pic on google guys

Cost for 2 kits:


Value of knowing for life that the child is yours?


23&me is having a sale.

You can thank me later.


lets this be a warning to all whites, us blacks will steal your women, breed their wombs without you knowing, and then have you take care of them while the cycle is repeated.

Show us your pic and/or your wife's.

Hahaha you got cucked

>without you knowing
Like you could not tell, its a golliwog

that's not your baby have you approached the idea of dna test with wife?

Huge lie.

She's burning coal for sure. Get a paternity test.

Riot again, and Baltimore is gonna become our shooting gallery. You will be our targets.

Get a divorce user

its a fake image faggots jesus christ


Get the test. If confirmed she cheated on you, ruin her life in every concievable way. She betrayed you. Wimp out, she'll become an "empowered" example of white genocide.

After. But why would she lie.

I'm not sure she did though.

Hahahah please be a meme please lord in heaven hear my prayers

You are not understanding a female is generally manipulative and or disloyal, so take the advice of many anons and get the paternity test.

> month old mixed baby girl&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSmQEJqkIJdFYlMOwajQELEKjU2AQaBggXCD0IFQwLELCMpwgaYgpgCAMSKNcZ4BrfGrgPjhCMHboP8RGyD4kFli2ZLforly3bJfIlnCX5K5gt9CUaMFR9szXfW9AP-WUaCvMmTTikU7p1z0NvsGdj5plZFUYJdH9kKH2KlZEkMhIb4lOViSAEDAsQjq7-CBoKCggIARIEg9Oc_1gw&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzjdrC2c7XAhWrS98KHelCCv0Q2A4IJigB&biw=1760&bih=868

apply yourself

She used to date a couple of black guys in her past. Maybe it's leftover genetic material?

I've seen one of those before. You've got yourself a little nigger there. don't worry, it isn't dangerous yet.

Well there you go. She has burned the coal and therefore you must show her that she has payed the toll

I don't think it would be honest of me to get one behind her back.

cool bait OP

>nigger nose
you got cucked OP

get a DNA test on the kid and yourself. you can pick em up at walmart for fucks sake, do so and know the truth.

should of been a canadian cock servicer

This does not happen.

Good find.

Sage this thread and leave children out your cuckold fantasies you fucking faggot.

You had me going for a little.


Bait threat

>what is microchimerism
yes, it does.

Honesty? You need dump her ass asap. She is damaged goods at this point

Just do it. At least for your sanity.

A leaf blower

t. 400 lb Darellavius who gets bullied by Jamal for not being good at basketball

When pic related is the baby in question, you might be a cuck, but you surely are a LARPer.
Reverse image search...

What's wrong with having slept with black guys in her past. I'm not racist. I'm concerned about right now.


I'm willing to raise the child. I just want to find out if my wife cheated.

Well unless one of you is a full blooded nigger then that baby isn't yours.

>What's wrong with sleeping with nignogs
>Not racist
If you had some shred of dignity you would dump her ass, since a coalburner is below a slut, since now all she can think about is Tyrone giving it in her every day or other day.

Lol how pathetic, you deserve to love that baby thinking its your own. Your own lack of testosterone brought this fate to you.
>should i get paternity test
>that might hurt her feeeeelings
You're a bottom bitch. Go ask Tyrone if he'll fill your hokes with cum, just like he did to your wife

wow that's like way better...

that's kanye west and kim kardashian's baby I think

Fake and gay.

There are over-the-counter paternity tests at walgreens. Just mail in two cheek swabs

>he forgot to scoop his wife's boyfriend's jizz out of her pussy first

yes get a dna test and dont tell her the results, if its not yours leave the whore, move about 3 states over and start fresh and new.

It is not your child. Do not raise it. Make the actual father own up. If he does not, legally divorce her and take everything she owns. You cuck out, it is another victory for violent niggers.

There's nothing wrong with having slept with blacks. Don't be such a fucking racist.

Isn't that some shit?

Paternity tests should be required by law as soon as the baby is born. They are painless and this way another man is not paying for some other man's child.

So that's my advice to you... get a paternity test from CVS or some other drug store and pay the fee to have it tested.

call maury and get a DNA test for free and you'll get a free trip to new york as well.

I can't just abandon the kid though.

Mexican throwback baby

Btw malia obama has a white bf

your a retarded little bitch, fucking black guys has nothing to really do with this entire situation, her fucking another man and making a child is the whole point, its not yours op your wife of 8 years tarnished your marriage and made a child with another man. op your raising another mans kid what the fuck are you doing.

The fact that you aren't racist is what's gonna fuck you over later on, user.

It will hate you. You are white. The schools will raise that child to hate everything you are.

Send her to the courts. Take everything she owns.

This isn't true. Depending on the state you have a year or two to challenge paternity if you find out it's not yours. As usual fags around this place have half the truth. If you hold yourself out to be the kids father (which includes having yourself on the birth certificate) for a certain amount of time courts eventually say you are the father and you have to support it. A name on the birth certificate alone is not enough.

This is some decent bait, watch all the anons still get riled up by it, though.



Meanwhile in civilised Europe.

I never said we were married for 8 years. We've been married for 10. We have 3 adopted kids. 2 from asia and a 17 year old from nigeria. This child is the first biological one we've had.

A lot of people don't realize this, but paternity fraud is quite common. In fact, it's so common that in the U.S. the lowest instances of paternity is 10-12% and high in places like England where it's 16%.

It's one thing to marry a woman and become a stepfather, and a whole other thing to get straight up played like this. Don't get emotional about it if you find out this kid is not yours. Just get your shit together and leave the bitch.

This, how do you niggers fall for such obvious bait?

>people will actually think this post is real

God I hate this place

Well at this point, might aswell go along with it. I'm bored on a Monday night.

Not really. Paternity fraud is only 3-5%. It's below 1% among college graduates.

>Should I get a DNA test.

I'll put it this way, if you DON'T get a DNA test, you deserve what's coming to you.


>that pic
she's still an absolute qt3.14

It's the same in the United States. To legally opt-out of child support he has to have a Judge approve a court ordered paternity test.

The courts know women are all hoes, so they do this to keep decent men paying for nigger babies. Otherwise it's just another burden on the state.

HA! Like a woman could raise a child without daddy government.

Pics, or you confirmed your full of shit.

nice try

so are you going to raise the child op, or are you going to leave, also just imagine if its the 17 year olds child maybe he slammed your wife.

literally better without makeup

Here it is boys, let the thread die

I doubt my own adopted son fucked my wife. And yes I will raise the child. I just want my wife to confess if she did cheat.

>After. But why would she lie.

Oh you simple, simple man


DO NOT sell your DNA to these people

She's been honest with me her entire life.

My wife never wears makeup. She doesn't need it.

Yeep. Beat me to it

UPDATE: So I just looked through my adopted sons phone and found pics of my wife. How should I confront him about this?

do you believe her?

It's still an important issue to talk about considering women can fuck men over on this. They know they are the mother 100% because they gave birth to it. But men are really clueless until they take a paternity test.


Lol that gif never gets old