>open door
>see this
what do you do?
Open door
Block its path
roll quads to defeat the ultra-giga-nigga 9000
Ronnie is /ournigger/
i'll be dipped. dey really IS kangz
Call my wife into the room and enjoy the show
>"King of Sweden, I have been expecting you"
Run ten feet away and watch his kidneys fail.
>I see you've been eating your onions
swedes on suicide watch
I salute my fellow med brother
Kill it! Feed it to the Hyenas
Ah Lorenzoquesha, you are early to fuck my wife, but I dont mind
ask for steroids
also ronnie is based as fuck, career police officer and a texan
Open fire. That's breaking and entering, so it's my right to not even ask questions.
The Kang of Kangs has graced me with his presence.
Despite the protests of his kangly advisors, he needs a white guy to rescue the great Queen Yass.
So me and the Kang of Kangs go on an awesome adventure fighting evil jewish ninjas and shit and we rescue Queen Yass.
He rewards me with access to his legendary solid gold chicken vault.
>Thanks Kang Kang, you are my greatest friend.
I kind of did
And because I dont talk to nigger and because he got into my bubble I raised my hands fighting style as he apologized for his nigger baby crying.
Nigger I don't care I just want to wash my clothes don't get so close on me.
Roll for defeat and subsequent usurpation of his throne.
Get quads and kill that gigganigga
>take out dick
>Ronnie waddles over and takes a load on his face
wonder how exactly I ended up in a homosexual convention, do a 360 and moonwalk out of there
there can be only one kang
Get the manlet wedgied out of my way.
>9 on my hip ASAP
>He was coming right for me officer
>go home and do a thousand pushups in shame
Allow him entrance
>what do you do?
That ungrateful kang needs to back to ungrateful land. Also this needs to be in /bant/ and stop being ungrateful.
"Sorry, I don't accept solicitations."
whats next? A video of a nigger throwing a ball?
I have diversity in my /heem/ folder
>Shut door
>Turn 360
>Walk away
call my man here and watch him handle roid boy
Ask him for an autograph since thats Ronnie fucking Coleman.
My wife and teenage daughter are in the bedroom awaiting your cock, Sir Bull.
We live in NAP country bitch.
forcibly re-hydrate him so he's actually a threat.
Dey...dey wuz. Dey really wuz after all.