Ok so, I'm in a huge leftist high school and tomorrow we are talking about illegal immigrants because it "connects" to what we are learning in U.S history.... We are also having a debate, any tips to utterly destroy the libtards in the class? And if you guys have any good sources please link?
Ok so...
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Yeah dude hold up.
Underage ban
You sound like you have done absolutely nothing to prepare. Please don't make an ass of yourself.
>trying to debate with leftists
why even bother, the facts so clearly align with the right all you will be dealing with is emotional arguments which cannot be refuted because they're not based on logic
I'm a senior, 18
woah , how can a hs be leftist?
Madoka guide you.
1. Don't act smug, this will kill you argument before it begin's
2. Make eye contact
3.Speak with purpose
4. Know what you are going to bring up and think of a few counters to what you think they will bring up
That's about it
US pays something like 130 billion every year towards illegals.
Liberals always say "you dont want to pick fruit" and yet normal people do work in construction, cleaning offices, mowing lawns, warehouses, groundskeeping etc
Its illegal for a citizen to work for less than min wage but not for an illegal immigrant. The cost of this is subsidized by the citizens through welfare which illegals recieve.
Pass out joints.
When the teacher tells you "You can't do that" reply "I don't like that law so I ignore it" and torch up a doobie.
Call the teacher a CIA nigger
There are more just search amren for illegal immigration.
they are really bad for this country, so are non whites in general but you probably know that too.
immigration takes the best of a nation, not the worst, leaving that origin nation with an underclass not fit to amplify their homeland.
What if all the Indian doctors that migrated here to the US were left to improve their own nation, where would India be today?
In accepting mass migration, we are doing a major disservice to nations of the world in that we are liberating them of their best and brightest.
They will say:
>illegal immigrants are needed to do the jobs that Americans don't want to do
You will say:
>The primary reason Americans wouldn't want to do the jobs you're referring to is because those jobs pay too low, but those jobs pay too low because of an influx of illegal immigrants that drive the wages down. The argument you're currently making in favor of illegal immigration suggests that the solution to a problem is more of the problem itself
Use these two arguments.
>Immigrants take jobs that the poor would do.
>Immigrants are better off improving their own nations instead of running away from problems.
And then, depending on how your audience reacts, focus on one argument.
Compare every single economically favorable argument for illegal immigration to the economics of slavery.
State that the rule of law and honoring legal immigrants and ensuring opportunities for American citizens is more important than cheaper strawberries in a nation that already has a massive obesity epidemic.
Punishing farmers who exploit illegal immigrants will turn them toward automation, ensuring that people either have jobs to make the harvesting machinery, or that no one will have to work such undesirable jobs.
House/door analogy. No one has the right to simply answer your house, they can't say "no human is illegal" and sleep on your couch. We have private property laws.
We pay taxes to ensure that our government provides the best opportunities and cultural standards for American people, not for non-Americans. State that Mexico's government shouldn't spend Mexican citizen's tax dollars on aiding Americans who break Mexico's laws. Why should America?
Staunchly state that not all cultures are equal. When they balk at this statement, ask them what they think of the culture in Nazi Germany. Once they admit that not all cultures are equal, you lead them to reason that a nation is strongest when its identity is the most concrete. This identity hinges on mutual respect for fellow citizens, which cannot be upheld when neighbors know that other neighbors have broken the law and gotten away with it.
oh boy tell me about it, my junior year I had to take economics and ended up with a commie bitch
Pretty simple logic can be applied. Just don't expect to "win" since you will be arguing against emotion and social acceptance, not logic:
>Under what condition would you change your opinion on immigration?
>Claims of Immigration improving economic factors implies that those factors would not have changed other wise. If that is the case, why should that society be saved? Additionally, at what point does an immigrant lose the "power" to improve it's new nations economic factor?
>If their answer isn't a set amount of years, likely something like, "It depends on the individual to try, it's their disposition",etc. then it's easy enough to ask "Well, then what has caused the native population to lose that power? Why wouldn't the immigrant also lose that power when exposed to its new environment? More importantly, wouldn't it be massively more affordable and logical to simply imbue the natives with those powers, instead of transplanting foreigners to: fill a role they are not familiar with, in a language they do not speak, in a society that they are unaccustomed to, in and uncomfortable landscape, in a place where they are likely unwelcome if not outright hated?"
>Most rebuttals to that question work along the lines of something like "They would adapt quickly. Maybe they grew up in that country, then moved away." Then they aren't truly immigrants then? If their ability to blend and shift were so seamless, then it means that either their inherited customs were abandoned for being too weak, or have been hidden in hopes of acceptance, meaning they are resistant to assimilation. Both possibilities are negative.
They will say:
>illegal immigrants are needed to do the jobs that Americans don't want to do
You will say:
>That's fine; but why should non citizens or green card owners receive tax payer funded social programs? If these people are truly adding to the economy then surely tax payer funded subsidies shouldn't be necessary. If they are necessary then clearly our economic system is incapable of supporting them and our politician must have ulterior motives for importing and subsidizing workers that the economy is incapable of supporting.
Opposing immigrant labor is an unnecessary position. You need only oppose granting non citizens social programs funded by tax payers. That shifts the argument and exposes the oppositions true motives.
Make the following argument, OP:
Illegal immigrants, by definition, are low education and low skills - if not, they would easily immigrate legally. They increase the supply of low-education and low-skill labour in the market. This decreases wages for low-education and low-skills workers; immigrants also increase rent prices (since they can't buy), which is also damaging to poorer, lower education individuals.
University students, politicians, educated professionals, and the wealthy typically support immigration. The reason for this is that immigrants don't compete with them. In fact, immigrants drive down service sector wages, making our lattés and nannies cheaper.
Thus, the rich and comfortable cynically support migration, making it into a 'moral' issue, when really it's about having a cheaper slave-caste. The poorer and less educated oppose migration, not because they're racist, but because migrants threaten their ability to become middle class, by dragging the local proletariat down to 3rd world levels.
Also, migrants rarely form part of unions, damaging union jobs - the only way many low-education Americans have of accessing a middle class dream.
Present this argument, and accuse everyone of being a cynical bourgeois. Use Marxism against them.
You are either underage or you did not follow the 1 year lurk rule so gtfo
40% of americans born here use gov assistance?
What the fuck?
Don't forget to cite your sources, be prepared if anyone asks where you get your information and don't say Sup Forums. Use dept of Justice etc. Like Ben Shapiro does. Shapiro has good debate taticts
you can argue all you want you wont change a liberal if he has already made up his mind and is being reinforced by his peers