What do you absolutely hate the most about niggers? Don't summarize, one piece at a time.
I'll start, faggots: They are spectacularly slick for such illiterate two-pedaled animals.
What do you absolutely hate the most about niggers? Don't summarize, one piece at a time.
I'll start, faggots: They are spectacularly slick for such illiterate two-pedaled animals.
Other urls found in this thread:
CIA Niggers
They are SOOOOO thin skinned.
They pretend to be tough when running in packs, but they're really cowards, not real man. Real men are brave, and if they have a child they provide for it.
I really hate the way they look.
wide nose, sloped forehead, pubes for hair, everything about them is just wrong.
I hate people that vote democrat, and most niggers vote democrat
>atheist who had a message from God
What a fucking loser
Bring me more. I am getting there.
Straight coonin'
got a bunch i'll dump
confessions of a public defender
South Africa
they stink
t. blind man
burn the coal, pay the toll
more tolls being paid
Heavy toll paid.
Black on white crime
murdering children brutally
a classic
subtle differences?
Brain differences.
I'd be interested to see an Asian on this
Beasts of the field, like in the Bible.
Different skulls, but still overall acceptable. They got to drink out of the white water fountains back in the good ol' days.
Correct. Also checked.
>Lei-Montreal Dewayne Armstrong
a fucking leaf?
math is fun
They're on a pretty level playing field with us I think, until you start getting into the Asians too close to poo land
at least they are humans.
The fact that they're so easily manipulable. The left/jews maintain the culture that strips any chance of success from them then gives them affirmative action to throw them a bone to keep the uppity niggers in check. Its the whites and republicans, totally not your awful fucking culture.
Africa needs to be conquered and reformed. There is literally 0 reason to let it continue. They aren't making advances, their lives are trash. End the misery now and claim the resources for the civilized world.
Why are abos on the human side in this??
If you mean conquered and reformed like what happened to the natives in N. America, yes.
why is that last graph counting that outlier, in fact why are all these graphs counting that outlier. also why is it that there's more crime when the black population is low compared to high.
I have an odd proposition?? What if we created a bunch of 'sleeper profiles' on twitter. Added a ton of white lefties, and when the time is right, dump a ton of this shit out of those profiles. See how many we can redpill?? Sure those accounts will get banned, but who cares.
>there's more crime when the black population is low compared to high
chicago, while it does have a problem of fuckery with its people also has a greater problem with its government and the people running
i read the graph wrong, i saw the black dots bunched up near the bottom of the graph and assumed that meant that there were more crimes committed when the black population was lower.
Ive seen about 20 niggers in my entire life in deep south NZ, all actual africans. They seem alright. Some Somali refugees were given a house up the road from my mates place, and the little niglets are always playing outside, while all the white and chink children are inside, presumably playing video games. I think that's a plus. On the other hand I hate rap and rap culture which has turned all the younger generation (10-20's) into useless wiggers.
They have little to no concern for other people or societal norms.
> Be me, working at the gun store.
> Two bucks walk in, want to check out rifles.
> Surprisingly have two kids with them that belong to one of them.
> No trigger discipline, no muzzle discipline. I'm doing Matrix shit just to avoid getting pointed at.
> Groid dad shows young girl a youth rifle, doesn't give a shit that she's sitting there yanking on the trigger.
> Here I am trying to be polite telling them not to flag me, and they still don't give a fuck.
They simply cannot comprehend anything outside of "me me me".
That's a classic.
you know I'm not sure. I do lack a source on it but a while back I read that they are even more genetically distant from humans than sub saharan africans. Honestly I think Australia's abundant venomous animal population selects against intelligence on the local population. Abos probably did migrate from africa, but somehow after leaving southeast asia again, when selected against intelligence, their dormant nigger genes reawoke.
Intelligence is genetic.
The biggest lie we're brainwashed to believe in at school is that we are created equally
Have another classic.
DA fuq
A mongrel race.
Is math related to science???
I applaud him trying to be compassionate, but if we could turn back the clock, I'd hope we'd choose a different route
Are you smarter than a gorilla?
that nigga has mad jaundice. look at his eyes. that's liver failure famalam.
Thank you kind sir, may I have another?
Checked and believed. Sand niggers are terrible too, they spray and pray, I saw one cook his buddy's face with an RPG back last.
They are not beyond redemption but have been poisoned by (((hollywood)))
They steal, cause the majority of the crime in America despite making only 13% of population. They bitch about everything. Then some of them claim to be superior despite doing nothing.
Spent a lot of time around Iraqi Army when I was over there... Fucking Christ is that shit terrifying.
I'll tell a story
>on bus to pick up truck from the garage
>bus stops and picks up nigger wearing full on gangsta atire and gold chains
>HIGHLY unusual around here
>turn of headphones and become alert because Sup Forums has taught me "around blacks never relax"
>sits at the front of the bus, the nerve of this cheeky darkie
>thicc African accent
>has a pleasant convoy with the driver and I start to realize he may be harmless
>gets off a few min later and thanks the driver and turns around and says bye to everyone on the bus.
>me, confused and suprised that he didn't chimp out, and seemed to be a normal human bean.
I'm sure this is rare outside of moderately small city NZ
I'm white, so probably lol. Just joking with you user.
I hate that they don't know where you live.
Niggers are terrible, but Africans are usually pretty chill. While there will always be overlap, Africans tend to hate niggers too.
Oh I heard stories, I didn't have to work with them TOO much, just occasionally. Our QRF helped them repel an attack on their checkpoint couple times.
>his name pronunciation guide
my fucking sides
Here's another good one.
When I was in the Army fighting in Iraq back in the day, I had a black subordinate. Typical Houston ghetto nigger type. Ghetto nigs are really common in the Army and they're all buddy buddy with each other, regardless of rank. Ask any red pilled white, Asian or beaner Army vet you run into, they'll tell you the same shit.
I remember sitting at the smoke shack having a smoke with this monkey in between missions. I asked him what he was going to do when he gets out. He told me "I am going to go get on welfare like my mama has been on welfare her whole life." I didn't even know what the fuck to say to this guy. Here is this guy, gets himself out of the ghetto, makes something of himself in the service, and explicitly states when he's done he's going to get on the government teat for dem gibs.
I just put out my smoke and walked the fuck away, dumbfounded.
That's the moment where I realized I hate nigs.
I met a cool Kenyan soccer player once, played for Kenyan nat. Team, good guy. Met a cool Ugandan mercenary type guy too. American nogs are the worst tho.
Wow, he prolly cost the VA hundreds of thousands by now
every fucking commerical is niggerfied, i swear its time to start hunting add reps.
They was kangs.
A lot of them are falling for the Sovereign Citizen shit, and it's hilarious - the Moor thing is growing quickly, too. They're sowing the seeds for genocide, because they're getting more and more belligerent by the day. When niggers start claiming they don't have to follow laws...shooting them as the only alternative is coming.
Africans who have the opportunity to leave that godforsaken continent tend to either refugees who will be grateful to get out of Africa (their descendants on the other hand...) or relatively bright folks who got their shit together and emigrated.
Either way: in countries that aren't in Africa and didn't import Africans for slave labour, most of the Africans you come across will be harmless.
>Africans are usually pretty chill.
Tell that to a white South African.
Go ahead. I triple dog dare you.
Gib me some more like dis wite boy
I hate that our military has to have "smoke shacks". Fucking liberals. If you're in a war zone, or near one, fucking smoke up.
Stupid coalburner
Probably homeless in the street cause he couldn't even figure that shit out. I live close to Chicago... they're everywhere.
>African goes to US either to escape homeland or seek economic opportunity
>terrified of being sent back so he respects the customs of his host country
>African in own country has no reason to treat anyone with respect because GIBSMEDAT & ALL U WYPIPO IS DEMONS PAY ME
>enabled by a tyrannical, despotic government
It obviously doesn't apply in South Africa, but the situations are different. In this comparison native South Africans are no different from the North American pavement ape (nigrus vulgaris).
is that the only quotes from the bible that can be turned into racism?
They're such good dancer
Saw the buddy buddy shit in the Marines. Ive seen nigger E3s talk to E8s like they're back on the fucking block. The best part is if I even think about doing something "disrespectful" I get counseled. Lets not forget white higher ups have to take extra precaution when addressing niggers because "dey be racis and shit." Black females in the military are by far the WORST.
Fucking niggers ruining everything.
>in before 404
>Be me @ 24
>At "the club"
> $6 Vodka or rum fishbowls
>get drunk cuz I was a degenerate back then.
>Piss off sheboon in "the club" cuz I'm drunk and give no fucks
>Friends leave, I finish my beer & leave. Need more smokes, cuz drunk
>Walk back past "the club" after buying smokes. 10 niggers standing outside.
>I relaxed (they'll ignore me if I display confidence)
>Eat concrete. Get up, some fat sheboon hollering in my face.
>nigger that punched me from behind snatches my wallet.
>I follow, demanding my wallet back
>Nigger tosses it back minus cash.
>Look down briefly to stuff wallet in pocket.
>Eat concrete again.
>Get back up and walk back to car.
Fuck niggers. I'm getting concealed carry, prob a S&W Shield 9mm w/hallowpoints.
I'm 32 now and don't drink and I stay away from anywhere that accommodates niggers.
I don't hate niggers, I hate the Jews that prop them up and defend them. Niggers themselves are fascinating. Lovecraft described them perfectly when wrote, "a beast wrought in semi-human figure." Niggers have some familiar traits but they lack so many more; they exist in the uncanny valley of mankind. They are capable of experiencing all of the existential troubles of man, but they have none of the human traits necessary to acknowledge them. To see dread or depression in a black person is such a pure thing. It sits at the surface, obvious and unaddressed, yet the nigger himself is totally unaware of its presence. They sit and they suffer, and if they somehow managed to find peace, they wouldn't even notice a difference.
I appreciate the way that they are able to express human realities in a totally primitive and animal way. Expression with no higher thought, raw and pure and totally unaffected. Some of their music sounds like what I'd expect a dog or a mule to say if it learned how to speak. Just look at this:
Animal emotion with no self-awareness or "higher consideration." Totally amazing. It is somehow relateable, it is familiar to my deepest and most animal parts, but foreign insofar that it is totally inhumane. The nigger animal just absolutely blows me away.
Sorry you had to learn the hard way.