what do you suicidal fags think about to keep you here?
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If I actually start thinking I'll end it. I try not to think.
Porn, vidya & weed
Been putting it off for a couple of years.
similar desu
arigato gozimasu. keep bringing in the animu
ehh, normally forced to do shit i hate and now i am barely holding on
thats my honest opinion...
Wanting to see where the world goes. As long as you're alive, you still have the power to change things.
this is honestly making me less depressed but im used to being depressed so im in a twist...
I guess I'm afraid of death. From a religious standpoint, if you kill yourself you go to hell anyway. From a non-religious standpoint, there's just "nothing" when you die. That feeling scares me. I don't know what it's going to be like when my conscious stops.
>I don't know what it's going to be like
It's going to be like what it was before you were born.
Also going to the gym keeps me sane, if i stop going for a week the suicidal thoughts come back
The hope that when civilisation collapses that I might be able to finally exact my anger upon the world.
When you've become so down, suicide is pointless and too tiring. So I just get fucked up, because after years of service and deployments and coming home to nothing except hate for the everyday sad sack who blamed their problems on anybody else. You get numb and move on.
>what do you suicidal fags think about to keep you here?
reincarnation is my worst fear
I rather be tortured to death than reincarnate back to this muslim feminist liberal shithole
i already killed myself, this is just me enjoying hell as much as possible. stop being a whiner, op, just do whatever until something weirder happens. if you're truly suicidal you'll be able to float and if you can float why bother doing it yourself?
The key to happiness is to find some way to live that's not about release of dopamines. If you get addicted to pleasure you will eventually end up depressed.
Been there , i killed myself in February, it was awful.
Suicide is sin. If you're thinking of a way to kys. Why not save someone's life in exchange for yours? Sacrfiice
Retribution. Vengeance. Justice.
I push myself through all the bullshit and tell myself I'll live longer than those that piss me off. Once they die I'm going to spend my days filling buckets with my piss so when the time comes I can douse their graves in it. Then they have to spend the rest of eternity bathed in my piss. I'm not sure what happens after you die but whatever happens I know the people I really hate will have to spend eternity soaked in piss. Even if heaven is real and those fuckers go there, I hope they look down day after day just watching me piss on their graves while they can't do shit. This is what keeps me going. We will all make it user
because id rather be dead then live in the hell we are in right now
the thing is im not even trying to please myself, im trying not be hated by everyone, so my plate is overflowing, im trying to please everyone without blowing up.
good idea, hard to do practically
I wanna see how this all plays out, I wanna see how my country tears itself apart. I wanna see how the world tears itself apart. It's morbid curiosity to see if i was right all along.
Family, of course.
I haven't been suicidal in a while though, once you embrace a semi-monastic lifestyle, life becomes quite worthwhile.
All you need is a single bed, a meal a day, two changes of clothes and maybe something to read.
Have thought this as well. If re embodiment is a thing it's likely not as straight forward as just respawning in an infants body 9 months after your death.
What's worse than the Holocaust?
>6 million Jews.
Dying blows. It's no release, you need to be alive to feel a release. It's the nothing.
8 years ago I had cancer, I lot 80lbs, organs about to fail, hair fell out, couldn't walk, the thirst alone drive me fucking crazy.. hour after hour lying down, day after day. It rots your mind.
I survived though. Sometimes you need a near death experience to appreciate life.
Was suicidal for a few years also been working night shifts last 2 years. Recently stopped night shift(2 month ago) and am on day shift and all my suicidal thoughts are gone. What kept me going was understanding the potential happiness of life outweighs the bad things in my life and death.
Japanese always honorable.
Some reason i want to experience that, then i wouldn't be pressured so much
I got a bunch of family members to take care of. Playing music used to be it. Now no time. Otherwise I’d take a bottle of sleeping pills and roll off a cliff.
agreeable, honest am into asians
yeah, same but its hard to keep sanity
>because id rather be dead then live in the hell we are in right now
you're not understanding how this life/death thing works
You are responsible for your own misery. It's all in your head man, and you need to look deep inside you to find out how to stop fucking yourself. This means not writing a self narrative where you are a loser, choose a different one for fucks sake.
That being said, in the meantime while you start repairing yourself, think about this. In the same way that fate can fuck you over and ruin your life in an instant, it can also open doors for you that you would never imagine.
similar, but am suicidal throughout the day alot more recently
but you know better now so there's that.
you're being a whiner on here.
I failed so clearly I'm not very good at it. I'll probably die of natural causes next week, that's my luck.
I remember as a kid Id never broken a bone, I tried for a solid 2 week to break one, and nothing worked.. Week after I was out on me bike and I fell off and broke me foot.
you do not understand the meaning of the word "whiner", false-flag.
As long as you’re alive, mobile and conscious, you’ll always have the chance to be happy.
i consider this a hell hole, being dead means everything is nothing and you cant do anything, literally, the nothingness is what i seek
The fact that I don't know what's after death and that it's probably nothing. I'd rather have something than nothing.
Oh, and Classic WoW being confirmed by Blizzard.
The idea that when I finally get old and decrepit I can invite my son and his family over for some Sunday dinner and then go kill myself so I'm not a burden
I love life you faggot beta depressed pussy
Thought of betraying my family. I'll go when they go.
I look forward to new video games, and the hope I can find the will power to become fit and find a husbando.
weed/writing poetry also helps me keep my mind off ending it all.
so a minute of happiness for
days of depression, nah
You still believe all that bullshit you complete faggot?
>minute of happiness for days of depression
That's the beauty of life m8
I honestly don't know.
I could die any day, no one would know or even care.
I got nothing.
Just endless fucking failure in every level of my life.
Tastes like salt
Are you me? I once described my living conditions as a monk's cell, and was asked if I said Prison cell ...
Did someone write "suicide?"
yeah, but it hurts, other than depression, the only thing i smile for is anime... like jesus christ why the fuck does everything seem so dark! i just wanna fucking shut in but if i did... id rather die then when they come...
Go and help out at a final weeks cancer patient resting place. It's very sobering.
I spent a few weeks on a dialysis ward with people who's kidneys were failing. Some almost every day had to pay down, have big injections to take all their blood out to clean it buy the machines.
One girl I talked to there was 20 and was awaiting a kidney transplant. One morning I went to see her and she had passed away in the night.
If you are not ill and are able bodied suicide is fucking stupid. It really is.
>trying not be hated by everyone, so my plate is overflowing, im trying to please everyone
Dude, don’t do that. That’s a doomed task. Help when you can and ehen they need it and when you want. Trying to please everyone is impossible and would make anyone wany to kill themselves. You need at least part of your life for yourself and interests. They’re just using you if they don’t reciprocate.
My mum (pbuh) died from cancer in March after a hard battle. Keep up the good work user
Waiting until after New Years to ragequit. Doing it around this time of the year would be unnecessarily cruel towards what little family I have.
I think of my nigga Jesus and what he has planned for me
true... but im nearly forced to.. they expect me to act normal about it all
Maybe, I also have the hermit tarot saved. Not the Pepe one though, thanks.
Simple life is the best life.
simple life, id kill for it..
life isn't supposed to be one big happy fest, only hedonist fags think that. Life is the same as it's always been. People used to go for long periods without food or water, they got used to it and carried on. We have to go for long periods without true joy, it's the same thing.
Nigger don't make your family have your funeral in the winter, everybody will hate you more than they already do for making them stand out in the freezing cold. Spring is prime suicide season.
i know...
but some of us arent cut out for it... you know natural selection, right?
no matter how much you want to die, there's always someone that deserves it more
>forced to pretend things are normal
Sort of cryptic. What does that mean? Are you living in your parents house or a kidnapped massage parlor worker or something?
i wanna see what happens after the bombs drop
Look at:
You’ll know it’s all worth it when you feel it. I’d say...
Do what I did and start hitting the gym, reading books, being vaguely “in the know” about normie memes and media and improving your appearance. It’ll be hard and take a long time but the qt’s and socializing will follow. Don’t worry if some are niggers, shitskins or a gook like me, if you live in a semi-nice area they’re probably the few good types and the race war is not going to come next week. It took me two years to improve my body, social skills and appearance to the point where I lost my virginity with no effort. Another year and I now have a normal, albeit less active than usual social life. That’s how I like it because I legitimately prefer shitposting and redpilling to being around normies and doing degenerate shit like getting shit faced. Haven’t gone out since Halloweekend and I’ve only gotten smacked twice since then.
but then they don't, they just keep on abusing their family... i've seen it, tried to help, but told to never talk to any of them again...
Useally I hope things will get better even though the world has proven me wrong and wrong again.
Idk I had a girl once break my expectation that I am a social reject but turned out she lied the whole time and was a fucking thot engaged to some lard-ass who was a cuck and played weeb games all day. But I was happy for once in my life and maybe, I'll stumble on something like that again except this time she won't be a thot.
Idk I've been essentially in solidary confinement for the last 15 years, alone in my room. At least I keep myself company.
What's holding you back, m8? Kids?
i cant explain my living situation., my apologies
Over the weekend an user posted a suicide thread, and one theme many touched on was one I hadn't personally thought of in my own. Pic related.
tl;dr - if you've settled it that you're going to do it, you're free. Fuck it - go out in a blaze of glory, go do something super risky but life affirming. Either you survive and grow from it or you die, which you were going to do anyway, in some random and ultimately pointless way.
I was thinking about ending it before Trump got elected. Now im just enjoying the ride. I've pretty much checked out, dropped out of college and just taking it easy
Trump winning kept me away from killing myself desu
Like life got exciting again and had new meaning
Maybe anime, maybe.. i dont know, people say they "care" about me but i dont see it
What’s stopping you from doing the telling and taking control into your own hands
because i dont have access to what i need
I guess. That's partly up to you though. I like to see the periods of depression that I go through as external, like I'm going through a desert or some sort of boreal forest. Most normies live in the jungle. They're not always comfortable, but they have more comfortable "emotional climate" than I do. That means I have to find ways to adapt, and those adaptations will ultimately make me stronger and more powerful than them, much like Euro's became smarter than nigs by evolving in the cold. Find a way to adapt to your current state.
Yeah, i just kinda miss my old self every once in a while, he was a good guy and didn't deserve what happened to him.
But yeah, i feel better now.
Quads for truth
Dont think about it that much that u start planning, thats what´ll get ya.
Also pic related
Now, some jazz
Only one thing pic related
I killed myself in 1996, my body just hasn't got the memo yet.
Man I never even noticed that. Far out. Shazam!
>fuck up a shark with a harpoon
This is like Riggs from Lethal Weapon
Myself and some dudes I deployed with have an internet circle where we check up on each to make sure none of us have blown our brains out.
I got divorced recently and since I am still a rookie cop I have odd hours off so who knows when I will get to see my kid.
Getting into fights on the job is still pretty fun. The raging highs and the stunning lows from experiencing that initial stress and subsequent adrenaline dump is always interested.
Inadvertenly ended up cucking some dude by fucking his girlfriend. Not proud of that but I didn't found out until after she took me home.
I guess disaster is just a bottle of Yukon Jack away.
Same here, curiosity
the only thing keeping me here are a lack of access to firearms, an inability to tie a noose or acquire the rope for it, an aversion to pain, incompetence behind the wheel that keeps me from getting to tall bridge, and all around laziness
guilt was a big part for me when i was. just thinking about much itd hurt my family and howd they blame themselves. it didnt make me feel better but it definitely helped keep me alive and sort of makes the only acceptable option to better yourself
you are a gigantic faggot. your ancestors cringe.
You can live simply with people caring for you.
Fuck, dudes..
I have thought about suicide for just shy of a decade now. I'm not religious, not an atheist either. I don't have a fucking clue what happens. I have a wife and two kids, I suppose I stick around so as not to muddy their lives.
Fuck, man.. I will say, the gym thing is legit. Going to the gym regularly keeps you in your body and out of your head (to a degree). As simple and elementary and pseudo-scientific as that may sound.
Anywho, back to lurking. Fuck you fgts