/peg/ - Psychedelic Enlightenment General

How many polacks have opened their third eye? How has it changed your political opinions? What psychedelics have you done? I'll start:
>I have tripped on LSD, various acid research chemicals, shroomz, DMT, and cannabis.
>I used to be a bluepilled failed normie cuck
>only drank
>wanted to join the army
>wasn't redpilled on wome at all and got cucked numerous times
>went through phases of being a neocon shill and Marxist commie faggot
>try mushrooms
>get the feeling that everything I have ever known is inherently wrong
>trip on psychedelics any chance I get and in any situation
>realize that Americana and global society in general is totally and irreversibly fucked beyond repair
>start reading anti-government literature
>IRA, Timothy McVeigh, Ruby Ridge, and Waco are my obsessions/talking points
>all this eventually leads me to learning about Mouse Utopia, UNABOMBER manifesto, and the social phenomenon "Anomie"
>Take the Evola pill
>mfw I am riding the tiger and am heir to the new world; the golden age of man

Other urls found in this thread:


good luck user
once you learn these things it's hard to stay on track

I don't post often , but this is wisdom

Sometimes ignorance about some things really is bliss

Some days I agree but sometimes it truly is liberating

Drugs are for pussies.

You are no different that those you call normie cucks.
The golden age of man has no room for intoxicated pussies.
Off yourself alread.

Psychedelics aren't regular drugs and you don't do them to have a good time considering you could have the worst time of your life if you aren't spiritually ready.

here's my story
>straight edge normie in highschool
>friend kills himself due to depression 16 years old
>start smoking weed and going out more
>fall for the hippy meme
>lose my straight edge friends and now hang with the drug crowd
>learn that most hippys are fake and degenerate scumbags
>become libertarian
>use all types of substances while reading about conspiracies
>that leads me to the federal reserve conspiracy which gets me into bitcoin
>eventually get arrested for drug possession
>become straight edge again but not by choice
The government is corrupt, society is corrupt, your phases of marxism and neoconservative are all misdirection to divide and control the population

Best times of my life were using psychedelics, hiking, going to concerts, meeting people.
Enjoy the liberation but understand that by going against the machine it will make you pay.

Holographic Disclosure

1 youtube.com/watch?v=QWbYne9LyFI

2 youtube.com/watch?v=cl0EwVR9YzE

3 youtube.com/watch?v=keaDk01sZT0

4 youtube.com/watch?v=bTPEkWp7RL4

5 youtube.com/watch?v=xj8DkPmKcJk

6 youtube.com/watch?v=-KqntgsB-co

7 youtube.com/watch?v=3IrxAWetwVw

8 youtube.com/watch?v=k-E03mLKbac

9 youtube.com/watch?v=wOLNgJ8N4pM

10 youtube.com/watch?v=WrnuyUjDyQ8

11 youtube.com/watch?v=_SDGBCo2dJE

12 youtube.com/watch?v=3LRjkjY0R9w

13 youtube.com/watch?v=sUycIhICA9M

14 youtube.com/watch?v=8Cll_yZcaZw

The Unmasking

1 youtube.com/watch?v=DjnHw3pJ_7Y

2 youtube.com/watch?v=ERPAtxMe_cM

3 youtube.com/watch?v=eyYRvJ6WYWY

4 youtube.com/watch?v=mC7hU8v53T4

5 youtube.com/watch?v=z-H73-YqXFE

6 youtube.com/watch?v=WIVmAX1p0Dw

7 youtube.com/watch?v=P2tE3Ak8omk

8 youtube.com/watch?v=FRqZbcMRdoI

Illuminati introductory training video


Final Cut

>Enjoy the liberation but understand that by going against the machine it will make you pay

This is true. However, can freeing the soul ever be worth less than anything the machine has to offer?

What a fucked up order on a lot of things.

yeah uh... no

You only need one deep trip to "get it." One moment of eternity contains the full story. Everything after that is just a reminder. I still trip once a year or so, but the goal is never to remain in that state indefinitely. Nowadays, a trip is like a nice visit home, instead of a trip abroad. I surrender, embrace the suffering and the beauty, take a deep breath in, let a deep breath out, smile. Then back to reality. Back to the drudgery, but still wearing that smile. At the end of the day, we are human beings, not gods, and we each need to find our own way of being in the world.

A nice toke can really set your mind free. My friends get lethargic, hungry, and stupid when they smoke, but my mind opens up and I can go even deeper down the rabbit hole. You get to the point where nothing matters anymore, and that's where shit gets real. You have to give your life meaning, because it inherently does has none. Get busy living.

>same tier as ecstacy
meme is shit

Drugs are degenerate as hell. Kys OP, you're a worthless subhuman.

you should quit that shit op. it'll rot your fucking brain.

GHB puts muscles on your arms.

Fascinating. I also got into bitcoin. Made a lot of money but legal problems have bankrupted me. And the hippies were pretty fucking fake. I mostly tripped with the autists I grew up with. I only tripped with hippies at festivals.

Checked and I've seen the whole series. It was kino.

Freeing the soul is the goal.

Agreed. I don't trip as much as I used to.

Well said gay user

You should read what I replied to the last retard like you.

Not LSD or shroomz.

It depends, I don't regret using psychedelics at all but things are a lot harder now. I lost my rights and been to jail.
Just tread carefully. The government didn't care about psychedelics until figureheads started saying turn on tune in and drop out. That threatened their revenue and power.
If it wasn't for bitcoin I'd be fucked, it's karma or something that happened to me where the state railroaded me but I'm doing ok on the otherside

we are just barely at the beginning of the iron age though

Why do you say that? Evola believes we are on the tail end of the Kali Yuga

I want to experiment where can I find some cubensis mushrooms in Portland?

I am glad that you have your bitcoin user. Hopefully after we sort this all out we can restore your rights.

The tyranny of the machine is why I no longer participate in psychedelia. I bought my ticket, took the ride, got the message and now I try to free others.

One doesn't need psychedelics to see outside the 3D "here and now" although they make it a lot easier.

read "the lost star of myth and legend
sorry was mistaken, we started the bronze age...
so the dwapara yuga

you can order spores they're legal in like 48 states
or if you're willing to put in time to learn there are hundreds of different psilocybe varieties that grow wild, not sure if they'll be cubensis though

fuck off fed.

i am so glad that the agencies are filling up with the stupidest of mouth breathing cretins.

I've tripped over 50 times

Seeing the pathetic state of most psychedelic users makes me realize why the CIA thought it was a good weapon

I'm curious, how does it "rot your fucking brain?"

when my son was around two there was a batch of blotter being dipped and he got into the Pyrex baking tray used to dip the blotter... got a damned big dose of pure LSD-25.

Once a friend told me he was going to be coming over with some Crystal L early in the AM. I told him to quietly come into my room where i would be asleep and sprinkle some onto my lips so I;d start tripping in my sleep and see what kind of dreaming would happen..

You live in Portland. You should be able to easily find LSD and shroomz. Just meet some friends at a bar or music festival. If you are in college or high school that would also be a great place to look for a connect.

How did he react?

Way to much of a hermit to have friends.

nah nvm, i'm just fucking with you op. you're fine. keep doing all the psychedelic drugs you can get your hands on for the rest of your life. You won't lose your mind or anything. ignore me.


Google it. You're welcome.

It doesn't, what it does is vastly change your perspective of reality. "It'll rot your fucking brain" probably comes stupid people using these psychedelics. LSD or whatever else doesn't change your intelligence; but rather it's effects are far more profound and exponential if your mind is able to comprehend the experience, and pull meaning from it. If not, the effects are severely if not completely limited. Worse still, a lot of stupid people have self-esteem issues, and by taking substances like acid, if your mind silently focuses on the negative, it will grow exponentially in your mind into the most fearful things they can come up with. Combine that and being unable to cope/process it, along with the lack of ability to process it when sober, is why you have stupid crazy people who got that way from heavy psychedelic use.

It's an elixir that isn't meant for everyone. It makes you more of who you are. If you're a negative pessimistic person, it will be the greatest poison. If you're an optimistic, hopeful person who wants to explore the limits of human understanding and beyond..... you'll have experiences that human language is incapable of describing.


I found out about this earlier, actually. Have you ever tried LAD or 1P? In terms of acid, I've only done 'normal' LSD. I'm definitely intrigued though... apparently some people prefer those two over the original.

I wasn't there.. I learned about it after the fact... obviously he was with experienced heads .. I wish I'd been there and made sure he was ok .... not an optimal event since the brain is still developing at that very young age but maybe that was also a blessing since its got so much growth going on any injury was inconsequential.. he;s a good kid and smart but unambitious ... seems to suffer from the casual approach to life his mother had.. not everyone who took LSD walked away from everything .

also that multi-part vid is 100% bullshit twaddle and should be ignored. Satan is knowledge? Good luck with that.

>Just burning marijuana flower lately as I am trying to finish my college education. Can't really work a real, full-time job anymore so I find myself with plenty of free time to study and think. With weed, for once in my life I could take a pause. I could stop and breathe, and recoup what had happened this week or this month. It lets my brain slow down enough to let me appreciate mundane, normie, basic bitch, mainstream culture and associate with the people that associate with that blue-pilled culture.

I find these days, we are so busy we miss the most important things of our very lives. I used to be so uptight, blue-collar worker 24/7 with conservative viewpoints. I was already here then, but now, after having been able to re-organize my life with a new career, I'm starting to even doubt some right-leaning sources and open to both sides instead of just being grounded in it. It has also allowed me to tolerate liberals and beta cucks and slows me down from strangling them so that's a plus.

Both are as good as LSD.
1P is almost exactly like LSD as far as I can tell.
AL-LAD is a lighter and shorter acting brother with more visuals.

>be me
>have a decent amount of friends in high school, not super popular but not one of the loses
>drink every now and again, hate having hangovers before school
>decide to smoke pot
>smoke pot every day for next 3 years
>"ya know man, it's just not doing it anymore"
>ive seen friends lose themselves to coke, xan, codeine, etc addictions so im not about to try that shit
>try mushrooms, 2gs
>try em again, another gram more this time
>and again
>and again
>and again
>my last trip was about 7gs
>by the end of it i convinced myself i'm the reincarnation of john lennon and i still believe it
>this was 8 months ago
>i need somebody

>not just anybooody!
>you know I need someone!

I did alooooooot of LSD and Shrooms back in the late 80s and early 90s. I smoked pot daily for over 20 years until I had kids and now I toke maybe 8 weeks out of the year, and I know this about my experience with hallucinogens...it gave me perspectives in my thought process that I dont think I would have had without them.

I have several years worth of flashbacks after I had not done shrooms or 'cid, though I would never go back and change that, as I feel as though I have a much more panoramic way of thinking compared to most.

It gave me some of the

Only done weed, but it really has changed my life. I grew up in an abusive single-father household and have PTSD/complex-trauma. I didn't realize how truly fucked up I was and how to relax until I started getting high. I've really gotten in tune with my spiritual and creative sides as a result. Biggest struggle for me is learning to be confident and healthy without it. Specifically looking to regulate my homeostasis and get rid of my social anxieties. Therapy doesn't work because I don't trust people, let alone anyone in the medical field.

>when i was younger
>so much younger than today
>i never needed anybodys

Hmm, maybe I'll buy a bunch soon. My sole source for everything for the last decade died about 2 months ago, and even though I've ordered from the darknet before 5-10 times, it's a last resort for me. And who knows how long these cousins of LSD will remain legal.

>seen friends lose themselves to codeine addiction


legit i knew a guy who was straight a english student

by grad he hadnt drank in 6 months and he still cant talk without sounding like a tard

i mean we're dealing with canadian high schoolers so they arent the brightest bunch but still

heh...it gave me some of the moods I've ever felt, and for a long while, I always wanted to live in the state of tripping, indefinitely.

You have a self-esteem issue. You're determined to escape your reality with shrooms. Look where you're at now. Nice job.

Ask yourself in front of a mirror
>why do I deserve the be breathing right now
>why am I being degenerate and not giving back to society what luxuries it has allowed me

This. The only way to truly know yourself and your conscious is to take a mind altering substance and find peace.

i already gave back to society

i made some killer records in the 60s

my records were so good they inspired some dude to murder a bunch of people

if only he didnt name his grand plan after one of pauls stupid songs

Psychedelics made me realize I didnt want to kill myself and I wanted to be a better boyfriend. I realized I had potential I just needed to be motivated and to take action. My first book is being published in january, I've just started a new job, my business is going well, and Im getting married in February.

Wouldnt be the man I am today with that shroom trip.

My biggest hit was probably ~125 micrograms of LSD. It was pretty neat, and having sex on it was amazing. But I didn't really have any "experiences", per se. Do I have to up the dose to experience the fun stuff? Whats the dose threshold to really smashing depression, learning stuff about yourself, etc?

>And who knows how long these cousins of LSD will remain legal.
Thing is, the government doesn't seem to care about lysergamides, thankfully. They've all but eliminated NBOMes in the market and thus far less ER visits and deaths. Lysergi is the NA distributor for Lizard Labs, the folks responsible for synthesizing all of the novel lysergamides. Very good company, shipping from Canada.
The Indole Shop is also recommended. Our leaf friends have the best psychedelic vendors.

Properly-stored lysergamides last almost indefinitely.

I don't know who you are, but I'm happy to hear you turned shit around.

Everything in moderation.

1. Takes drug that effects the senses, perception, and thought process.

2. Believes anything they thought while under the influence.

Damn this younger generation are stupid.

It doesn't matter, the intent to consume, to go out of your way to do so, is enough to make one akin to any other trash. You may sincerely believe your degeneracy is special and "not like the others" when it involves psychedelics, but that's not a valid argument for them, just like a junkie being for junk isn'.

LSD is promoted by the CIA and other intelligence agencies, why?

>smart but unambitious
>It has also allowed me to tolerate liberals and beta cucks

Total pacification

Timothy Leary was a CIA agent, Terrence McKenna was a CIA agent. Instead of aerosolizing it and using it on soviet armoured formations, it was better suited for civilian use

>getting high on chemical weapons

This is coming from somebody who did "heroic" doses, it's all just a meme

>dude fractals
Even coked out wallstreet traders realize this staring at a computer 12 hours a day, or a 10 year old child staring at a leaf

If you need to take chemical weapons to have major insights into reality you have low intelligence I'm afraid

Once pol figures out that psychadelics enlightened people to the point of narrative, philosophy, and language, they will see the truth. Psychadelics are our heritage and our history

That's great to hear. And thank you for the other source.

Have you noticed a decline in potency after awhile?
Does that happen if you use it too often?

This. They aren't 'fun', they're a mind fuck and can and will send you places you don't want to go. But you come out the other end with new perspectives and it makes the journey worth it (if you make it back that is)

Half of Sup Forums drinks alcohol and most people here consume fast food. Nobody gives a fuck about your retarded moral standards or anyone else's. Fuck off.

no dude its fake shit the jews are adding to the supply

Typical leaf. Psychadelics initiated us into consciousness. If you have no respect from where we came from, then you are assuredly the prototypical leaf

>chemical weapon

i probably would be 5 times better at math if i never smoked

try morning glory or hawiian baby woodrose for a easy diy trip. it's fantastic far superior to lsd if you ask me.

but this doesn't make any sense... why would the CIA want to squelch American's intellect? We need invention and ingenuity... the CIA would be hampering American success by polluting its children s minds with soemthing that robs them of their ability to reach their potential.. who would gain from such a program?

Where did you hear that? Terrence Mckenna the self admitted CIA agent's "stoned ape" theory

Has anyone here done DPT?

Stone cold sober Americans were landing on the moon while the LSD users were rolling in the mud at woodstock, so much for ingenuity and innovation

JBP talking about shrooms and shamans

lsd shrooms and ayahuasca are the most valuable to people trying to be productive in society in the big picture

Man leaf cucks really are degenerates. If psychadelics were anything like booze or heroin or opioids, we would see dependency, no practical medical application, and life damage to those that partake. The science indicates the exact opposite for all of these points In Regards to psychadelics

Psychedelics cause immediate tolerance, that takes at least a week to return to normal. Too much can cause an indefinite tolerance increase as well.
Tripping should be a rare thing anyway. You get more out of any drugs if you space them out. Receptors need a break.

And it's hypocritical coming from a supposedly "redpilled" board.
>I don't care
>therefore drugs are good

>Stone cold sober Americans were landing on the moon
The space-age was built on amphetamines.

I've noticed a strange taste after its been sitting around for too long, but not much of decline in potency.


yeah especially a lot of different drugs use the same receptors.
also please avoid those serotonin re-uptake inhibitors friends

still your premise has no basis in reason... merely because many who used acid became losers others who did achieved success like Jobs and Kary Mullis en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kary_Mullis

I think in my son's case he has merely used his experiences and innate intellect to skate through his life.. finding his own simple existence enough while leaving potential unrealized maybe because the acid created a false impression none of it mattered

I've done LSD and DMT about a dozen times, never really experienced much spiritual insight tbqh although God might have spoken to me briefly when I was on DMT, on the other hand weed has definitely made me a better person

Kek. You think the CIA faked ancient stone carvings and ancient paintings too?

Alex Jones is acid pilled
Trump seems acid pilled

>i'm degenerate for advocating sobriety
Ok then. And show me one instance of any practical application: you can't. It's purely recreation despite what the odd study may or may not evidence.

he admitted that the CIA supplied his first DMT trip, which was basicall unheard of back then. I agree there is potential for this but
Alan Watts and Alduos Huxley are definitely not CIA

You think you have breakthroughs when you're high on cid, then you become sober again and realize your breakthroughs have no meaning in the real world.

sigh I can not wait for july 2018 I will be high every day