Eugenics thread

>You must be over 6'2" to post in this thread
>You must have an IQ of 130 and higher to post in this thread
>You must have 100% germanic genetics to post in this thread (heritage from Germany, UK, Netherlands or Scandinavia)
>You must have or have had at least a 7/10 girlfriend to post in this thread (shows good social intution)

Now that we've got the top 0.1% of Sup Forums gathered in one place, lets discuss the potential application of eugenics in the modern world.

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Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.


You must show your flag to post in this thread

Chad reporting in

y'all are trying really hard with this meme

not cool, dude

>tfw i will always be slightly under 6 feet

Come at me lesser-humans!

Step one to literally any plan should be to wipe jews off the face of the earth, so that is step one of how to implement eugenics, step two is to eliminate niggers, at least 80% of them, 100% of those not in Africa, then after this is done we start implementing eugenics.. And that is how you start implementing eugenics.

People like this don't come on to Pol sorry larpers

Are you tall enough to ride the roller coaster.

>145 IQ
>100% germanic genetics
> had 9/10 gf

BTFO lanky

UK is not germanic. Holy fuck you are stupid.

cool, what is your bodyweight and how much can you snatch/clean &jerk

142-147 IQ range

>You must be over 6'2" to post in this thread
tallness is not an advantage.
I don't want to be gigantic
5'9" is fine, efficient. a lumbering colossus has a tougher life.

the number of people who meet that criterion is 1/1000. maybe less, but i assumed that height is distributed the same within the 130 iq subgroup as it is within the normal population

lol kid im 6'6, 200lbs and only models
have fun with your grenades bud

exactly what a manlet would say

no idea. Wouldn't be much comparatively. I'm 6'5" so lifts aren't impressive as far as weight goes.

>uk is not germanic
>English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England and is now a global lingua franca.[4][5]

looks like you're going to have to exit the thread, my sub-130 iq friend


It's true though. Lankies often have more health issues and back problems as they grow older.

5'10 is an optimal height

>Now that we've got the top 0.1%
>the number of people who meet that criterion is 1/1000
this is the most burger thing I ever read


are you serious? if i wear heels i’m taller than you. need 6” at least.

Unless you are insanely rich you are fucked because such technique would have high demand. That means only the wealthiest could afford it and ensure superior traits to their descendancy. Over time humanity is divided in two castes and you are not among them.
So much for the Kraut blood superiority. Cant even see this coming lol.

Have you seen pictures of Sup Forums meetups? And those are probably the most normie ones, I can't imagine the kind of shut ins that shitpost here all day long about jews and whites.

larping as a female when

im not lankie at all bro, i lift daily and am ripped.

Top 0.01% alpha male reporting in.

I'm 7'5" 268lbs 2% body fat. My dick is 11" and my is IQ 237 ± 5. Love me guys, please

> taller = automatically better
> not basing your assumptions on character, personality or physical health

This is nigger tier logic

damn impressive boy

Italian here, just so you know Italians were building Empires in the ancient world while you Germans nomadic tribes with no technology.

don’t do this to yourself

Enjoy your final moments whitebois, glorious mediterranean race will assimilate you

italians are moorish rape babies, youre not welcome here 52%



IQ is a fuckin lie probably the rest of the shit too. Doubt the pic is even real at the point


You also must have a Net worth of 1 million USD +

>8/10 Face.
>112 I.Q (actually tested) 130-140 on meme pol I.Q tests.
>1.4 million dollar networth, top 3% for my age.
>blonde hair, blue eyes.

haha i love that part

Sup white boi, i herd u wuz keepin da white wimin here.

Do you even know 1 piece of information you didn't learn from a Hollywood movie or an internet forum?

>You must have an IQ of 130 and higher to post in this thread
>have or had 7/10 GF
Trannies don't count.

We need to start paying people with serious genetic dysfunctions to get sterilized. That way we can normalize eugenics and make people more comfortable with broader and stricter applications.

>I’m sub 80 IQ therefore everyone else here must be

It really is, but in an ideal trans humanist world It world be more comfy to be a taller man.

I meet all those criteria except I've never had my IQ tested. But I think it's sort of a moot point anyways, in 20 years or so once we have genetic engineering in humans and full knowledge of the human genome, we can all become ubermensch, and a lot of our political problems will be solved as a result.

After the hell I've seen people pay for lying on Sup Forums, no user, not lying. I'd just as soon not post or at least make sure I was using a proxy.

lol bud dont even try to argue with someone with clearly a higher iq than yours

Guy looks good, too bad he is a brainlet cuck order follower
Could have been son of Aniki
Oh well

im lonely

if it comes to that, height will be meaningless due to advances in genetic manipulation

people who fit those descriptions are too busy actually living a good life and not posting on a taiwanese image forum

>le 56% meme.jpg

6’3” IQ of 146. White with blonde hair and blue eyes. Produced 4 boys, my oldest is in the MLB. My wife and I make over 300k a year and we have a live in girlfriend. My life fucking rocks. And everything I just said is 100% absolutely true. No bullshit.

And checked
You've got it all user

I match everything here except I'm half German and half Jap.

Well anyway eugenics is still around, it's literally on an individual basis. Standards such as race mixing are present in media as a means of disintegrating "option" from average folk.

There really isn't much hope, just focus on bettering your own circumstances.

that is one swarthy fucking man

is he some kind of scilian / danish mutt?
how does his skin get so fucking dark?

>5'10 is an optimal height

Exceeds reqs. I'm fine with the US being a big melting pot. I don't think every country should be like that, but if we could get media, schools, etc out of the hands of (((assholes))) it could be a pretty cool thing -- for those who want it. I do wish France would stay French, Germany stay German, Sweden stay Swedish, etc. with a small 10-15% minority immigrant population. People need a homeland. If I want to visit a Muslim nation, I'll go to Iran. And that's all good. But NOT Germany!??

Seems to me )))somebody((( did a bunch of work on eugenics 80 years ago. Should we dig into that?

>tfw shortest person in my family and I’m 6’1”

Why even live?

show your flag faggot

My mom gets like that, 100% Baltic genes *shrug*

She is also 6ft

i came here to laugh at this

Tall people live shorter lives, are more likely to be injured by mundane things, and have slow reaction times.

Nice flag jew

>not understanding blood pressure and beating hearts.
Its the same reason my 10 inch cock takes forever to get rock hard or stay hard. I get so light headed will a full hard on and im 34

ok manlet

It actually is though.

Your organs are stressed athe very inch beyond 5'10. Square cube law of thermodynamics.

Indeed it's all about balancing your stats. What is optimal is not the same as ideal.

I'm everything except the gf part, can I still post? I'm only 20 so I'm not a wizard, just haven't met the right girl to marry yet

I can post here, no I cant.

because fucking spanish came here instead of germans or anglo cucks

That guy in that photo is one of the prettiest men i have ever seen. Does he have children? He must reproduce for our cause.


>trying to justify his shitty genes

>1 post by this ID

Although this seems good on paper and short term, but society and civilization requires beta and low tier shitters.

I do not mind a world filled with the "top 0.1%," but that type of world would most likely be
>constant competition with other alpha
>alpha vs alpha all day every day
>constant war
>no advancement in most fields
>regress back to the bronze age in time

I would take the comfy of a home, working toilet, central air, etc. over shitting in the street/killing all potential alpha that would take my place when I am passed my prime.

>blood pressure
Pretty much every man would choose more height over worse blood pressure.
The candle that burns brightest burns shortest
(shortest -- lol)

King of manlets sorry you already lost.

I'm only 5'4" but my cock makes up the difference
>think about it

>arbitrary muh dick meme pic
That some really persuasive stuff.

I meet the last two.

I don't know my IQ, but I'm an attorney.

Unfortunately, I'm only 6'0".

You realize that a scant 40 years ago fuckers your age were already on their third child.


similar to me

>131 IQ (Mensa test, SD 15)
>Blonde hair, hazel eyes
>reasonably /fit/

>$150 to my name (math and EE double major in college, no time for job rn)

oh you dont want autistic manlet geniuses? fuck you we will make our own manlet hapa ethnostate.

Perugod reporting fucking mongrels , we are the true master race 160 IQNCA BLOOD

>You must have or have had at least a 7/10 girlfriend to post in this thread
lol Such high standards until you get to girls. Lot of good your perceived qualities do you when you consider having had a 7/10 girlfriend (who probably dumped you) alpha.

The dude in that picture would spit on, OP.

>Never had IQ tested (people say I'm smart)
>Brown hair, light brown eyes
>Skinny, don't lift, physically demanding job
>$10,000 in bank/gold/silver
>Employed since 18yo, never fired
>5 acres of land

No GF....

Preaching to the choir?

Wide hips.
Poltards might be on your dick, but ur not fooling me, /fit/izen.

>You must be over 6'2" to post in this thread
>You must have an IQ of 130 and higher to post in this thread
>You must have 100% germanic genetics to post in this thread (heritage from Germany, UK, Netherlands or Scandinavia)
>You must have or have had at least a 7/10 girlfriend to post in this thread (shows good social intution)
Went on a date with a 7/10 the other night. I guess I qualify.
>Now that we've got the top 0.1% of Sup Forums gathered in one place, lets discuss the potential application of eugenics in the modern world.
I'm not opposed to it, but evolution is hard to trick. Humans get domesticated to make civilization safer and better but then they get cucked and collapse. Hard to strike a balance.

My dad had 4 kids by age 28. Blows my mind.

Repect, Dad. Respect.

tbf the height thing is true. tall men were designed to expire earlier. in a niggerland that height gets you an advantage and you get to breed before your pathetic life ends, but in a eugenic society longevity is key to breed a wise people. 5 10 should be the minimum allowed.

>You must have 100% germanic genetics to post in this thread (heritage from Germany, UK, Netherlands or Scandinavia)

How to spot an amerimutt: the thread

Hey everyone.
Heard about a eugenics thread and thought I'd stop in and say hello.

this thread again...

>High IQ

pick one