Why did I have too see Cnn for this WHYYYYY Lavar Ball is a Dunce youtu.be
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Holy shit, how fucking retarded is this nigger?
I can feel my brain cells fucking dying envisioning the mental gymnastics this nigger is making up just so he can continue being an asshole and a hater.
Should have left them to fucking rot in chinese prison. Waste of political chips.
Wow.....why an idiot. He makes Fredonia here seem like a genius.
My brain is seriously fucking melting.
This is the dindu attitude. And this is a high functioning nigger -- think about that.
I dont have time to watch all that. Was CNN supporting Ball or opening the eyes of liberals to how blacks are literally retards
>Was CNN supporting Ball or opening the eyes of liberals
The plan was to support Ball.
Him being a nigger, it backfired.
CNN inadvertently show everyone what a real nigger is like.
Sup Forums'S closed. Aids
fucking ungrateful...
holy shit this guy is actually mentally retarded I think
>23 minute video
>no time stamp for good bits
You do know that most of the people here run No-Script and Ad-Block, right shills?
Ayy hol up
>Did he axe a question about going to china? >Where wuz he when he wuz?
>What did he axe?
>Was it was because of dem boys? Or did he just be in China just because of he was axeing a question?
>Where wuz you axeing we wuz you wuz he wuz.
>That's why I say: Fuck Trump
>Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would be discussing geopolitics on CNN Chris. Let's live this dream together like you done said.
Obstreperous as fuck
peak nigger intelligence at work
Trump is getting trolled by this retarded and failing lol.
He actually said his boy dindu nuffin. I used to think that phrase was just a meme.
>he dindu nothin
literally dindu dad lol
Jesus fuck, we have go coexist with these things? Fuck me, we're doomed.
Literally verbatim says dindu nuffin.
Jesus fucking Christ.
It's all good nigger
This dude is crazy. Nike offered his son a sponsorship deal worth 10 million and he refused it to stay with dad's BBB brand.
This guy is rough on his sons, he is the Joe Jackson of basketball.
>People could go around saying I did this fo yo son I did that fo yo son. I ain't tryna hear none of that.
Fucking priceless
Lavar wanted a Nike contract for his 3 sons for the small price of 1 billion.
fuck you for posting this, fuck cnn, and fuck this nigger... what an ungrateful cunt
Is niggerroundball really worth that much money? I thought pro sports were dying
Anyone believe his son is a legit 4.0 student?
>when nu/pol/ realizes what we've been agreeing on all along
This is like a Key and Peele skit. Almost like that Keagan coach character from MadTV days. Even sounds like him. Very good troll.
>Let's live this dream together like you done said.
>admitting in the interview that you were coached
lol, you get what you pay for, CNN
No lavar is just being a dumb nigger. Lebron did get a lifetime contract reportably worth 1 billion. Lonzo Ball is the only one of the three Ball's that will make the NBA, and he'll be an above average player, but not a superstar.
false. this was one of those bits where mr down the middle disagrees with a ranting lunatic to prove his chops so when he says something about something that matters you give him the benefit of the doubt.
Holy shit that horrible pullup form. That horrible everything form. I am triggered.
"When someone ax me a question"
Why is the word "ASK" so hard for niggers to say?
it's all deflection, what are you talking bout willis shit, he is just luke, this is nothing, he dindue nuffin, what are we talking about, what are we talking about...........
fucking niggers, he jus sayin if he talks long enough you get tired of talking to him cause he's wrong
he admits to his song shoplifting, and no consequences, what a fucking nigger
He has a 100 word vocabulary, that is his main problem.
Hol up hol up
is that the ghetto preacher guy?
I can't be the only one that sees the similarity.
I felt too tired after watching this.
if he had three lebrons fifteen years apart they'd be worth 1 billion but by the time lebron number two was 35 he'd be crying slavery.
even the shoplifting nigga must be embarrassed by this shit
My god you can feel cuomos already garbage IQ being drained with every passing second
it's how to signal you haven't sold out.
lavar ball is the embodiment of niggers jumping the shark
Why do I want to see this guy run for President?
I deal with niggers like this on the phone, they don't even want their problem fixed, they just want to argue, the interviewer actually did a good job dealing with this nigger
louisiana niggers are the fucking worst, I wish that state would drown in hell fire
I think Lavar is doing this on purpose for attention desu
He couldnt hide his troll smile
Why would you assume its just a meme?
wow Lavar ball is annoying af
IQ estimate:
>it's how to signal you haven't sold out.
His wife is white.
he blames everyone but his son
He is doing it for attention, but it is pure instinct. That guy does not have the intelligence to plan anything.
This is one unbelievably dumb self-centered assclown.
I'm 8 minutes in
I cant keep watching, this is maddening
in the youtube comments section 50% of comments are "u go lavar" and "yeah fuck trump!". People actually watch this and think "this is a smart man who I agree with".
the absolute state of USA.
Disgusting stretchy monkeys
this nigger just feels disrespected and can't verbalize why. it's all about his feelings of inadequacy and feeling he's being forced to bow down to the white man. but he can't articulate it so he just makes shit up. and niggers can't control their emotions.
Does this nog speak English? I'm having a hard time comprehending anything he is trying to say
>Does this nog speak English?
He likely understands a little English but is only able to communicate in Ebonics.
Ay get yo shoes nigga
stop it
jesus christ I'm 13 minutes in and every single reply he gives is i dindu nuffin
Twitter is funny
That CNN faggot probably got redpilled from this. Holy shit what a retard.
>Would you have thought blah blah?
>Never in my wildest dreams.
>As you live this dream blah blah.
Reddit spacing. Stupid nigger.
literally this
they aren't sending their best
only place i want this to go from here is lavar on joe rogan.
Best interview of all time. Ultimate redpill for all American sport fans. Spread it far and wide
Notice they're all dindus and stupid conformist females backing Ball.
No fucking intellect to be found.
Every fucking youtube comment is defending this raggity ass nigger???
Could only get past the first 8 but for fucks sake.....
i would agree with your meme if that shit did anything on reddit. But reddit just clusterfucks your posts no matter how many spaces you put in.
literally dindu nuffin....god, you're fukkin' klling me here !!
i'm beating the desk, like henry in the shower in goodfellas !
This is exactly and the only thing that happend
/end thread
85 IQ causes blacks to perceive dimensions that bigbrains dont even know exist
Holy hell. I expected a bad argument, not full-on mental retardation. Even the anchor is taken aback by it.
Black people communicate through tone rather than meaning. Since his responses are nonsensical and avoidant, anyone of average intelligence will have trouble discerning his "message". But if you translate his tone, the way he says things, and his general mannerisms he is saying "Nah we dinndoo nuffin, we jus doin what we do in China (nigging) n they too uptight (enforcing the law), n trump ain't playin this fool because my boi didn't get to ride in his plane, n he got plenny a room on dat plane (Air Force One) or get all tha fixins(free dinner) at the whyppl hizzouse (White House). So no I ain't thankin him ( leader of the free world for having my son released by speaking to the leader of the communist world)."
why didnt donald trump apologise to the central park 5?
trump hasnt allowed science or evidence to change his initial reaction to the case, just this week trump said he still considers the men, again exonerated, guilty!!
Literally the whole thing is good.
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