Rep. Joe Barton gets exposed
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Who is dumb enough to do this?
Protip NEVER include your face, even for your wife
Anyway consenting adults so whatever but hes toast nonetheless.
Impossible. Republicans are hardworking, honest folk.
ughjjj....the internet was a mistake.
yeah but did he boycott israel
lets chec
oh this is only senators
Why the fuck would you take nudes of yourself when you look like that?
>ohh yeahhh this person seeing my huge fuckin' gut and tiny cock is gonna get em sooo turned on heheh
looks at that testosterone physique
truly the republican body all americans should aspire to have
some chicks like big old fat rich dick.
that could be anybody, fake news
no, they like rich.
There's hardly any dick there it's all buried under crotch fat
based leaf making appearance with his infamous reaction image.
>putting your face in dick pics
Fucking noob.
looks more like barney frank
Can someone explain? I'm still not sure what the hell im looking at in that twitter post. Was him letting that dick pic slip intentional?
Oh shit is that really Joe?
He's been in office since 1984, rip.
The Congressman sending nude pics to people who don't want them along with videos and messages. Apparently there is a video too.
what the fuck
great tits or greatest tits?
pic is from March 2012
Isn't the he one who looks like he has Down Syndrome
Like Corky??
RIP Barty
So? That makes sense, look at the quality of the email image. She probably didn't know she still had a version of it anywhere but found it on a brick phone and decided to come forward.
>boycotting israel isnt a left wing retard thing to do
Happy to see republicans and dems go down - the whole system is fucking flooded with compromised pervs inserted into power positions - they are actually getting off easy, to be honest
or its fake news, like it is.
t. kike
Denying your own eyes now? You'd stick your dick in a light socket if liberals told you not to.
his yeasty balls are aged to perfction
holy fuck boomers are stupid
What State/district is he?
>inb4 Google
Fuck you, I'm tired anons.
And you wouldn't want us exposing ourselves!
Yeah, you're right. Boycotts are a waste of time. A thermonuclear warhead would be a real solution.
>you might not like it, but this is what peak efficiency looks like...
Ahhh Texas.
here's the archive
hope all the brainless verified libs can get pinned for body shaming him soon.
The face isn't enough. We need to see the penis to confirm it's him.
Barton's just a horny fat man trying to smash. I don't think that should be a crime.
> representative not showing
the real question is who the fuck would censor that benis
>mfw all of congress is going down piece by piece.
All trumps plan. We in the storm.
I'm beginning to think that part of the job description of being a federal elected official, is to be a sexual deviant to prep them for the ultimate debauchery of kid-diddling.
Yeah Go Team Red! Blue team is stupid!
Gib Gestalt pls
Was he Never Trump?
>be horny over someone
>it's """harassment""" now
fuck this soy country
I'm more offended by the poor photography skills, bad angle and lighting.
Is this the same 0HOUR1 or a shill taken it over?
Hahahaaha holy fuck my captcha: HAMPTON PRUNES
I am starting to think, even with all my problems, I am the last non-degenerate person on the planet. Apparently I am the only fucking person that can keep his dick in his paints and does not feel the need to take photos or grope random women.
Would an asteroid please strike this planet and cleanse it of life.
Same zero..
We follow each other on Twitter.
What is LARPhour going on about now? Does he actually have something?
where the uncensored version
He does have something. He doesn't really bullshit. He can from time to time not be able to make up his mind, but he is pretty honest.
You really want to see it? haha
Half or two thirds of the "sexual harassment/assault" allegations are just men hitting on women, you fucking retard. Its a matriarchal revival.
>You really want to see it? haha
fuck yeah
my friend wants the uncensored version to compare penises
Yeah i think this is all fake but go ahead
Why can Republicans not stop from committing sex crimes at the moment???
This. It's fucked. But this train has no breaks
Democrats too. Theyre both as bad as each other. Hence trump.
This. It signifies an actual swamp draining might be in progress, rather than just the picking of some low hanging fruit to appease the masses.
So... will this have some form of damage on Trump?
You'd have to be brain damaged to see them as equal.
Apparently there are 264 sealed payoffs by Congress for sexual related bullshit.
I think we are about to see a lot more stuff drop.
Friendly, neighborly reminder to GAS THE KIKES, RACE WAR NOW
There is no less evil kiddie fucker dude.
Democrats took down republicans and claim to be the cultural moral compass and look here turns out power corrupts just as easily.
There is no left or right. Everyone in power is an arsehole. Get the fuck over it and get on board with your peers for the class war.
Nur wer der Minne Macht entsagt,
nur wer der Liebe Lust verjagt,
nur der erzielt sich den Zauber,
zum Reif zu zwingen das Gold.
He who the sway of love forswears,
he who delight of love forbears,
alone the magic can master
that forces the gold to a ring.
>there are tons of culprits on the right and some on the left so everyone is evil anarchy!!1
So john conyers and this guy are now into some shit huh?
Leafnigger still shilling his fucking own tweets!
Holy fuck he musta been sexting with hope solo
Can i get a quick rundown on this? Old Republican guy from Texas waving his dick around online? Really?
i never fail to bait the muslims
This person in no way is a nutjob.
Democrats keep doing infidelity.
Republicans keep doing kiddie fiddling, rape, and being busted for soliciting gay sex while campaigning publicly against gay rights.
Mate I'm the same. I'm an originalfag and I have come to the tentative conclusion that Sup Forumstards, /k/ommandos and Sup Forumsacks have always been totally straight laced people larping as pervs, until we found out that every other fucking person on the planet is an actual real life weirdo.
Captcha Bains deliveries
It's time he did.
Wasn't kevin spacey diddling underaged men?
Also, don't for get your boy carlos danger.
a tale as old as time
song as old as rhyme
>Wasn't kevin spacey diddling underaged men?
>Also, don't for get your boy carlos danger.
Spacey and Danger were aiming mostly for people of age but occasionally missed.
In contrast, there's a slew of Republicans who were outright kiddy fiddlers.
Bob Menendez fucked 14 year old prostitutes in the Dominican Republic
barton is pro daca, fuck em
Yup. Who has _all_ the dirt on the Congress, including the blackmail material used by Feebs & CIA?
The NSA.
Who effectively declared allegiance to Trump by briefing him before the inauguration without permission?
Why have 18 Republican Congressmen for Life decided to resign to spend time with their families?"when they finally have the majorities and the payola will flow?
NSA has their dick pics. My guess is this guy didn't take a hint and quit.
Please don't share the regular pic. It's beyond awful
did you "this" a (you)? lmao absolutely pathetic. I thought lefties didn't care about faggots being gay